Supreme God King

Chapter 2816: Occasional waves

Heavenly Court.

It has formed an extremely majestic atmosphere, magnificent and magnificent, and powerful **** kings are flying everywhere.

The human world was developed based on the Great Qin Empire, which has a history of 30 million years, so the foundation of the human world is very strong.

The foundation of Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court is even more astonishingly vigorous.

Heaven is aloof, deterring the universe, no longer know how long years, who can be compared to the foundation of heaven?

After the establishment of the heavenly court, the **** kings and followers of the heavenly way, as well as a large number of puppets and incarnations of the heavenly way, immediately returned. In just a few days, the number of **** kings gathered in the heavenly court even exceeded the human world.

If the number of gods and kings in the current heavens and courts were truly known to the outside world, it would shock all the forces.

Some people have speculated that there are 50,000 gods in the heavenly court!

This number is simply too scary.

A supreme celestial dynasty, dominating one dimension, if it can have four or five thousand **** kings, it is already a power that can dominate, just like the Great Qin Empire, there used to be 8,000 **** kings, unparalleled in the world, after the establishment of the human world, It seems that the number of kings has exceeded 40,000, which is also speculation from the outside world.

However, the number of **** kings in the heavenly court is much larger.

It’s just that compared to the human world, the heavenly court has a huge disadvantage, that is, the heavenly court. Although it is a brand-new world, this world still follows the order of the old age and the laws of the old age. Heavenly Court, it can only be said that changing the soup without changing the medicine, there is no essential change.

Simply put, it is still old.

Because of this, after the establishment of the heavenly court, there has been no major action. Otherwise, with the number of **** kings in the heavenly court, they will even directly attack the human world without the slightest hesitation.

In general, the strength of the human world is still the first in the universe, rising slowly, no one can compete for glory, and the heaven and the heaven rank second.

The Heavenly Court of Heaven has a few steps. If it can be fully implemented, it will be able to quickly surpass the human world. Any cosmic power will be crushed in front of the Heavenly Court without a place to be buried.

One is that the Emperor of Heaven came to the world.

The second is the long river of destiny that flows into the universe.

The meaning of destiny is the true meaning of the Dao, the last born of the Dao of Heaven. It is an unprecedented terror force derived from the collection of almost all the true meaning of the Dao of Heaven. The creatures swallowed by the long river of fate will be controlled by the Dao forever.

Even if it is a powerful **** king.

All beings have already understood this point or two.

No one has ever arranged the true meaning of the Dao of Heaven in an orderly manner, but according to various rumors and speculations, the King of Gods under Heaven has always believed that among the true meaning of the Three Thousand Dao, the most powerful thing is cause and effect.

Because the Great Emperor Chaos once said that heaven is immortal and cause and effect are invincible.

The emergence of the long river of fate seems to have transcended cause and effect, and the meaning of fate also has the power of cause and effect.

The emperor came to the world, and the long river of destiny flows into the universe. All living beings can only bow down to heaven. The power of heaven will become stronger and stronger, and it will be unstoppable. Heaven will have countless puppets and followers, day by day. many.

Then, as long as the Emperor of Heaven can find the perfect host and truly come into the world, there will be no opponent of the Emperor of God.

This kind of power is indescribable.

At this moment.

In the long river of destiny, the source and the end cannot be seen. In the long river, there are many bodies floating.

These bodies are all alive, but they don't have any spirit fluctuations.

Beside the long river of destiny, many **** kings of the heavens are watching these bodies.

Suddenly, several heavenly **** kings exclaimed, and started running around like flies without their heads.

"Don't panic, don't panic! Go and inform a few true princes right away! If the emperor is not there, you need the true prince to make an idea!"

"Through Tianxin Palace, tell the news to the three emperors!"

"We can't contact the three emperors. After the three emperors stepped into the Chaos Realm, the connection was broken."

"The situation in the Chaos Realm is extremely complicated at this time. The Great Chaos is out of the gate, and ninety percent of the peak powers of the universe are in the Chaos Realm. The situation is too messy, and it is difficult for news to pass in."

"How to do?"

"Notify the true monarch first!"

Many heavenly immortals rushed to the core centers of the heavenly court anxiously.

at this time.

The peaceful river of fate suddenly caused a little wave.

This wave is not big.

It was a body, suddenly there was a spirit wave, woke up, got out of the water, breathing hard.

After breathing for a while, the man looked around in confusion.

He looked very young, he looked like he was sixteen or seventeen years old, he was a human man, a **** king.

"who am I……"

The man issued a question, an inexplicable question.

He struggled to swim towards the edge of the river of fate.


A wave of waves, another body, suddenly awakened without warning.

Immediately afterwards, the river of fate seemed to be boiling, and body after body that had no mental fluctuations suddenly regained consciousness, and each of them was very confused, just swimming along the current to the edge of the river of fate.

The young man who woke up first sat on the edge of the river of fate, stroking the spar under him, still thinking.

Vaguely, he caught a little memory.

But these memories, like catkins flying in disorder, are difficult to organize and very messy.

He has a headache.

Gradually, by his side, there were more and more **** kings. These **** kings were all sitting on the spar on the edge of the river of fate. Their expressions and appearances were very similar to him.

They are also thinking.

Who I am.

Everyone seems to be able to capture some scattered memories.

About the time of three sticks of incense.

Both sides of the long river of fate are already full.

Some are Human Race.

Some are Yaozu.

Yes, they are dragons.

Some are mixed-race creatures.

and many more.

It's very messy, it's impossible to count.

They are all thinking, some of them are very painful, even holding their heads and wailing.

Who are they?

Where do you come from?

Why is it here?

"Do you... know who you are?"

Suddenly, a woman asked the person who woke up first.

"I don't know... I can't think of it at all." He replied, his face distorted because of his desperate thinking. "It seems that I lived in a big world. Later, this world was destroyed. I and the people in my world became refugees, but a very powerful person helped us and took us in..."

The very smart-looking woman nodded gently: "I can only think of some odds and ends. In my memory, there is also a person who is very powerful and helped me, like my mentor, he, like... ..."

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