Supreme God King

Chapter 2599: Commoner Emperor

The Central Emperor, who had disappeared for too long, appeared.

In the First World War, the Purple Light Empire and the Central Emperor suffered heavy blows, both in prestige and strength. Then the Central Emperor forcibly tore the source of the heavens in the Ten Thousand Domains, only to find that it was only a trap arranged by the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. Many purple light kings fell, and the central emperor half voluntarily and half forcibly removed the position of human emperor and left silently.

For the central emperor, the prosperous Ziguang Empire has been decayed. The Ziguang kings, one by one, narrow-eyed, are bound by all rights, status, reputation, family, etc., they have become frogs at the bottom of the well, and they have become pitiful. Of fools.

Therefore, Ziguang Empire can be abandoned.

It is tantamount to throwing away a huge burden.

After that, no one knew where the Central Emperor went and what he did.

But today.

At the moment when Taiyiren was about to leave the heavens and all realms and step into the chaos, the Central Emperor reappeared as the King of Two Tribulations.

"Many years ago, we met once." Central Emperor said calmly.

Now he and when he was the Emperor of the Purple Light Empire, he was two people.

At that time, the central emperor, who was the Purple Light Emperor, did not look amazing, dressed plainly, was modest in his words and deeds, and his actions were even more square, but no matter who he was, he could feel a sea like a sea. Breath.

That kind of aura is different from Qin Taichuan, who has lived through the Great Tribulation of the Era, is old and cunning, and can do everything, is different from the steady Five Emperors, and is different from the impermanent fairy king who cuts cause and effect by cumin.

That is the breath of the abyss of humanity.

It was a breath of accustomed to seeing the prosperity of the world, tired of seeing the world's heat, and seeing too much of the world, and then returning to the basics, but the mood and the city are deep to the extreme!

The Ziguang Empire was once the most prosperous power in the heavens and all realms. It was also the pinnacle of humanity in the heavens and all realms. The Central Emperor, as the inheritor of humanity and luck, laid out various situations after leaving the customs. A series of shots, destroying the dark alliance, driving Meng Fan, convening the second era conference, taking control of the world and luck between applause, truly stirring the situation.

Compared with the methods and background of the central emperor, Meng Fan seemed too immature.

Immature like a child.

It also seems too thin.

Single form.

But afterwards, the fragmented dark alliance showed tenacious vitality, and the people of the dark alliances who lived in various places gathered together, from dripping water to a stream, and then from a stream to a vast ocean.

It's just that the vast ocean at the beginning was a pool of stagnant water.

Meng Fan also experienced the first difficult choice in his life, and even almost sinks and degenerates in the choice.

But he passed.

With the help of many people, out of the long night.

The dark alliance was rebuilt at the burial site.

With the heavy defenses of the central emperor, he returned to the Ten Thousand Territories in a careful layout.

It dealt a heavy blow to the status of the emperor, which directly caused the Second Era Alliance to end without a problem, and the Purple Light Empire, its prestige was damaged.

That was also the first time that the central emperor, the emperor of the mean, was hysterical and madly cursed the purple kings.

After that, the central emperor gradually took a detour.

A eager for quick success, emotional triumph over reason.

The era is a torrent. Someone must stand on the cusp of the storm, and some must be washed away by the big waves. When the Ziguang Empire held a new round of elections, the Central Emperor also left silently. This person who stirred the situation for a while, also Gradually be forgotten.

It's just that when some **** kings of the heavens and all realms mentioned Meng Fan, they would say that the greatest crisis of this creator was that they encountered the Central Emperor, who was also the person who had the best chance to destroy the creator, but failed.

That's it.

Just like the amazing names that have constantly emerged in the long years, they will eventually be swallowed by the long river of years and will eventually be forgotten.

Many things, ancient and modern, are in the middle of laughing.

The Central Emperor is no exception.

At this moment.

The central emperor made Tai Yi person extremely serious and solemn.

This Emperor is definitely not a name that will be buried in the long river of years.

Nor will he be reconciled to becoming a post-dinner conversation.

It is even more impossible to leave only an unsatisfactory note in the historical records.

When he reappeared, his temperament as the purple light human emperor had been suppressed, leaving only a few shadows, that is, his majesty and dignity as a human emperor, still there, but nothing else was left.

The current Central Emperor, however, is for too one person, a feeling of broad and unconstrained!

The Ziguang Empire is not a huge background and backing at all for this humane daddy, but a burden.

Come to think of it, now the central emperor really understands this.

"Not only one side." Too one person said softly: "Before the beginning of the end of the epoch, the heavens and the world, many ancient old monsters, strong men, are hiding or retreating, such as Qin Taichuan, the Five Emperors, and Thunder God, all hiding in Some secret realm. Even more sinking between life and death, such as Jiuquan Demon Lord, and the three giants of the gods, are the three most powerful forces of the heavens and the world, the Zen Temple, the God Treasure, and the three of my underworld The King of Gods is the most arrogant sword-holder in the entire universe.

Back then, there were too few people who were able to fight against our Shenyin Big Three. They could be counted with one hand, and you were the only one who met us but didn't fight us. "

The central emperor said lightly: "The existence of the first-level gods is aloof. It is not as famous as meeting. When meeting, you must learn from each other. The battle of life and death often occurs."

Taiyi nodded: "Yes. The ancient emperor of Ten Thousand Regions, I met Tai Ah once. That year, the ancient emperor was in a peak state, fighting against Tai Ah, regardless of victory or defeat, and letting many people on the road of God hide. God king, know the great reputation of the ancient emperor.

You are the only one who lived up to the fate of humanity and entered the martial arts for hundreds of thousands of years. He has never failed. You have walked the path of God's seclusion several times. You are also in plain clothes, but your reputation has spread early, so you can’t hide. live. Taichu and Tai Ah have both encountered you. I heard that the people in the Zen Temple have also met you. Some people are asking for battle, but you shouldn't. Turn around and leave. The broad road is spread out, and there is no trace.

Now think about it... If you played against you, one-on-one, I'm afraid that any of the three giants of Shenyin will not be your opponent. "

The central emperor said lightly: "Yes."

The answer is so natural.

"So..." Too one person moved an inch with the soles of their feet imperceptibly. "The central emperor came to see me off today, is there something to express? Or is it just to see me off?"

"I saw God of Creation."

The Central Emperor spit out six words at will.

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