Supreme God King

Chapter 2601: Pale

The grinding wheel of fate has come.

This millstone, which looked like an ancient stone gate, descended from the sky, a fateful force, like a cage, unable to break free, unable to resist, and slowly fell.

With each step, Meng Fan, who had smashed a world, raised his head, looked at the huge grinding disc, and looked at the lines on it, which symbolized the way of heaven, and the patterns below symbolized all beings.

"Destiny, destiny..."

Zhang Shou's lips trembled, and his old yellow eyes were filled with awe and tears.

More than one hundred white-clothed gods, seeing this millpan, all knelt to the ground and worshiped the millpan in an extremely pious posture.

"Destiny..." Dressed in grey clothes and a blood-red face, Meng Fan sneered as he watched Shimen fall, "Heavenly Dao, really created this shackle called destiny to trap all living beings? God changes fate..."

Change your fate!

Meng Fan's entire body swelled infinitely and expanded rapidly!

From a human race, it instantly turned into a "giant spirit race", towering high into the clouds, the long river of meditation under his feet converged, and the laws and vitality of the whole body returned to the body. His power was extremely condensed and all turned into a part of flesh and blood.

Every drop of blood contains amazing power.

Then, at the fate grinding wheel that fell from the sky, he threw a punch!

This is the first time that a creature has truly slammed a fist against destiny in the history of history!

Meng Fan did not believe in fate.

Even from the time he stepped into the martial art until Ruo Shuiyi lost his life again, he did not regard the heaven as an enemy.

The Way of Heaven is everywhere and illusory.

The power that truly manifests in the world is the heavenly puppet and the incarnations of the gods.

These characters are no different from the **** king, and in the confrontation again and again, they did not take advantage of Meng Fan.

Compared with Heavenly Dao, Chaos Great Emperor, and the ancient **** king in the primordial universe, are Meng Fan's enemies.

He never believed in fate.

Nor did he regard Tiandao as an enemy.

The enemy should be a concrete existence, a thinking existence, and a creature.

Heaven is not.

It's just a group of laws.

It's like a river flowing east.

It's like spring flowers blooming.

Just like sunrise and sunset.

Exist as it should be, happen as it should.

But today, after seeing the methods laid out by the Dao of Heaven with his own eyes, and seeing Ruo Shuiyi's second parting with his own eyes, Meng Fan, in a state of almost madness, gave birth to endless hatred for the Dao of Heaven!

"If we are a dead leaf in the wind and snow.

All beings are the ants in the stormy sea.

Heaven, is that wind and snow, is that stormy waves?

You have been aloof for too many years.

You have overlooked beings for too many years.

Change your fate! "

Meng Fan's fist strikes and touches fate.

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

Zhang Shou, as well as many white-clothed **** kings, watched the scene in front of them with piercing eyes.

Meng Fan, who is as high as a hundred meters, seems to be a swimming fish upstream, facing the will of heaven, facing the shackles of fate, and throws a punch.

These devout believers in the heavens, these fanatical heavenly gods in white, with their rock-solid hearts, there seems to be a crack in it.

The stagnant Xu Mi is fleeting.

In front of him, it was pale.

That is the pale of heaven.

Just like Meng Fan's Eye of Creation, there is no flaw or the slightest noise.

All the white **** kings have lost their sight.

There are even a few white-clothed gods who are blind.

But they were not afraid.

Instead, he knelt down again, faced the front, and continued to worship.

The girl covered her eyes with her hand.

Still facing the light, Zhang Shou was the only one left. His old and yellow eyes burst out with the most dazzling brilliance in his life.


Fa Xiang Tian dynasty, capital, inner courtyard of the imperial palace, south hall.

In the south of the repressive palace, the main hall of the four elephants, in accordance with the tradition of the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty, lived with a daughter of the current emperor.

The North Hall, the West Hall, the South Hall, and the East Hall are the four elephants of the imperial palace of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty.

Throughout the dynasties, four princesses lived in these four palaces.

The Nangong family is a clan of the beheading gods, and has slaughtered the gods for generations. They are extremely martial and militant. Even each generation of emperors takes battle or death as the ultimate way. Therefore, even the girls of the Nangong family have mostly uniforms, and even many dynasties. The heroine did not let his beards and eyebrows, and there was a beauty hero. Millions of years ago, several princesses from the Nangong family followed the emperor into the battlefield outside the territory, killed a demon god, and then all fell. They were created to pay tribute to the four princesses. The four halls.

The Four Elephant Hall was originally an ancestral hall.

In the next few dynasties, there will be many daughters of the royal family, in order to cherish the memory of the ancestors, encourage themselves, enter the four elephant hall, guard the spirit, and worship the ancestors.

Gradually, these four elephant halls became the residences of princesses in every dynasty.

Senran, solemn.

The princess of Nandian sat in the Nandian, and in front of her was a heavy classic.

In the classics, there are four characters "Jin Yan Xiu Juan".

A lovely girl who was seven points similar to Princess Nandian, sitting on the classics, looked at her "mother" carefully, and did not dare to speak.

The princess of Nandian closed her eyes tightly, not knowing what she was thinking for a long time. Suddenly a maid stepped into the Nandian and whispered: "Your Royal Highness, the Sixth Army and the Yongjue Army have returned to the capital and began to deploy defenses. Your Majesty has an order. Within three days , We must find clues about Taiping Army or Meng Fan."

After speaking, the maid turned and left without talking nonsense.

The princess Nandian exhaled and said to the cute girl in front of him: "Your father, escaped from my father. The father has been in charge of the law for such a long time, every time he makes a move, he has never failed. , This should be the father's first miss."

Jin Yan Xiu Juan finally couldn't help it, and whispered: "Mother..."

Princess Nandian frowned.

Jin Yan Xiu Juan did not dare to speak.

Princess Nandian stood up and walked outside. The snow in the sky became even bigger, dense and white. If you use the naked eye, you can't see beyond three feet.

She stretched out a hand to catch a snowflake.

Snow flakes slowly melted in her hands and turned into the clearest and most moving water.

Jian Tiansi will make a big formation and expand even bigger.

Come to think of it, the queen of Faxiang Tian Dynasty also used all the means to find the traces of Taiping Army and Meng Fan.

Princess Nandian suddenly felt terrified.

She understood the depth of the father.

Understand the killing of champion Hou.

Understand the strength of the Taiping Army.

I also remembered the ruthlessness that Meng Fan showed when facing Emperor Zhenzong with a punch.

It's not cold-blooded, it's not indifferent, it's nothing, it's purely ruthless, like a stone.

It's like heaven.

Princess Nandian said with a sideways face: "Do you want to find your father?"

Jin Yan Xiujuan was a little frightened and did not respond.

Princess Nandian took a step outward.

"Follow me to find him."

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