Supreme God King

Chapter 2822: Technological civilization

Infinite fields, perfect world.

This is the prehistoric humane civilization, two of the many names in the long history.

Xie Jinghai said solemnly: "The Infinite Realm revealed some traces a few months ago, but until now, there hasn't been a **** king strong enough to deter the Quartet."

"Not to be underestimated." Xie Jing said together: "They can deduced all kinds of martial arts to the extreme, even our family's unique skills have been simulated to the peak in their hands, and various avenues have also been deduced in their hands. At extremely high altitudes, it is impossible to have the powerhouse at the top overlord level.

Their king of light brain, although I only touched a little bit, I can already feel the horror of this incarnation, I am afraid that it surpasses Mingyi and Chaos Emperor! "

"Beyond Chaos Great Emperor?" Xie Jinghai showed a different color, and once again looked at the past, he saw that those infinite realm **** kings wearing strange armors were all in the realm of the four-caliber **** king, and there was not even a five-caliber **** king, but On his body, he exudes a full, rounded breath without any imperfections or loopholes.

It is truly "perfect".

This is obviously the result of the deduction by the King of Light Brain.

Xie Jingyi said again: "If it weren't for the infinite realm that has been hidden, located on the hidden edge of the universe, and the core of humanity, it has been too far away from the core of humanity. I am afraid that the human world will be established in their hands."

"In the Preliminary Book, several major deductions in the future have been proven." Xie Jinghai said: "It is the advent of the Emperor of Heaven. Among them, the division of the human world is also predicted. Brother, in your opinion, this matter , Will it happen, and how?"

"Whether it will happen, I don't know." Xie Jing shook her head: "But how it happened is not difficult to infer. Although the human world is strong, it is unparalleled in the world, especially at the moment when the emperor was sealed by the Baibuxian and the heavens fell. , The human world is the only one, but there are too many problems within the human world.

The human world was established on the basis of the Great Qin Empire. The Great Qin Empire originally had 8,000 gods, the first in the universe, but the current human world is afraid that the number of gods has exceeded 40,000. Among them, There are many forces that are completely integrated, and there are many factions. Although there are many gods, they will inevitably have different intentions and cannot be twisted together.

In addition, the core of the humanistic orthodoxy lies in two things. Where these two things are, the orthodoxy of the human world is where they are. In my opinion, there has been no major move in the infinite realm, and it is necessary to obtain these two orthodoxy. The core controls the world in one fell swoop. "

"Two Orthodoxy can control humanity?" Xie Jinghai was startled: "Brother, what are these two Orthodoxy?"

As soon as Xie Jing stretched out her finger, she pointed to the graveyard in front of her: "One of them is here."

In the time when the two brothers Xie Jingyi and Xie Jinghai talked.

One after another **** kings, one after another, showed up.

Among them, the main humanity **** kings, but there are also some **** kings, other races, and other avenues, all came to the scene and secretly observed.

Nowadays, you must be there to observe the major events that can determine the future situation of the world, even if it has nothing to do with you.

Especially, the belonging of this humanitarianism!

"Brother, this is the reason why you must step into the Chaos Realm. Do you want to take the mantle and tradition of the Hundred Sages of Humanity?" Xie Jinghai whispered: "If we can obtain this tradition and humanity, half of it will be held by us. In my hands!"

"No." Xie Jingyi replied simply.

Xie Jinghai was startled.

Together with Xie Jing: "The Lord and God of Meng is right. In the future, the Heavenly Court will fight against the path of heaven and build a world where everyone can fly like a dragon, instead of arranging destiny and setting the shackles for all living beings. I agree very much that occupying humanity means separating the human world, but it also splits the heavens in the future. We must uphold the Taoist heart and cannot deviate."

When Xie Jinghai heard it, her eyes flickered: "But..."

But he didn't say the latter words.

But it is not hard to guess.

The most powerful **** kings gathered around the cemetery of the Hundred Saints of Humanity are the grave guards of the 13 Tombs in Northern Xinjiang.

All are the Five Tribulations God King.

Xie Jingyi's presence here is at the peak level!

The most powerful existence!

No one can confront Xie Jing.

If he immediately takes away the tombstones of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, which will occupy the majority of the humanity system, no one can stop it.

Xie Jing raised her head and looked to the opposite side, the dozens of **** kings in the infinite realm.

Among the **** kings in the infinite realm, one walked out and gave Xie Jingyi a deep bow.

"The messenger of the Infinite Realm arrived at Dao Wu Juyu, met with me and gave me some gifts." Xie Jing said calmly: "One is to deduct the core of our Xie family's martial arts, the secret knowledge, to the extreme. , Let me see the possibility of stepping into the Seven Tribulations God King."

Xie Jinghai's eyes widened: "Brother..."

Xie Jing raised her hand and stopped him from continuing to speak: "The second one is one hundred and twenty-seven powerful Taoist artifacts in the infinite realm. Each one has a mystery, of which 80 can use the light of heaven and earth. , A warship that flies at the speed of light, ignoring the barriers of space and time, is equipped with forty thunder cannons. The power released by each of them is equivalent to the full blow of the King of One Tribulation, and forty thunders. The artillery erupted at the same time, and the power was unimaginable. Eighty ships fired out at the same time, attacking at the speed of light, which was equivalent to two or three thousand **** kings dispatched, enough to fight a supreme celestial dynasty.

Other Taoism tools, and various types, are very peculiar.

The third one is to promise me that I have a high position in the world. "

Xie Jinghai's eyes have become more and more shocked.

Xie Jingyi calmly said: "Yes, they hope that I can take action in the chaos realm, help the infinite realm, and obtain the mantle and morality of the humane hundred sages. This time, the top hegemonic characters in the infinite realm will appear. Humane hundred With the holy mantle in hand, relying on the terrifying background of the infinite realm, it seems not difficult to occupy the humanity.

However, since I joined the Heavenly Court of the Future, I will no longer change my Dao Heart. We are no longer the God King of Humanity, but the God King of the Heavenly Court in the future. Humane fighting has nothing to do with us. "

With a word, Xie Jing supported her sick body and stepped back.

"Jinghai, I must step into the realm of chaos. There is only one reason. The future. From now and here, I want to witness the birth of the future. I have seen the Great Chaos go out, the Emperor of Heaven descends, and I have seen the birth of Baibuxian. Knowing that, I will seal the Emperor of Heaven, and then I am very curious about who the humanity belongs to."

Around the cemetery of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, all the humanity gods are ready to move.

They are facing each other.

Suddenly, a few powerful auras descended among the **** kings in the infinite realm. There were four **** kings who were over three feet tall and were extremely complete.

The appearances of these **** kings are very similar. The battle armor they wear is also the same. Through the bulge of the battle armor, you can feel the thick muscles and blood bones under the battle armor. These **** kings are like carved out. The artwork is generally perfect.

All are the Five Tribulations God King!

From the appearance of the Infinite Realm to the present, no particularly powerful characters have appeared, but some envoys of the God King of the Two Tribulations are moving around, and the God King of the Five Tribulations has appeared. This is the first time, and all of a sudden, it is four.

Moreover, in Xie Jingyi's statement, the background and strength of the infinite field are too terrifying. A low-grade Taoist tool and a warship they produced is equivalent to dozens of gods of one calamity!

In Xie Jingyi's eyes, the **** king of the infinite realm, relying on various techniques and magic weapons, can completely kill the enemy across the realm.

The infinite realm is a variant of humane civilization and technological civilization.

These sudden appearances of the Five Tribulations God Kings in the Infinite Domain, the armor on their bodies, and the various hidden means made them appear very dangerous, and even Xie Jingyi was not sure that he could defeat any of them.

After the arrival of the four Five Tribulations God Kings in the Infinite Realm, they broke the deadlock without hesitation, and walked towards the tombstone of the Humane Hundred Sages step by step.

Many **** kings narrowed their eyes and watched quietly.

"It's time to come." Xie Jing said lightly.

Xie Jinghai also took a deep breath.

He is nervous.

No one knows the level of the figure who is ranked third in the pinnacle book and is now in charge of the most powerful human world.

Just at the moment when the four Five Tribulations God Kings in the Infinite Realm are moving forward step by step.

The center of the cemetery.

A teenager appeared out of thin air.

Wearing a goose-yellow brocade robe, she looks handsome, like a woman.

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