Supreme God King

Chapter 2611: Origin of Species

"I am the ancestor with the most moisture.

I did not create any races.

Even afterwards, I have the ability to create things, but the great road in my heart has always been humane. I didn't want to create any creatures, but it has transformed many creatures.

For example, I once transformed the Mustang into some sacred beast mounts, like the Mega Dragon Horse, which I created thousands of years ago.

There is also Longya Mi.

It is a very huge rice that is the size of a fist. During the growth process, it will continue to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It is a kind of innate spirit. In the ancient era of the heavens and the world, Longya rice was once Widespread use has enabled the human race to multiply and thrive rapidly, and many people have swallowed Longya rice since childhood. After adulthood, even if they did not practice martial arts, they also gave birth to the original buds in their bodies. After stepping into martial arts, they can control their vitality. .

Long Yami is of great significance to the humanity of the heavens and all realms.

Others, such as dogs, sheep, pigs, cows, these creatures, I have also transformed these creatures, in ancient times, these creatures were fierce beasts, the ancestor of dogs, once very huge, even can swallow stars, also Very fierce, in groups, looting and killing common people.

I am not the ancestor of a creature, but I have transformed a lot of creatures.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as transforming the human race.

I really did a lot of things like creating words, stealing fire, writing rituals, and establishing imperial power.

In every era, I am constantly improving humanity.

It now appears that in the entire universe, humanity seems to have reached its most glorious stage. Many supreme dynasties, whether established by human races or not, are imitating the humanitarian system, and the number of human races in each race today can also be said to be the most.

actually not.

The most glorious era of the Human Race was a million years ago when the Hundred Saints of Humanity were still alive.

Just like countless Dao’s true meanings, the meanings of divine, meditation, and space are combined to form the Dao of Heaven. Similarly, all kinds of knowledge, law, Confucianism, military science, etc., are combined to form a humane.

Millions of years ago, that is, the last epoch of the heavens and all realms, various humanistic studies gradually formed after a long accumulation, forming a contending of a hundred schools of thought, and humanity has reached its most glorious stage.

At that time, I thought I could sleep forever. I have lived for tens of billions of years. I am very tired and exhausted. Humanity was born in my hands and grew up under my supervision.

But the boring Emperor Chaos released a strange ghost.

In the heavens and worlds, various chess pieces were arranged, and nine guides were selected.

The story after that, you know.

The death of the Hundred Saints of Humanity means that it has reached the peak, and the humanity that is very close to the end has begun to decline.

This is also the only time in a long time since I stepped into the chaos realm and fought against the Great Chaos.

Our intersection, nothing more.

In that battle, I was seriously injured, but I also plundered more than a hundred meanings of reincarnation from the hands of the Great Emperor Chaos. Later, these meanings of reincarnation turned into immortal stone pillars, and they fell into your hands for a while. Now, These stone pillars of reincarnation should be in the hands of the first son of Chaos? "

The ancestor of humanity asked.

Meng Fan frowned: "You seem to know everything."

When fighting against the first son of Chaos, Meng Fan's physical body was completely swallowed. At that time, there were only more than a hundred reincarnation stone pillars on his body, all of which were lost. If you want to come, it should be in the hands of the first son of Chaos.

"For millions of years, I have been a bystander, silently watching everything happening in humanity, watching everything in detail." The ancestor of humanity said indifferently: "This is a little story between me and the Chaos Emperor.

At that time, what I really wanted to regain was the orthodoxy of the humane hundred sages.

The stone pillar of reincarnation is useless to me. I have also tried to imitate the Emperor Chaos and create reincarnation, but failed. Not only because the Emperor Chaos is the master of the meaning of reincarnation, but a more important reason is that the meaning of reincarnation is not only contrary to the way of heaven. , And also rebellious with humanity.

The core of humanity is inheritance.

Whether it is the creation of characters or the construction of etiquette, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and filial piety are fundamental to inheritance.

Writing is to write down the wisdom of a generation and show it to the next generation or even generations later, so that the fire of civilization will not break.

Benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom and filial piety, including supporting their parents and governing the country with filial piety, are all humane creations. They have never existed in other races. Many races today are more or less affected by humanity, so there are some Such a shadow.

These are all part of the inheritance, allowing one generation and the next generation to communicate with each other and pass on wisdom uninterruptedly.

And reincarnation, and inheritance, are rebellious.

If all beings can rebirth after death, do they still need to pass on?

Speaking of which, Meng Fan, do you feel incredible? "

The ancestor of humanity asked.

Meng Fan said coldly: "In order to pass on, so people must die?"

The ancestor of humanity nodded: "Yes. But it’s not that simple. I don’t think I’m going to tell you the key. You can also deduce something. Even if you lose the majestic soul, you should be able to guess it. One or two."

Meng Fan did not respond.

But he does have some answers.

The rebirth of reincarnation not only makes the inheritance lose its meaning, but also loses its meaning in ethics and morality. The whole humanity will collapse.

This is just a question that immediately comes to mind, other questions may be more.

"However, these are all things to follow." The ancestor of humanity chuckled lightly: "It is because of the meaning of reincarnation, created by Emperor Chaos, that he is the real master. No one can control it except him. Reincarnation.

The intersection between me and the Great Chaos is nothing more than that.

Some other origins, except for the only time to fight and the **** king of the same ancestor era, there is nothing.

But Honghuang Tailong is different.

My heart is humane.

Emperor Chaos is always invincible. Because of invincibility, he has to do a lot of things and have a lot of fun. In the process of constantly looking for fun, he becomes stronger and stronger. He is always the highest mountain. The mountain that any creature crosses, the mountain that even fears the heavens, the mountain that the creation gods dare not provoke.

But Honghuang Tailong is different from me and the Great Emperor Chaos.

You look a lot like him.

All will fight against the sky, all will break the sky, all will be against the sky.

There was once a **** king who commented on the Great Emperor Chaos, Tailong, I, and Lord Elephant.

This **** king is now gone.

But I still remember his name, Xu Linchuan, a very legendary character. He was originally a race that was extinct in ancient times, but he was broken several times and reborn with souls. Finally, he disappeared in the universe in the flesh of a human race. The depths of the wild.

He once said that the Great Chaos is a vast ocean with no end in sight.

I am a heavy earth.

Like the Lord, it is a slow flowing river.

And the great dragon is an unruly bird.

Always flying.

The one that will always fly is higher than everyone else.

It even has to fly higher than the sky. "

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