Supreme God King

Chapter 2600: Kill at sight

"I saw God of Creation."

Only six words.

However, Taiyi's complexion changed slightly.

The central emperor was calm and gentle: "Not long ago, the Era Alliance attracted a wave of disaster, like a dam of a thousand miles, opening a gap, and the calamity of all the gods of the heavens and all realms was triggered. Many gods Their breath disappeared from the heavens and the earth, thinking about it, they were killed by their own fate, and died.

I also ushered in my own disaster, but I did not die. "

Too one person said solemnly: "It's obvious."

"After becoming the King of Two Tribulations, I am still wandering. I went to the impermanent realm that has withered due to the five decays of heaven and man, to the common people realm that was destroyed by Qin Taichuan himself, and many other places, especially from the sidelines. I have a lot of feelings after the fierce battle between the impermanent immortal king and the **** Xumi.

Too one person's eyes flickered.

The central emperor whispered, "You should be curious about the result of the Zen Temple for so many years, both of whom have been the three giants of Shenyin? You have to see the result yourself.

Too one person decisively said: "Okay."

The central emperor continued: "From the moment I stepped into martial arts, I knew that I was different. Any humanity chapter, as long as I read it a little bit, I can draw inferences about it. Any martial arts classic, no matter how profound, In my eyes, they can be summed up in a few words.

Fighting all his life, the road is open and undefeated.

Until one day, I met the ancestor of humanity.

After that, I began to pursue humanity, walk humanity, and explore humanity.

And in these days, the distance between me and humanity seems to be farther and farther, farther and farther, I gradually lost my Dao heart, without my own orthodoxy, the decay of the Purple Light Empire, the heavens and the world are in the era The death and collapse in front of Jie are destroying my faith.

After watching the battle between the impermanent immortal king and the **** Sumi, I left.

Walk towards the edge of the heavens and the world.

Not long ago, I met someone.

Ah, that's not right, that's not a person, not even a creature, but it's not heaven, it's another kind of existence that has never been heard of.

Creation God. "

The Central Emperor moved a step forward.

Unlike Tai, who carefully moved an inch away, the central emperor's pace was very random, and it was really a leisurely stroll. It seemed that he was just standing tired, moving his legs, nothing more.

"The God of Creation gave me something." The central emperor opened his palm, and a small stone tablet appeared in the palm of his hand.

On the stone tablet, there was a vague and engraved word.

The handwriting is not clear at all.

Covered with the rust of the years.

Too one person's eyes flickered slightly, he was thinking, using all his spiritual thoughts as the power to perform tens of thousands of calculations, trying to get the meaning of this stone tablet.

After a few breaths, Taiyi's complexion began to change.

From Shen Leng to surprise.

Even his fingers began to tremble.

"The human race was born in the heavens and all realms. Before the ancestor of humanity, the human race was a barbaric tribe, and it was extremely weak.

However, the ancestors of humanity created words, wrote rituals, and established an empire. Compared with other races, the human race, which is originally a very weak race, has no advantages, but it has gradually grown in one era after another. In many places, it has deep roots. , Established a magnificent civilization.

So far, in the entire universe, all the characters were created by the ancestors of humanity. The so-called self-made characters of other races are actually modeled after the characters of the human race, except for the Buddhist characters.

What is the text?

It is inheritance.

What is the core of humanity?

It is not order, law, or etiquette.

Still inheritance.

The ancestor of humanity possesses the heaven-shattering wisdom, but he knows that he will eventually die, and everything will fall and die. In his old age, he always feared and feared death, and he was not afraid of his long sleep. , But afraid that after his death, the human race will return to barbarism, and his wisdom cannot be passed on.

Until his first physical death, when his people asked him, ‘what are we’, he wrote a character on a stone.

The first word in the universe was born.

Wisdom can be passed on.

Humanity was born from this.

Since then, the heavens and the world have gone through six epochs. In the first few epochs, the human race has not been the most powerful race in the heavens and the world, but the human race has always existed, and among all races, there will always be In his own place, the laws, wisdom, and civilization of the human race are constantly being imitated by other races.

In each era, the human race will give birth to a treasure. From ancient times to the present, there are a total of six, symbolizing the peak of humanity and a milestone of humanity.

One-character stele, avenue code, eight-foot ancient mirror, human emperor jade seal, holy king pen, humane canopy.

So which one of these six treasures is the most powerful and most important? "

That's it for the Central Emperor.

Extend a finger and lightly wipe on the small stone tablet.

The dust of history is erased.

A word, clearly revealed.


The expression of a person is shocked to the extreme!

One word monument!

Humanity is born!

Inheritance of wisdom!

The universe is prehistoric, throughout the ages, the first text!

Too one person's gaze hardly moved away from the inscription tablet and turned to the face of the Great Central Emperor.

The Central Emperor, with a complicated gaze, looked at the stone monument in his hand, with love, reverence, and... fear.

"You Dao." The central emperor exhaled, "You Dao. A mere word, but let me jump from a fish to a dragon. I can see the thread of humanity, and understand that the ancestor of humanity Mingming has died. Dispelling the secrets that can still appear in the world, I also know the grandeur and grandeur of humanity, and the ambitions of the leaders of humanity in the past.

The way of heaven, dominates the entire universe, for too long, the way, it's time to take turns. "

A few simple words.

Very casual, very understatement.

But the vastness and brilliance of it, too many people seem to have seen it!

"At the same time I got the one-character stele, there was an emotion that shouldn't have appeared in my heart, that is, fear." The central emperor turned over the palm of his hand, and the one-character stele disappeared without a trace. "Do you know what I am afraid of?"

"Creation God." Too said with a trembling voice.

"Yes." The central emperor nodded slightly: "The origin of humanity, the first word in the primordial universe, has been in the hands of the God of Creation for such a long time, and they can give it so easily. I just wanted me to kill Meng Fan.

Who is the creation god?

What kind of existence are they?

Are they spying on and controlling the entire universe with a detached attitude?

I feel scared.

Unprecedented fear.

Heavenly Dao, Chaos Great Emperor, even if he is powerful, seems to be very close to me. I grew up listening to these two names, and I also heard these two names walking along the way of martial arts.

And the God of Creation is like a boundless shadow, everywhere, but not touched at all, even in the long years, it is unknown.

Soon after I got the one-character monument, I tried to understand the mystery in the one-character monument.

In the attempt, after a long absence, I saw the ancestor of humanity again.

The ancestors of humanity told me that throughout the ages, there has been very little threat to the existence of the God of Creation. First of all, the God of Heaven will not obliterate the God of Creation because it cannot think, because the God of Creation is not a living being.

But the creation gods are immutable. They will not age or die. They are not creatures, and they cannot thrive.

Their number is fixed.

In the long years, the **** of creation has also died out.

Half of them died in the hands of Emperor Chaos.

Others, died in the hands of some top powerhouses of all dimensions in the ancient era.

The ancestor of humanity has also beheaded one.

The ancestor of humanity said that if you see the God of Creation, if you lose, then leave; if you can fight, if you see one, you will kill one. "

The Central Emperor took a step forward and got too close.

"The Creation God thought I would become one of their pawns? This is a big joke. Too one person, the ancestor of humanity said, you have also received the same gift from the Creation God and become a **** of the Creation God. I am here this time to know what the mission God of Creation has given you is.

Tell me the answer, and then you will get my permission to die. "

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