Supreme God King

Chapter 2817: Legend Resurrection

"Meng?" The young man heard, his eyes flickered: "The person in my memory seems to have the surname Meng, a two-character name...Two words, his name is...Fan?"

"Meng Fan?" The woman blinked, and gradually, her mouth opened wide: "Meng Fan...I remember, I remember...I am, I...I, my name is...Dong Miaoxin."

"It's great that you remembered your name." The young man said enviously: "I remember Meng Fan, but I don't remember my name..."

The woman who claimed to be Dong Miaoxin's throat pulsed and stretched out her hand tremblingly, looking at her palm.

The memories of the past come back little by little.

She was shocked.

It was beyond shock.

I don't even understand what happened.

She turned around abruptly and looked at the young man who was still thinking in pain: "Do you have other names? Other people's nicknames? Alias? Maybe your name was rarely mentioned in the past, or you abandoned your own. first name."

"Other titles?" The youth became more and more painful: "I really...I really can't remember."

"What is your name? Few people know." Suddenly, a handsome man with deep eyes opened his mouth. "Many people call you, Promise Master."

The youth was startled.


His eyes and expression changed.

When he knew his name, he also found his memory.

"Judgment King!" The Promise Sect Master said solemnly: "One of the eight pavilion leaders of the Purple Light Empire! What the **** is this? What conspiracy do you have? It turns out that I am not dead, but you have caught me. You want to use me. , Do you threaten Meng Fan? You can't do it, I can explode physically and die at any time!"

"You are dead." The King of Judge said coldly: "You died very thoroughly, so did I, died in the hands of Meng Fan, but the battle between the Purple Light Empire and the Dark Alliance, and the battle between Meng Fan and the Central Emperor, who wins? Negative, I don’t know, obviously, we have been dead for a long time."

"The Central Emperor, the Purple Light Empire..." Dong Miao exhaled, "Senior Meng regained the Ten Thousand Realms, defeated the Purple Light Empire, and established the most powerful force in the history of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, the Epoch Alliance. What will happen to me? I don't know, but about it, Senior Meng has led the Era Alliance to the end of Shenyin."

The Promise Sect Master began to hear that the Purple Light Empire was defeated, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but then he heard Meng Fan stepping into the end of Shenyin, his eyes became solemn again.

He knew that this was not the end.

But at this moment, in the long river of fate, a wave of chaos arose.

There are people constantly, restoring memory.

Because all living beings are inextricably linked, these people, they always seem to have something to do with each other, so everyone can only think of some fragmentary and scattered memories, but after hearing what others say, they will immediately remember More.

They are "assembling memories".

The assembly is getting clearer and more complete.

Someone completely restored the memory.

As a result, confusion, fear, and some past associations and hostility began to permeate and erupt.

In the long river of fate, there was a chaos.

But no one did it.

Because everyone present clearly remembers one thing, that is... he is dead.

"So, in the world, is there really an underworld? The underworld?" The Promise Sect master saw everything in his eyes, his eyes were complicated: "How come."

"Although everyone is very weak, but..." Dong Miaoxin stood up and looked out: "Every one is a god-king level existence."

Suddenly, her eyes changed slightly and she muttered, "Father?"

She walked over in a daze, embraced a man, and sobbed slightly.

In the long river of fate, everyone is in a state of confusion, unknown, and trance.

Beyond the fate.

A **** of heaven and earth in white clothes has gathered, all hidden in the dark, without revealing his figure.

The quantity is simply too scary.

In the process of establishing the heavenly court in the future, Dragon City will gather six or seven thousand **** kings, which is already shocking, and the entire Fengshui Longzhou is somewhat unable to withstand the power of these **** kings.

At this moment, the number of God Kings of the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court gathered here will only be more!

Among these **** kings, the most powerful are some of the five calamity **** kings, standing in the forefront. According to the division of the heavenly court, these 30 five-caliber **** kings are the true monarchs of the heavenly court. Under the emperor who merged with the gods.

The others are emperor immortal, true immortal, Shangxian, spirit immortal, and virtual immortal.

Among the emperors, almost all of them are the Four Tribulations God Kings, and there are also a few Three Tribulations God Kings.

True immortals, there are three triumph gods, and two triumph gods.

There are two calamities in Shangxian, but more of them are the king of one calamity.

The spirit immortals are all God Kings.

Xuxian is a monk in the realm of Shenyuan, a half-step existence at the level of God King.

In the ranks of the immortals, there is a girl.

This girl, and Meng Fan, are old acquaintances.

Her real name is hardly mentioned. Here, she is called Lingdong Shangxian, but at one time, her identity was a **** of heaven and earth in the rebel army of Faxiang Tian Dynasty.

It is a **** king of Zhang Shou's Taiping Army.

It was her who said a few words before Zhang Shou's death, which made Zhang Shou adhere to the belief in heaven for hundreds of thousands of years, and it quickly collapsed.

Now she has received various benefits from the heavens, and the wisdom opened by the heavens, has reached the realm of the peak of the God King of the Two Tribulations, and can step into the realm of the God King of the Three Tribulations at any time.

The God King of the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court, it is very simple to overcome the heavenly tribulation, the heavenly way will only send them the heavenly tribulation they can bear, 90% of them can survive, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

This is also one of the reasons why the heavenly court is powerful.

At this moment, Lingling, like many other **** kings of the heavens and heavens, was silently watching the river of fate.

But in her heart, she already guessed what happened.

She is so intelligent, so intelligent that she can break the faith of a firm believer in a few words.

She was so smart that she guessed what happened earlier than the thousands of heavenly gods present.

God, something happened.

The emperor of heaven is not the incarnation of heaven, the incarnation of heaven is the gods.

The Emperor of Heaven is the deity of Heaven!

It was only after the arrival that the Emperor of Heaven was restricted and even weakened, but even so, the strength of the Emperor of Heaven was still unparalleled in the eyes of many **** kings in the Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Court.

According to the guesses of the three emperors, unless the Great Chaos enters the Ninth Calamity, no one will be an opponent of the Heavenly Emperor, but when the Great Chaos Emperor enters the Ninth Calamity, which is also the weakest moment, the Emperor of Heaven will be there and strike him. kill.

Lingling didn't know what happened, but she knew that the Emperor of Heaven was truly present this time and failed.

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