Supreme God King

Chapter 2612: Epitome of destiny

Flying higher than the sky.

This is Xu Linchuan, a **** king from a very old age. His evaluation of several ancient ancestors is really quite pertinent.

"The desolate dragon, untamed to the extreme." The ancestor of humanity said softly: "That's why he stepped into the source of the heavens, plundered the divine will, and became the first divine king to steal the power of the heavens. It is also because of him, the heavens. Was offended, and derived the will of heaven.

He is also the Great Chaos Emperor, a rare opponent.

Back then, when the Great Primordial Chaos crossed the heavens and the earth, only Honghuang Tailong was able to fight against the Great Primordial Chaos. The two **** kings fought against each other several times, and each time they met, they would set off turbulent waves. It was a battle that affected the luck of heaven and earth.

It can be said that the battle between the two gods has always been evenly divided.

But Honghuang Tailong was very angry.

Because Chaos Great Emperor has never exerted his full power.

Just like the heavens and ten thousand realms of the ancient era, the nine gods and kings led countless heroes into the chaos realm. What they encountered was the phantom of the chaos emperor. In the end, standing in front of the chaos emperor and confronting him, only the Hundred Sages of Humanity.

The Primordial Tailong had fought against the Great Emperor Chaos several times in the same way. Even a few times, the Great Primordial Dragon could completely kill the Great Dragon, but he did not do that. The Great Emperor Chaos was a boring person, like a child, lacking a playmate, and Honghuang Tailong was regarded as a playmate by him.

Therefore, the anger of Honghuang Tailong is understandable.

The great dragon is the **** king who wants to kill the sky and break the sky. His heart is as high as the sky. Every time he fights against the Emperor Chaos, he will do his best, whether it is to prove himself or destroy the mountain above all living beings. Always try our best.

Emperor Chaos, but like a child, played with him.

Whoever changes will be angry.

Our four ancient gods have their own results.

Like the Lord, died in the hands of the God of Creation.

The great dragon, stepping into the source of the heavens for the second time, has never heard from since, thinking about it, has died.

The Great Emperor Chaos, still sitting in the Chaos World, looked at the cosmos as a child. "

"What about you." Meng Fan asked suddenly.

The ancestor of humanity smiled and said: "I said that my life has come to an end, and I am dead."

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

This sentence, as early as in Wanyu, when he defeated the Purple Light Empire army for the first time, the peak of the summit gave birth to the humanity purple energy. He was in the shadow of the purple energy, and he heard the shadow of the ancestor of humanity and said it. This sentence.

already dead.

But now, the ancestor of humanity is sitting in front of him alive.

Make tea and discuss Tao.

He is not the ancestor of Xuanyuan. When Meng Fan met the ancestor Xuanyuan, the ancestor had been dead for too many years, and what he left was just a relic, as well as some last words left by various calculations that year, nothing more.

But the ancestor of humanity, obviously alive, talks to Meng Fan normally.

"Here, it is called out of bounds by many people." The ancestor of humanity said: "Actually, this is another realm, a world independent of the primordial universe, not a dimension. I don't know where it is and what mystery is. , If you have to give a name, here is a long river of fate."

There was a violent tremor in Meng Fan's heart.



The expression of the ancestor of humanity also became serious: "Heaven, hate the common people, incomparable hatred, the great catastrophe of the era, the five declines of heaven and man, the puppet of the heaven, the incarnation of the gods, the catastrophe, the meaning of collapse, the three disasters and six disasters, Everything and so on are derived from the way of heaven, to end the common people.

An old question is whether an egg or a stone is harder.

But an egg is life, with unlimited possibilities.

Every creature, even an ant, has unlimited possibilities.

The common people breathe their vitality, step into the martial arts, control the laws, become the king of gods, change their lives against the heavens, steal the power of the source of the heavens, steal the true meaning of the heavens, these are enough to make the heavens angry, enough to make the heavens do their best to destroy the common people .

But everything is bad and good.

The Way of Heaven was originally just an aggregation of laws, and it could only operate slowly and eternally in accordance with the existing rules.

It was like a huge machine, like a dam, like a gate on a canal, like a huge ark.

Any creature, in front of this huge machine, appears small and humble.

But sentient beings can think.

This huge machine can't do it.

So there will always be some creatures who will tear down a plank and take a gear on this huge machine.

Over the years, God has lost a lot of things.

But God, there is one more thing.


When a supreme, extremely powerful, but unable to think power, one day, has the will, this will, at the beginning, may be very weak, like a little ant, only knows to eat and crawl, but it is long In the years, this kind of will has become stronger and stronger, infinitely close to the soul, and even thoughts can be born.

Thus, the incarnation of the heavenly path, the major gods, appeared.

But God, still missed the last step.

This kind of vague will is completely transformed into a divine soul, and it becomes like a living being, able to think.

The supreme and most powerful way of heaven, if one day can think, what will the entire universe look like?

How was the will of heaven born?

Every time the great catastrophe of the era, the way of heaven obliterated the gods, they are plundering their souls, their wisdom, to strengthen their will, through quantitative changes, and attempt to achieve qualitative changes.

The more **** kings, the greater the anger and threat.

But the more **** kings, when the **** kings are obliterated, their wisdom is taken away, and the way of heaven becomes stronger and stronger.

One day, the way of heaven will give birth to true wisdom, but not today, not tomorrow, and it may take a long time.

So, Meng Fan, you understand that Heavenly Dao is angry because sentient beings steal his power, but it is impossible to completely wipe out sentient beings. When a stone can think, is it willing to turn back into a stone that cannot be thought?

When a stone can finally feel the wind and rain in spring, summer, autumn and winter, he is willing to become a dead thing, motionless, can't feel anything?

Heaven desires wisdom!

It's just this process, which is difficult.

It takes time and the accumulation of various forces.

What Heaven wants to destroy is not sentient beings, but threats, but the power of rebelling against Heaven, so Heaven will not completely destroy the common people, it will only obliterate ninety percent of the gods, and then use some kind of power to control sentient beings and let sentient beings follow The will of heaven will continue to exist, so that all beings will become slaves of heaven.

Just like Zhang Shou of the Taiping Army, it was a small microcosm of the grand plan of Heaven.

The chosen person who is waiting for Tiandao will also become the most powerful incarnation of Tiandao, walking through the cosmos and controlling everything.

The plan of Heaven's Path is so grand and complicated that no creature can guess, even the Great Chaos Emperor.

But at least it now seems that Tiandao must take at least four steps to complete this plan.

The first step is to destroy 90% of the creatures with the ultimate catastrophe.

The second step is to restrain the surviving creatures with the meaning of destiny, so that the surviving creatures become puppets of the heavens, and become puppets. According to the arrangement of fate, they will always exist in the world. Once this step is achieved, what will change your fate? , Have become a joke, sentient beings, there is no threat to heaven.

The third step is to create an incarnation of heaven and walk the world. Those discipline gods and law gods are the prerequisites for this step. They are constantly evolving and growing, but even if they can think, they are not real beings after all. Innate shortcomings prevent them from becoming truly capable. The embodiment of independent thinking, so what God is looking for is a real creature.

When these three steps are completed, the way of heaven has reached the control of sentient beings.

In the fourth step, heaven will derive real wisdom, not simple will.

Now, I can tell you three things.

First, here is a world derived from the will of Heaven in the process of constantly expanding the meaning of destiny. After death, many creatures remain here in another state, like a projection, or some traces.

For example, you, suppressed by the meaning of fate, turned your body into an immortal monument, but appeared in this long river of fate in another state.

This can be said to be an experiment of the way of heaven.

It is an epitome of Heaven who will control the entire universe in the future. "

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