Supreme God King

Chapter 2580: What to do with me

Kyoto Royal Pavilion is very famous. In the early years, it specially provided some monsters and wild beasts brought back from battlefields outside the territory, and made various dishes. Later, it was once a slave trading shop. The monks and prisoners were all bought by the boss of Yujing Pavilion and sold here.

In recent years, because of the enlightened rule of the Zhenzong emperor, the slave trade has gradually been abolished. Private transactions cannot be eliminated, but the blatant Yujing Pavilion cannot.

Therefore, Yujing Pavilion began to produce various wild beasts and monster beast dishes, and also sold some rare monster beasts, and even sold a brave egg back then, which caused a momentary topic.

In addition, there are some precious treasures from outside the territory, even rare flowers and teas.

To put it simply, Yujing Pavilion is a very high-end place that specializes in selling foreign treasures.

Today, there were three guests from Yujing Pavilion. The owner of Yujing Pavilion is also a veteran **** king who is more than half a million years old. He also has very venomous eyes. I only think that these three casually dressed guests seem to have some background, but no matter what No matter how he looked at it, they were all three **** kings, nothing else.

Since it is the king of gods, then take good care of it.

These three guests were two men, a woman, and one of them. They were big and bloated. This is not common among **** kings. The realm of **** kings has long been able to change the physical structure, so People at the first level of the gods are often very outstanding, but their temperaments are different.

But this bloated man was not only bloated, but his face was also full of flesh. He felt hateful when he saw it, and he looked fierce. What's more strange was that there was a scar on his left cheek.

The other man looked more unusual, with a standard figure, a standard figure, a book growth shirt, a white jade square scarf, and a jade brave twisted in his hand. He looked very gentle and kind. This outfit was in Kyoto. , Also considered common.

The law of the heavenly dynasty is not a humane dynasty. The Nangong family of the celestial dynasty is not a human race, but an ancient lovebird. This race seems to have half the human blood, but the main physical sign is still single-winged.

Every lovebird tribe has a wing, the weak lovebird tribe, this wing is simply chicken ribs, can not fly, and the powerful lovebird tribe does not need a wing, this is the strange part of the lovebird tribe.

However, one-third of the Dharma-xiang celestial dynasty are all lovebirds, and only they know that all the lovebirds have to find their own Taoist buddies from their childhood to be able to stay and fly. The Dharma-xiang heavens, Because of the strength of the Biwing Bird clan, this ancient tradition is gradually lost.

Only to this day, from top to bottom in the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, even the emperor is often monogamous. There are very few three palaces and six courtyards, which has always been in line with the lovebird tradition.

Except for one-third of the races, they belonged to the Lovebirds clan, and the other one-third were very messy. The monster clan occupies a large part, and there are also some human races, and some other wild beasts.

However, from a very old age, the Faxiangtian Dynasty has been imitating humanity, all kinds of legal systems, and official governance. Therefore, walking in the Faxiangtian Dynasty, especially in Kyoto, is no different from walking in some humanitarian empires. Wearing a book growth shirt, a white jade square scarf on the head, and a jade brave in hand are very common in Kyoto.

The last woman can be regarded as a common dress, a woman disguised as a man, but she didn't care about her dressing up, just casually dressed in men's clothes, she was very graceful and looked like a woman.

Women pretending to be men are also a feature of the Faxiangtian Dynasty. Because of the imitation of humanity, the status of women in the Faxiangtian Dynasty is generally low. It is only in this generation that the Emperor Zhenzong was wise and open, changed many customs, and even gave his daughter Nangong Jingyu and other princes. The same status, plus everyone now says that there are two and a half days in the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, half of which are emperors, and half of them are simple, but the status of queens and women in the world of mother rites has become higher and higher.

So traveling in men's clothing, which used to be very weird, just like men wearing women's flower skirts, now seems quite normal.

Just such three people sat down in a position on the second floor of Yujing Pavilion, ordered some rare food at random, and no one ate them. They just sat and chatted, but the content of the chat was not serious, just chatting.

The bloated man first poured a pot of jelly into his mouth. This jelly is a real good thing. It is an extraterritorial battlefield, brewed by the blood of a certain wild animal. It is very expensive. It has the effect of pure soul and transforming flesh. , The average **** king must be a treasure when he gets it, but he is so casual.

"Father is about to step into Taixu, this time beheading the gods is of great importance." The woman first spoke, and then frowned at the bloated man: "Prince Yong, why don't you remove the tea marks on your face? Zong? Didn’t the Palace Master of the Human Palace say that he can do it for you, what are you still doing?"

"This is a medal." The bloated man grinned indifferently. "I met the evil **** on the battlefield outside the territory, and I was able to use the tea from the ancient dragon whisker tea as a weapon, leaving this unhealable brand scar on my face. For this reason, my father also said that I am heroic, how can I easily remove it?"

If these words are spread out, the entire Yujing Pavilion will be blown up, and even the boss will immediately drive away other guests, because this bloated man is not bystander, but is the 18th son of the current emperor, Prince Yong.

"You swallowed too much, too much power is accumulated in your body, and you can't digest it. This is not necessarily a good thing, gluttony is sinful." The woman continued to frown.

Prince Yong smiled and threw a few pieces of barren beast meat into his mouth. This behavior is quite inconsistent with the **** king, the realm of the **** king, swallowing the vitality and spiritual rhyme of the world, it is all about meditation and cleansing the body, but he is completely different.

"Sister Qihuang, you don't have to worry about me, brother." Prince Yong said casually.

The identity of the woman was immediately clear.

The seventh child of the current emperor, the Seventh Sister, the Princess of Beidian!

"Forget it." The princess of Beidian shook her head: "It's still about the father's visit to Taixu. This is Taixu's trip. Father doesn't know what he thinks. After planning for so long, it is different from the previous emperors. , They were all secretly planning, and then went straight to Huanglong, but the father did not hide, I am afraid that there will be many dangers in Tai Xuzhong."

"We all know the strength of the emperor." Prince Yong, the eighteenth prince, smiled and said: "I really don't believe that the emperor will be defeated by Taixu, and it is not our turn to worry about the emperor."

The princess of Beidian frowned deeper, and her whole feeling was a little gloomy.

At this moment, she turned her head and looked at the man in the book-length shirt by the window and said: "The master seizes the concubine, the old eighteen does not understand. Now there are three people who are qualified to seize the concubine, one is the three emperors, and the other It's the eighth and the other is the nine. In your opinion, if your father is really surprised, who will inherit Datong?"

The man wearing a book growth shirt still looked out the window without turning around.

"What to do with me?"

He only said a word.

The princess of Beidian immediately became a little angry: "Champion Hou, what do you mean by this? It's you who held this gathering."

"Does the party discuss the matter of seizing the protagonist? I just want to chat with two emperor relatives and relatives. After so long in the foreign battlefield, it is rare to come back and miss the two."

As the man said, he turned around and said with a cheerful smile: "I'm just fortunate that I was born in a powerful dynasty like the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty. When many dimensions of the universe are suffering from the catastrophe of the era and the disaster of extinction, we can still be here. Gossip, how beautiful."

The princess of Beidian was angry, but did not speak for a long time, and finally sighed: "You will always be like this. Champion, no matter who can inherit the Datong, you have weight. Today's Faxiang Tianchao Those who can speak in the court, except for the leaders of the 27th sect, that is, King Taiping and you, don't you really have any ideas."


The champion Hou said, and looked out the window: "I'm very curious, what will the **** king do?"

"What?" The princess of Beidian stood up in the clouds and mist caused by a word from the champion, and looked out the window. She saw a familiar face on the street that caught her eyes.

Princess of Nandian, Jingyu of Nangong.

But the champion Hou was not referring to her.

It was a young **** king in a green shirt beside Princess Nandian.

At this moment, a huge wild beast, like a dragon and a horse, was rushing towards the young **** king from one end of the street.

And above the dragon horse.

There was a man with a handsome face but a wicked smile.

"The servant of the Ministry of War?" Princess Beidian asked in surprise.

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