Supreme God King

Chapter 2821: Humanitarianism

The fog is gone.

All the contradictions and conflicts hidden in the fog are revealed one after another.

A black and gray cemetery.

One hundred tombstones of various shapes.

On these tombstones, there are no patterns, no carvings, and no fancy, revealing the simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

On each tombstone, there is only one text.

Yes, it is the law.

Some are Confucianism.

Some are soldiers.

Yes, it is a name.

Yes, it's farmers.

Yes, it is Tao.

and many more.

One after another silhouettes fell.

It is a powerful humane **** king, standing around the cemetery, each with a solemn expression, or wearing military armor, or wearing a white robe, holding a Taoist instrument, and extraordinary heroism.

Sixty or seventy gods.

Among them, two standing impressively were the pillars of the Xie family, Xie Jingyi and Xie Jinghai.

"Longchuanjiang family, Yecheng Zhou family, and the tomb-keepers of the Ming Tombs in Northern Xinjiang." Xie Jinghai's eyes were deep: "Brother, these are ancient humanitarian forces. As you said, the fog is cleared and humane." The tombstone of the Hundred Saints is here, they will all be there."

This black-gray cemetery with a radius of no more than three thousand feet is nothing else, it is the place where the heavens and the world, the ancient era, the humanity of the Hundred Saints died!

The tombstone of the Hundred Saints!

The universe, the gods of heaven and earth, all know that the tombstone of the Hundred Saints of Humanity is the core of humanity!

The words on the tombstones are the doctrines and thoughts of the philosophers of humanity.

Confucianism is benevolence and etiquette.

Legalists are rules and majesty.

Military strategists are strength and Qizheng.

Famous people are orthodox and vigorous.

The farmhouse is for the benefit of the world and for living.

Taoism is Xuanming and spirit.

and many more.

Just as the truth and meaning of the Three Thousand Dadao merged into the Tao of Heaven, the ideological integration of the philosophers and hundreds of schools is humanity!

The heavens and all realms are the birthplace of the ancestors of humanity. In every epoch, the ancestors of humanity will silently contribute to the humanity of the heavens and all realms, and select the successors of humanity and orthodoxy from generation to generation, so that the orthodox of humanity has always been in the heavens and all realms. Silently brewing and developing, day by day, it grows stronger, and it spreads out in dimensions beyond the heavens and worlds.

Finally, in the last chapter of the ancient era, the Hundred Saints of Humanity appeared.

They are humanity brewing to the extreme.

Is the spokesperson of humanity.

It is the commanding height of humanitarian thought.

Although in the eyes of humanity, the ancient family of the emperor, the treasures of humanity for generations, are all part of the humanity ethics and carry the luck of humanity.

But compared with the humane hundred sages, they are not so important.

The Hundred Sages of Humanity are the core of humanity!

Xie Jinghai's gaze swept across the body of the many humanity gods present.

Here, the gathering forces are all ancient humanitarian forces.

In today’s prehistoric universe, most of the humanitarian forces belong to the human world. The most powerful humanitarian forces are the Shao family, the Xie family, the Wang family, and the Xuanyuan family. They are all proud because they are strong and they have not joined the human world. The future heaven was formed.

The rest are the ones standing around the cemetery of the Hundred Saints at this moment.

The Longchuanjiang family is an ancient family that emerged between the two generations of leaders of the Shao family and the Xie family. It cannot be called the family of the ancient emperor, but it is orthodox humane, a strong man in the field, the king of the Five Tribulations, Named Jiang Yingchan, he is the leader of the Jiang family.

This Jiang Yingchan is not very famous, but he has dealt with both the Shao family and the Xie family.

The Zhou family of Yecheng is very old, much older than the Shao family and the Xie family. Their history goes back to a very long time. They once established the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is not inferior to any supreme dynasty. However, with the passage of time, a little bit of decline, and eventually collapsed.

Some of their descendants, as well as the surviving power left by the dynasty, have some influence on later generations. For example, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, which is now famous, is the survivor of the Great Zhou Dynasty according to legend. There are clear records in history, but in the accounts of the Zhuge family, in the era of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the ancestor of the Zhuge family was still Yijie Tian Shelang.

As for the Ming Tombs of Northern Xinjiang, it is an ancient legend.

During the Dragon Elephant Valley era, pure-blooded dragons, phoenixes, hundreds of birds, and wild beasts rose rapidly to dominate the prehistoric land. The king of humanity rebelled under the leadership of the king’s family. After the failure, the king’s family retreated, and the major humanitarian forces were shattered. The **** king was wanted by the Dragon Elephant Valley to offer a reward, and he could only flee to the edge of the universe, the legendary "land of exile" named Beijiang.

With the passage of time, many powerful humane kings died and died, or sat down, and thirteen huge tombs appeared in northern Xinjiang.

The so-called tomb guards of the Ming Tombs are the descendants of these powerful gods.

This is a legend.

Many people doubt the truth of this legend.

But only the most traditional ancient ancestors know that this legend is true.

The grave guards of the Ming Tombs in Northern Xinjiang have guarded the souls of those ancestors for 30 million years.

Among the **** kings present at this time, there are a total of six **** kings, all from the Ming Tombs of Northern Xinjiang, and they are the tomb keepers.

Each one is a **** king of the Five Tribulations!

Each of them is an existence of heaven and earth overlord level, and can establish a supreme heavenly existence.

When Xie Jinghai's eyes passed from the guards of the Tombs of Longchuanjiang Family, Yecheng Zhou Family, and the Tombs of the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Northern Xinjiang, they fell on the gods and kings on the east side of the Tomb of Hundred Saints.

None of these gods and kings Xie Jinghai recognized.

Each of these **** kings wore strange armor, and the details, formations, and restrictions were blurred in Xie Jinghai's eyes.

The so-called ambiguity is not to see clearly, but to see clearly, but not to understand. Among them, there are roads of thunder tumbling, but not the sky.

Xie Jinghai frowned.

"Prehistoric humanity." Xie Jing said softly.

Xie Jinghai's face showed a different color.

It turned out that it was them!

Mysterious prehistoric humanity, unlimited realm!

"Brother, it is them, who have deduced all kinds of martial arts to the extreme?" Xie Jinghai asked.

Xie Jing nodded slightly: "In our Dao Martial Domain, I saw their messengers. Their martial arts system, methods, Dao weapons, armors, including the methods he showed, I can’t understand. It is a completely different system and architecture.

Their strength lies in a powerful incarnation that they deduced and refined, called the King of Light Brain, which uses light and thunder as energy, and does not operate day and night. In their world, all beings with wisdom are related to the light brain. The kings are connected and exchange information. Every creature is part of the king of light brain, even the king of gods.

The deduction ability possessed by the King of Light Brain is simply terrifying. They deduced the characteristics and physical bodies of sentient beings, repaired their shortcomings, turned a small creature into a powerful one, and made a messy bloodline pure, even Create unprecedented creatures out of thin air and can do it.

The most terrifying thing is that they have deduced all kinds of martial arts to the extreme. In their classics, there are even some of our Xie family's unique knowledge. In their deduction, they are more powerful than my martial arts attainments. "

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