Supreme God King

Chapter 2610: Origin of Species

On the earth-yellow quaint boat, Meng Fan, who looks like a child of seven or eight, and a middle-aged man in a red and white blouse sit opposite each other. In the middle, there is a square table with a few tea sets and a pot of black tea. .

The child boiled water to make tea. After washing, he poured the fragrant and dark red tea into two cups, and handed them to the middle-aged man and Meng Fan.

The two drink tea.

Long silence.

In the end, the middle-aged man opened the topic and said with a chuckle: "The central emperor had the opportunity to establish a supreme celestial dynasty, command the entire heavens and all realms, and push the humanity forward on the foundation left by me. Unfortunately, he failed. In your hands, as a human race, if you and the central emperor are not enemies, but friends, what kind of scenery will it look like? Whether my ideal humanity will be established."

Meng Fan did not respond, but picked up the tea cup and sipped it gently.

"You look like the great dragon."

The ancestor of humanity said again.

Meng Fan paused and looked at the ancestor of humanity.

"There are not many **** kings who curse the sky and declare war to the sky. In a very old age, the Great Chaos was not the opposite of the way of heaven, like it is today.

Emperor Chaos is a very boring person.

Invincible to boring people.

As the first divine king of the universe, the Great Chaos has never encountered an opponent in his life. If I have to count, I am half, and the Great Dragon is half. It is just me and the Chaos Great, except for the ancients of the heavens and the world. In the first battle at the end of the era, apart from fighting for humanity, in six epochs, hundreds of millions of years, they have never met. They just knew each other, but there was no reason to fight.

It should be said that the well water has always been the same as the river water.

Throughout the ages, many **** kings have always liked to compare our four **** kings, such as the Great Chaos Emperor, I, the Great Dragon, and Elephant Lord, because we are all the **** kings that we achieved in the years of 10,000 to 20,000, and of 10,000 to 20,000 years. Time, relative to the history of the entire universe, is really short, just a moment.

That era was today's God King, the era of the ancestor.

However, there are still great differences between our four gods.

When the Great Chaos Emperor was invincible in the world, I was still an ordinary cultivator of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

When the great dragon stepped into the source of the heavens for the first time and plundered the divine will, I was experiencing the great catastrophe of the divine king.

At that time, the huge elephant master, who surpassed several great worlds, had no desires and no demands, and was still wandering on the earth.

Elephant Lord is very interesting. He has no great roads and no demands. He just lives, eats constantly, eats all the time, and he eats more and more. Until the end, he becomes a behemoth, even if he does not step into the realm of the **** king, there are not many. Personally dare to challenge the elephant master.

Because there is a huge gap and a huge gap between the Great Chaos and the Great Chaos. When the Great Chaos crossed the world, I was still very weak, so I and the Great Chaos never had any intersection. It can even be said that we are from two eras. People, but from today's perspective, we are all ancients, so we always talk about it together.

But Honghuang Tailong was really from the same age as Chaos Great Emperor. Soon after Chaos Great became the God King and cut off the ancestor giant tree, Honghuang Tailong stepped into the realm of God King.

The ancestor giant tree, I think you already know it, it is the origin of the heavens and the world, and it is also the earliest creature of the heavens and the world. The ancient ships without sea that lead to thousands of dimensions in the chaos world use the ancestor giant tree. The wood forged was forged by Emperor Chaos himself.

All my life, I have been pursuing the true meaning of humanity, looking for the end of the road, building one after another humane empire, perfecting the humanitarian system, creating characters, and passing on knowledge. This is the path I take.

Chaos Emperor, because of his invincibility, felt bored and bored.

When a creature is hungry and can't even eat enough food, it thinks about how to fill its stomach.

When you are full, you need to think about where to drink, where to spend the night, how to spend the winter, how to avoid natural enemies, how to thrive, and so on.

Even if it is a **** king, there are many issues to consider, such as dealing with opponents, such as seeking stronger power, such as-saving love. "

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

The ancestor of humanity smiled and continued: "Emperor Chaos, because he has been at the top of all beings since ancient times, what he has to consider is not eating, not dealing with natural enemies, not having stronger power, but having fun.

Invincible and lonely, so he needs to have fun to mediate his long life.

His longevity, maybe even he himself, can't see the end.

In order to have fun, he did a lot of things.

For example, the ancient gods were created. "

Meng Fan was startled.

The ancestor of humanity said: "In the era of ancestors, we **** kings are considered to be the ancestors of certain races, but few people know that the ancient gods were created by the Great Chaos. In the heavens and the world, the ancient gods have not It is extremely powerful, but in a very old age, the ancient **** race was the most powerful race in the world.

Until the Great Chaos Emperor stepped into the Chaos Realm, he never appeared again in order to avoid the catastrophe. He saw more dimensions, and he no longer paid attention to the dimension of the heavens and ten thousand realms, so the ancient **** race fell.

However, there are still many dimensions, with an astonishing number of ancient gods.

Among the great celestial dynasties, there is a very powerful celestial dynasty established by the ancient gods.

In addition, the Great Chaos also created some races that are now completely extinct. For example, after the great dragon plundered the divine will, changed the bloodline of the dragon family, and gave birth to the pure blood dragon family of the innate holy king, the Great Chaos used some pure blood dragons to create pure phoenixes.

Also, gluttonous.

At the beginning of the beginning, many ancient wild beasts were actually derived from the flesh and blood of the Lord after the Lord’s death, such as Japuan, Pixiu, Kun, and Peng, all of which are like this. The Lord has the meaning of the source and is extremely vigorous, your little friend. , Zhan Tian giant, just mastered the meaning of the origin, created multiple origins, so he has the vitality equivalent to several great worlds, even the Four Tribulations God King, he does not have such abundant vitality.

And the other wild beasts also have a common feature, that is, they are full of vitality, such as the feather emperor and scale emperor beside you.

However, the desolate beast of gluttonous gluttons is another, not derived from the flesh and blood of the Lord, but created by the Great Chaos.

It's just gluttonous, a failed work by the Great Chaos. This kind of creature is too greedy, and the greed for flesh and blood is too strong, so powerful that it is not controlled by the Chaos Great, unlike the ghosts, and completely obeys the Chaos Great. As long as the Chaos Greats gives an order, all the strange ghosts will fall asleep. , And stop devouring sentient beings, gluttonous is not at all.

Therefore, the Great Chaos took several shots and wiped out almost all the gluttonous food, but there were still some that escaped to the depths of the cosmos and continued to thrive. "

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