Supreme God King

Chapter 2613: Or glory or death

The ancestor of humanity gave some clues to the mystery of this long river of fate.

These clues are just a few words at most, very small.

But already gave Meng Fan the answer he wanted.

"Second, you are definitely not the person chosen by the way of heaven. If the person chosen by the way of heaven is you, the catastrophes you have experienced will not happen. Each of those catastrophes will kill you.

Third, the final catastrophe has already begun, beginning with the heavens and all realms. "

Three things, the ancestor of humanity has said one by one.

Meng Fan sat there, without saying a word, just picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"The ultimate catastrophe, what is it?" Meng Fan asked again after a long time.

"The origin of living beings is vitality. All living beings must eat their vitality. If there is no vitality, they will usher in the age of the end of the law. Monks will fall in large numbers and become mortals. Many gods and kings will also sit and transform. Catastrophe is to destroy all living beings, monks, and martial arts from the source."

The ancestor of humanity finished all the words in one breath.

Meng Fan frowned: "The vitality is exhausted, but the five decay of heaven and man. I have seen God's Domain, the five decay of heaven and man, it is impossible to destroy all living beings, destroy monks, and destroy martial arts."

"That's right." The ancestor of humanity nodded solemnly: "So, the way of heaven is not to let the vitality dry up, to let the whole universe go wild, and to usher in the five decays of heaven and man, but in another way, it can be said that it is a plague. ."

Meng Fan's brows tightened.

"If you still have your own physical body and that powerful soul, you should have got the answer by now." The ancestor of humanity drank the tea in the cup: "Just now, you can't figure it out. Time is almost here, you should go. ."

Meng Fan was startled: "What do you mean?"

"Back to the universe."

"Can you communicate?"

"No." The ancestor of humanity shook his head: "At most, I just projected into the universe with a phantom. No one can, but you can."

Meng Fan was surprised: "Why?"

"Because you are Xiaotiandao." The ancestor of humanity said with a smile.

It seems that there is no answer.

But there seems to be nothing more to say.

He stretched out his hand and pushed it on Meng Fan's shoulder.

It was just a child, a mortal Meng Fan, and his whole person shot out like a glimpse. He flew out an unknown distance and crashed into the long river of laws. Then, it was dark in front of him.

In the darkness, he felt suffocated.

He is in pain.

So struggling.

Furiously struggling, twisting hard.

It's bright again!

Meng Fan let out a long breath.

What you see is an army all over the sky!

The army of tigers and wolves in groups are using tens of thousands of laws and chains, tied to themselves, wanting to drag themselves.

But they can't do it.

Because the self at this moment is completely transformed into a colossus hundreds of feet high. The colossus itself is not so heavy. An ordinary **** king can easily move, but his colossus is derived from the suppression of the destiny. , Destiny, unchangeable, irreversible, stand still!

When Meng Fan woke up, he felt that the colossus was collapsing.

In a little bit of fragmentation.

The stone fell off.

The shackles of fate have gradually disappeared.

Under the surprised gaze of the army of millions of tigers and wolves, the colossus collapsed, and the sky was full of dust!

Meng Fan felt dizzy and weak, and walked slowly out of the dust.

Hundreds of gods and kings, as well as many sergeants of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, watched him vigilantly, and then rushed forward!


A murderous intent appeared in Meng Fan's heart.

His face also became hideous in an instant.

In the front row, three **** kings and tens of thousands of sergeants, at the moment when Meng Fan showed his hideous eyes, his whole body's vitality and laws burst violently, his fleshly bodies fell apart!

But at the moment when the thunderbolt broke out, Meng Fan felt exhausted, and his whole body fell backwards, crashing to the ground, and his mind was also dizzy.

At the moment of falling to the ground.

He felt a hand and took his arm.

Then he fell asleep.


Wake up again, it is a cool hall.

The palace is full of natural feminine fragrance, and there are bright lights.

He was lying on a huge wild animal fur blanket, beside him, sat two women.

One is Princess Nandian.

One is the lovely and lively Jin Yan Xiu Juan.

Jin Yan Xiujuan exclaimed excitedly: "Father!"

Princess Nandian turned her head and looked at Meng Fan with complicated eyes.

In this look, there is alertness and guilt.

Meng Fanchang exhaled, rubbing his tired and heavy forehead, and staring at Princess Nandian's eyes.

"If you didn't kill me when I was sleeping, you might have missed the best opportunity to recover from the sick tiger and release the cage again?"

The princess Nandian hesitated for a moment, and said quietly: "The Taiping Army that the emperor wants to destroy is the Taiping Army, you..."

"I'm just a bait. The Taiping Army has been ruined. I don't need to die. You begged the emperor to spare my life. He mercifully agreed, right." Meng Fan sneered.

Princess Nandian did not speak.

Meng Fan pulled off the blanket and stood up, revealing a flawless, crystal-clear body, like a **** of creation, almost the ultimate in creation.

Then, with a wave of his hand, his vitality fell, and a blue shirt was condensed on his body, and he walked out.

Seeing Meng Fan go further and further, about to step out of the palace gate, the princess of Nandian suddenly said: "You can't walk out of the Dharma Xiangtian dynasty alive."

Meng Fan stopped.

He did not turn around.

With his back to Nandian Princess.

"Father said that unless you marry me and change your surname to Nangong, you will only have a dead end."

Meng Fan slowly turned around.

Looking at Princess Nandian, she sneered and said, "What are the original words of Emperor Faxiang?"

The princess of Nandian groaned: "To annihilate the Taiping Army, Jie Mengfan, an outsider, took the lead, was awarded the first-class prince, gave the marriage to the South Hall, gave the surname to Nangong, and led the march, the Lord of the Three Realms."

Meng Fan burst into laughter.

You can't smile.

The expression of Princess Nandian became more and more gloomy.

"His Royal Highness, in order to spare my life, you really paid too much and asked me for too many rewards, my husband, I am grateful!"

Meng Fan's voice was loud and loud, and there was a wave of evil in his words.

At this time, Meng Fan was slightly different from Meng Fan, who was as simple as the avenue, and who was as heavy as a mountain.

After experiencing that fall, the murderous and evil spirits in his heart, infinitely breeding, showed that he was incarnate as the opposite of another heaven.

Although later, after the suppression of the fate mill, he stepped into the long river of fate and saw the ancestor of humanity, after all, he did not step into a degenerate situation, but he now has a lot of changes from the original him.

Meng Fan himself knew this well.

People will always change.

Unlike other **** kings, Meng Fan has a straight road leading to the end. In the words of many people, he is innocent.

After experiencing the second farewell to Ruo Shuiyi, his mood has changed tremendously.

"Let your father stop me and try." Meng Fan sneered.

The space shattered and disappeared in place.

Only a sunken law is left.

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