Supreme God King

Chapter 2598: In a foreign country

The heavens and the world.

In the Era Alliance, after stepping into the chaos world, there is a rare peace here.

The fighting among the various worlds, sects, empires, and various forces has gradually subsided.

In the face of the Great Tribulation of the Era, many worlds gradually collapsed and shattered. Many of the grudges between the gods and kings that seemed to be immortal forever were taken away by the Era Alliance for a fraction and a half by the Great Tribulation of the Era.

The names that once stirred the situation are gone.

Meng Fan, the central emperor, the ancient emperor, the giant of war, the **** Xumi, the impermanent fairy king, the princess of Yueyue, Dong Miaoxin...

There is no strong man coming and going in the road of God's hidden.

Thousands of luster has been lost in the vast world.

The heavens and myriad worlds did not usher in a mighty era of tragedy according to everyone's guess, but they truly ushered in a dark age.

Ziguang Empire, Burial Ground, Wanyu, Hundred Flower Realm, and Epoch Pass were all the same quiet.

On this day, the aging owner of the burial ground sat firmly in his mansion, closed his eyes and rested.

He has maintained this state for a long time.

After inviting Princess Yue to leave the burial site and began to pursue her own path, this old man who had also been a master of the world, looked like this.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Behind him, the door of the mansion did not open, but a figure in a gray robe appeared.

"I wanted to go to sleep like this until I sit down." The landlord of the burial ground said lightly: "Today, there are too few people who can open my eyes in the heavens and worlds."

After saying this, the lord of the burial site turned around and faced the gray-robed man.

"When I was in Underworld, I never thought that one day I could stand opposite you on an equal footing."

The gray robe camer took off his cloak, revealing a tender and green face.

It seems like a teenager.

But those eyes were so cold that when people saw it, it gave birth to chills!

Too one person.

He lost two incarnations, and only one juvenile incarnation remains, which is also his deity.

"Equality?" Too one person said coldly: "You were just a small person in the underworld, and now you are still a small person in the heavens and worlds. You can never be equal to me."

The words were indifferent and arrogant.

The Lord of the Burial Ground did not show any anger or refutation.

Just whispered softly: "Too alone, what can I do?"

"I'm about to travel far away from the heavens and the worlds. A journey that I don't know if I can return, I will always say goodbye, but today the heavens and the worlds are still old acquaintances with me, and you are the only one left.

Taichu and Tai'a, both died.

The others, all in the Era Alliance, followed Meng Fan into the chaos world. "

Too one person finished speaking, and sat down cross-legged.

Upon seeing this, the lord of the burial ground immediately sat down and was ten feet away from Tai.

"This reason is far-fetched," said the Lord of the Burial Ground.

Too shook his head gently: "It's not far-fetched. Back then, I, together with Taichu and Tai'a, created the land of the earth, and built a prestigious name on the road to the gods. The name of the third wife was enough to deter one party and many disputes. , Provoked by us secretly, and ended by us secretly, the influence of the underworld is everywhere.

After that, because of the difference in Taoism, I turned against Tai Ah, from the beginning, from the most true Taoist friend to the worst enemy.

How many years, we hunted each other, conspiracy, infinite.

At the beginning, Tai Ah died in the hands of Jiuquan Demon Venerable who was resurrected by the corpse. My beliefs almost collapsed. Killing Jiuquan Demon Venerable became my ultimate goal. Interestingly, it also became a chasm on your daughter's avenue.

When Jiuquan Demon Sovereign died because of his beliefs and did not die in my hands, Mingyi, and recognized the Lord Meng Fan, I was even more confused.

So I decided to retreat, traveled through the heavens, the ups and downs, and I saw a lot of it. The past attachments, one by one, voluntarily or forcedly, let go, and then they are indifferent.

Your daughter is different. She is still young, and there is a vast world waiting for her to climb over, so she starts to look for another way. If this way is not available, she will look for another country. Your daughter is very powerful, stronger than your waste many. "

The landlord of the burial ground did not show the slightest anger, and said lightly: "I am old and unable to go any further. Even the calamity of my hit is looming. These days, it has completely disappeared. In the eyes of God, I It's not worth being killed, just wait for the day to die, and Yueyue, there are endless possibilities, walking with Meng Fan, no matter the ups and downs, even life and death, she can see a different sky."

"Hehe, it looks like a broken Hong Chen." Too one person sneered: "You can really let go of everything? If that is the case, I admire you a bit. I also thought that I saw everything through and I can put everything down. But during this long journey, I don’t want to be completely silent. Someone knows that I’m leaving, and even sees me off, so I can chat with comfort."

"The hidden giant, the man of the wind, and too one person, it is inevitable that you will feel sorry." The owner of the burial place finally smiled: "It seems that all living beings are all living beings, no matter how to ask the sky, it is impossible to be as ruthless as the sky. "

"Heaven is ruthless." Too one person said four words, then suddenly got up. "I am leaving."

Just leave, turn around and leave, no nonsense.

One step out of the mansion, two steps into the void.

The lord of the burial place saw him off with his eyes.

Too alone, walking quickly on the path of Shenyin, towards the direction of no sea, with cold eyes.

After walking out of the place where the Chuangshi God lived, a haze that was difficult to erase was born in his heart.

The **** of creation seems to know everything in the great universe.

They used a lofty posture to spy on the entire universe, and it seemed that they were affecting the entire universe.

The cosmos is a great tripod. Heavenly Dao, Chaos Great Emperor, and Chuangshi God are three legs, but heaven is everywhere. The Great Chaos is also a big mountain in front of all living beings for hundreds of millions of years. Why is Chuangshi God always Unknown?

They give Taiyi a person's impression, just like the master behind the shady.

The true face is never seen by others, but it is really controlling everything.

Therefore, Taiyiren would not tell others the secrets that the Creation God told him.

Wouldn't even tell Meng Fan.

But he will still step into the chaos world.

As he himself said, after too much ups and downs, the obsessions he once had, willingly or forced to let go, he became more and more indifferent, but unlike the owner of the burial ground, he still has a long life. Yuan, if he is about to step into the last moment when all living beings have to step into it, he can completely let go of everything, but since he is still alive and can live for a long time, he can't be calm.

Having received the power bestowed by the God of Creation and possessing a compass that can travel through Wuhai, he should go and see the chaos world as he should, and through this chaos world, try to go to other dimensions and see more The vast sky.

Maybe you can see Meng Fan again?

Too one person running quickly.

Suddenly stopped.

He stood in the void for a long time, his brows slightly raised.

"Someone has already seen me off."

Too one person suddenly said to himself.

"Send too one person, his weight is not enough."

A solemn, grand, carol-like voice rang from the void.

An avenue was suddenly paved out in the void. The avenue was paved with huge stones measuring two to three feet long. It didn't know where to lead, but when you saw the avenue, you felt that as long as you set foot on it, there would be a way out.

A middle-aged man dressed in a gray and black cloth, with a very ordinary appearance, walked out of the avenue.

Too one person's eyes flickered, looking at the middle-aged man with ordinary clothes and even more ordinary appearance, a feeling of vastness, grandeur, and solemnity rushed toward his face, and waves of humane chapters of odes continued to sound!

The person who came was not someone else, but the person who had been with Meng Fan and was famous in the world.

Central Emperor!

The successor of humane luck!

Already achieved the God King of Two Tribulations.

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