Supreme God King

Chapter 2597: Destiny

The voice of the middle-aged man echoed fiercely in this world. Although it was difficult to fight against the mighty Meng Fan, it was still like a clear stream, reaching the ears of every person in white.

The white-clothed gods of the Taiping Army's expressions became more solemn than ever.

"Destiny suppression... Destiny suppression... Unexpectedly, this ultimate assassin that was meant to be used on the Emperor Zhenzong, but was used on the Xiaotiandao that I was waiting for..." Zhang Shou's unspeakable pain, those two see more The eyes that have seen many vicissitudes of life also show endless oldness.

At this moment, a shadow flashed by and fell beside Zhang Shou lightly. It was not someone else. It was the girl who saw the hourglass passing by with her own eyes and went here again, attacking Meng Fan, but was swallowed by the river of meditation.

But at this moment, except for a little weak and haggard face, there was nothing unusual about this girl, and she appeared in front of Zhang Shou!

This scene is really weird.

Meng Fan’s long river of contemplation swallows all things and lives, and ends infinite vitality. Although the girl has deep roots, she is just a **** king. Compared with Meng Fan, who is the **** king of the Four Tribulations and the creator, she is weak and pitiful. Swallowed, but suddenly appeared.

But Zhang Shou did not have the slightest unexpected expression on his face.

"How?" Zhang Shou asked hoarsely.

The girl's face was gloomy and she seemed to have lingering fears: "It's too scary..."

"In this world, there are one hundred and eighty **** kings, although they are all devout believers who walk the way of heaven, they are more powerful than ordinary **** kings, but no one can be his opponent if taken out alone. "Zhang Shou's eyes were locked into the distance, Meng Fan, who walked in the void and was completely gray: "Even your father."

"I've never stepped out here." The girl's voice trembled a little, as if she hadn't walked out of her fear: "I don't know what the outside world is like. I just thought my father was the first-class powerhouse. Earlier, I asked my father why he didn't kill the Emperor Zhenzong directly. Now it seems...I'm too naive."

"You are three hundred and eighty years old and become a **** king. Of course you are still very naive." Zhang Shou solemnly said: "From ancient times to the present, no **** king character has been roaming for thousands of years, with infinite and profound background and greatness. Only by the chance and amazing will of you? You walk the heavenly way, the martial arts are smooth, you have heard from the heavens several times, and you have never been frustrated. Do you know that if you are not blessed by the heavenly way, and he is a little heavenly way, plus you are In his eyes, it doesn't matter, so after swallowing, he doesn't care about you. As long as one of these conditions is missing, you will definitely die."

"I see." The girl nodded, seemingly calmer for an instant.

After all, she is the one who "dead" once.

There are not a few people who have crossed the long river of underworld and walked out safely.

"Grandpa Zhang, you have waited for him for so long. Now, according to Mr. Ouyang's intentions, do you want to use the fate mill to obliterate him?" the girl said again.

Zhang Shou looked tangled.

"At the beginning, I thought I was the chosen one. When I knew that my arrogance and my overpowering had killed so many devout believers in the Tao of Heaven, I chose to use the most cowardly way to escape—— death.

One hundred and fifty thousand years ago, as the champion of the King of Two Tribulations, he was full of spirits, as if he was the No. 1 rookie of the mammoth Faxiang Dynasty. In several encounters with other supreme celestial dynasties, the champion Hou gained a reputation.

However, I was in the prime of the year. Although I did not enter the two catastrophes, the power of heaven is always at my side. The laws are torrential and driven by me. Champion Hou faces me, and the odds of winning are small.

Many people in the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty said that Chu Yunshan gave the champion the credit for beheading me. This is to buy people's hearts and establish his own faction. In fact, it is completely wrong. Because even if it is Chu Yunshan, if he wants to fight with me, although he has a 70% chance of winning, he, as the King of the Four Tribulations, will not be able to retreat from me! "

The girl's eyes widened: "Of course Grandpa Zhang is so tyrannical?"

"I am not tyrannical." Zhang Shou shook his head: "The powerful is the way of heaven.

So the object of my fight back then was Chu Yunshan, or Emperor Zhenzong, but these two old and cunning guys pushed the champion to the front. I wanted to die, but I didn’t want to die in the hands of a young poster, so I fought with all my strength. , Intended to challenge others after beheading the champion.

Unexpectedly, this champion Hou was truly a man who changed his fate!

He is a man who curses fate, hates the sky, and has a strong killing intent. He doesn't care about everything except power.

His life was very miserable.

It was completely relying on my terrifying willpower to reverse life and death in the most difficult predicament step by step, and came to me.

On that day, he sought to kill, and on the 9th, Chao Wei fist was successful, and at the most critical moment of the duel, he turned defeat into victory.

At the time, I felt relieved.

It's worth it for me to beg to death.

Died in the hands of a champion who is destined to become the most powerful minister of the law.

But God did not let me die.

I sent my soul to this world, and sent the few Taiping army **** kings scattered all over the Faxiang Tian Dynasty here one by one.

I reshaped my body.

Once again got the will of heaven.

I understand that I am alive because I still have tasks.

Find the person chosen that day for God.

When the news of the Creator came out from the heavens and all realms, I was extremely excited to hear that someone had made the Little Way of Heaven. Before the final disaster came, I was able to find the chosen person and pass on the true meaning of Heaven to him one by one. This is What a glory!


Zhang Shou's eyes became more vicissitudes and fatigue.

The girl had no words, she was hesitating.

He was hesitant to tell Zhang Shou about the hourglass at this critical moment.

At the moment she hesitated.

In the void, bursts of bells and drums fell from the sky.

That is... Tianyin!

It is the voice of the sky that the girl hears again and again during her martial arts journey!

The will of heaven is coming, and the power of heaven is hanging down.

More than a hundred white-clothed gods, at the expense of burning their own lifespan, communicated with the sky with their souls, and used the most powerful means of bringing down the Taiping Army, the destiny grinding disc!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shou exhaled for a long time, and said in a calm mood as much as possible: "It is said that the way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible. This sentence was spoken by the Great Emperor Chaos and addressed to the nine great gods of the ancient era of the heavens and the world. One of the old people of Dutuobudu, I still don't understand the mystery of this, but under the way of heaven, cause and effect are indeed the highest and deep power.

However, all the great meanings of cause and effect, good fortune, meditation, divine will, etc., are monuments of immortality, and power is eternal.

However, there is also a kind of real meaning of Dao Dao, which is different from other real meanings. He is growing, and he is becoming stronger and stronger with the will of the Dao Dao.

This kind of true meaning of the Great Dao has almost all the shadows of the true meaning of the Great Dao. Every time the Dao masters more wisdom of sentient beings and derives more true meanings of the Great Dao, it will continue to complement this true meaning. "

Zhang Shou raised his head and looked at the huge, simple and heavy stone gate above the sky, slowly descending.

Above the stone gate, lines of lines appear from time to time, and those who walk on the path of heaven can see that each line of these lines is a ray of true meaning!

Unable to count.

It's not that there are too many lines, but the lines are mysterious, alternating light and dark, making it unclear.

However, there must be a lot of true meanings of the avenues, and what is even more frightening is that these true meanings are interspersed with each other and blended perfectly.

As if it were "The Way of Heaven"!

And the lower part of Shimen.

It portrays sentient beings.

Almost every creature has been portrayed.

This stone gate appeared above Meng Fan's head, and everything was silent.

Only Zhang Shou's hoarse voice was still talking.

"The meaning of destiny."

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