Supreme God King

Chapter 2818: His surname is Chu Mingfan

The God King of the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court, after seeing the various methods of the descending Heavenly Emperor, firmly believes that the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court will completely control the entire universe and eliminate all rebellious forces. There is nothing that can stop it.

The Emperor of Heaven came into the world as the deity of the Heavenly Dao, while the original Heavenly Dao became a clone and incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, still operating silently, but the power was scattered.

However, it doesn’t matter. When the emperor comes to the world and finds its host, he can think, evolve, and promote like a creature. The control of sentient beings and the exploration of the aura are more clear and true. It is also the fate of the emperor after he descends The long river has become wider and vast.

The long river of fate is the most powerful means for the emperor to control the future.

It is also the fundamental reason why Tiandao Tianting firmly believes that Tiandao will dominate the entire universe.

The only one who knows the secret of the long river of fate is the God King of Heaven and Heaven, and the outside world only knows some furs.

The long river of fate means destiny.

The meaning of destiny was born about a million years ago.

That is the day when the will of heaven will completely wake up.

It is because the ancestor of humanity stepped into the source of the heavens and cut a part of the heavens. This action became the last straw, making the will of the heavens, which has been brewing for tens of billions of years, finally matured.

From then on, the will of Heaven, with the wisdom close to beings, began to lay out various overall situations.

Such as placing chess pieces and puppets in each of the highest heavens, and destroying these highest heavens from the inside.

There are more detailed plans, such as many things that Meng Fan experienced in the heavens and worlds, which are related to the way of heaven. Meng Fan is almost ruthless, and it is also because of the ways of heaven.

The black death catastrophe was planned by the Dao of Heaven hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In this process, the most powerful means is the birth of the meaning of destiny.

Millions of years ago, when the source of the heavens was cut in part, the will of the heavens finally matured. First, he understood two principles.

First, we must use absolute power to destroy all existences that rebel against and steal the power of heaven. Absolute power is more meaningful than any conspiracy.

Second, Heaven does not want to completely destroy all beings.

Tiandao's will is completely awakened, just like a stone, suddenly possessing a mind, able to think, becoming a creature, able to walk between the heaven and the earth, and enjoy the scenery, mountains and rivers, etc.

Then it is absolutely unwilling to turn back into a stone.

If sentient beings are destroyed, the way of heaven will no longer be able to absorb the wisdom of sentient beings to feed back and improve their will.

Thus, the meaning of destiny was born.

The meaning of destiny, the power that integrates all the true meanings of the Great Dao, and transcends all the true meanings of the Great Dao, is an absolute power, an irresistible force.

At the same time, destiny does not mean to destroy the common people, but to control the common people.

In the world, only destiny cannot be reversed.

All things, as long as they are locked in destiny, they have a fixed aura.

Thoroughly let all beings survive according to the will of Heaven, and will not rebel against Heaven.

The moment when the meaning of destiny was born was exactly one million years ago.

Since then, a grand and terrifying plan has been launched.

Heaven swallows the wisdom of sentient beings, mainly the wisdom of the king of gods.

When every **** king dies, his soul will disperse and merge into the heavens and the earth. A part of their wisdom will be absorbed by the heavens, and their will will be improved little by little.

Heaven has absolute power, the only thing missing is will and thinking.

And millions of years ago, after the meaning of destiny appeared, Tiandao created a long river of destiny, and reunited the divine souls of the dead kings and put them into the long river of destiny.

Almost every ten **** kings who have died, there are eight, all of which have been pieced together by heaven.

On the one hand, Heaven is constantly absorbing wisdom from these spirits, rather than the fragmentary and incomplete wisdom at the moment of death.

On the other hand, these spirits have become puppets of the long river of fate.

The long river of fate is to turn all beings into puppets of fate.

Although occasionally, there will be spirits awakening, but they can't break free from the shackles of fate.

In recent years, Tiandao began to reshape the bodies of these spirits.

Reshape according to their race before death.

This is why in the eyes of the **** king of the heavenly court, the future era will only belong to the heavenly way.

First, after the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven, it showed a terrifying power that the gods and kings could not understand.

Second, in the hands of the emperor, the river of destiny has become more powerful, and the puppets in it can jump out of the river at any time and become the army of the terrifying kings who are completely obedient to the emperor.

The most important thing is that the more **** kings die, the bigger this army will be!

Even if this army suffered heavy losses at the moment of confrontation with the enemy, and many puppets died, Tiandao could still rely on the long river of fate to gather their spirits and restore their 70-80% martial arts spirit and martial arts brand!

This is the real horror.

As a new era unfolds, countless wars will erupt, and the more God Kings who die, the stronger the Heavenly Court will be. Ninety-nine percent of the God Kings who died on both sides will be gathered into the long river of fate by the Emperor of Heaven.

This is also the reason why the gods of the heavens and the heavens are so pious and fearful of the heavens. With the emperor of heaven and the long river of fate, in a sense, they are immortal.

At this moment, all these plans have been broken.

Around the Long River of Destiny, nearly 20,000 gods from the heavens have gathered.

But they don't know what to do or how to do it.

Because in the past million years, 80% of the gods and kings who died in the primordial universe have been in the long river of fate.

That too, 20,000 gods!

If you do it, it would be a great battle in the Heavenly Court of Heaven, and it was in the absence of a group of dragons, and in the absence of the Heavenly Emperor and the Three Great Emperors.

The final result, regardless of victory or defeat, is a huge loss to the heavenly court.

Especially, I don’t know what impact it will have on the long river of fate.

As a result, stalemate.

Seeing the **** king in the long river of fate, the memory became clearer and clearer.

Lingling didn't understand, what happened?

A very complete plan.

A very clear future.

The Emperor of Heaven came to the world and killed the Emperor Chaos at the weakest moment. After that, no one could fight the Emperor of the universe. He only needed to find the most perfect host. According to the guess of the three emperors, the most perfect host , Is Meng Fan.

After that, no matter how many battles occur, the heavenly court will become stronger and stronger, unstoppable and unstoppable.

The future is heaven.

I am afraid that in the prehistoric universe, no one thought that there would be a person whose surname is Chu, whose name is Fan, and the person is called Baibuxian.

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