Supreme God King

Chapter 2823: Another heaven

The characters in the pinnacle book are very mysterious.

Emperor Chaos has not left the customs for ten billion years.

Bai Buxian was only heard by the leaders of the highest heaven.

The missing moon old man, as the leader of the Right Path Alliance, rarely appeared in front of the Heaven and Earth God King.

Some of the characters after that, the legendary King of Seven Tribulations, are also legends.

There is only one character at the forefront of the pinnacle book who truly entered the WTO, Emperor Bo Wu.

Ranked the third in the pinnacle book, he was the first in the universe when he eliminated the Great Chaos and Bai Buxian who never left the pass and never appeared.

After the establishment of the human world, he became the leader of humanity. The stronger the human world, the stronger he will be.

In the past, the king of heaven and earth did not have a clear estimate of the strength of Emperor Bo Wu.

Until recently, the Shao family, which had been passed down for tens of millions of years, was extinguished.

This matter has already been known by the Heaven and Earth God King, and it was done by the human world.

But when the Shao's fief was turned into a sea of ​​fire, the Six Tribulations God King Shao was defeated and his descendants died of tens of thousands of his children, the world did not make any major moves.

Three provinces, two governments, and one department were all operating step by step, and no army was sent.

Shao's fiefdom is not an ordinary place. Even the strength and foundation of many supreme celestial dynasties are not as good as the Shao family!

How did the human world slaughter the Shao family in one day without sending a single soldier?

News will always spread like wildfire.

The king of gods is the best at guessing and deducing.

Only a handful of powerful men in the human world can destroy the Shaw's fief without causing any disturbances in the human world.

Even when the Shaw's fiefdom fell, there was no news.

The fear of the kings of the heavens and the earth towards the human world is getting deeper and deeper every day.

Therefore, at this moment, the more than a hundred gods and kings who gathered in the graveyard next to the Hundred Saints Cemetery, looking at the goose-yellow brocade-robed youth in the center of the cemetery, showed solemnity and fear.

After the young man with a face like a woman fell, his eyes lightly swept over a hundred tombstones without looking at anyone present.

As if not worthy of his eyes.

He slowly stretched out his hand and stroked a tombstone.

"Li" is written on it.

The tombstone of the ancient saints.

"The Emperor of Heaven has been sealed."

Emperor Bo Wu's voice came out slowly, light and sweet.

Someone has described Emperor Bowu.

The face is as white as jade, she seems to be a woman.

The sound is sweet, like a natural sound.

Some people say that the woman on the pinnacle is the most beautiful person in the primordial universe.

Some people say that the most beautiful person on the pinnacle is a man.

"Heaven will lead to chaos in heaven." Emperor Bo Wu continued. "The human world will rule the world, no one can rival, and the day when humanity is unified is today."

His voice has always been calm, even gentle.

But everyone felt the strong pressure.

That is the coercion from the top overlord of the universe!

Chaos Great Emperor walked out of Chaos Realm, not knowing where he was going.

Baibuxian and Tiandi are integrated, life and death are unknown.

The first person in the universe was Emperor Bo Wu!

The Emperor of Heaven was sealed as soon as he was born, which led to a very clear result.

That is, the supreme authority is vacant.

The Dao of Heaven has always been in control of the greatest authority and supreme authority in the primordial universe. Now that the Emperor of Heaven is sealed and the Dao of Heaven is extremely weak, who will replace the Dao of Heaven?

The Emperor Bo Wu, who controls the powerful human world, formulates new laws, and releases the world of great power, is obviously the person closest to the highest position!

All the **** kings stepped back involuntarily.

There are only infinite fields.

The four Five Tribulations God Kings wearing white armor did not step back.

They patted the armor on their bodies silently.

One set after another set of solid and tyrannical formations burst out from their battle armor, wrapping them up.

"Emperor Bo Wu, your world is backward."

A God King of the Five Tribulations in the Infinite Realm, slowly opened his mouth: "Our world is advanced and perfect. The humanity belongs to either in the human realm or in our infinite realm. Unfortunately, the infinite realm is not Will surrender to the human world, so this battle is bound to break out."

"Infinite fields, technological civilization." Emperor Bowu said lightly: "From your first messenger to the world, I was curious, when and where you will show your minions, and what qualifications do you have to clamor with me? What? What kind of strong is your leader? Is the Seven Tribulations God King?"

"Our leader is not a **** king, or in other words, our leader is not a person or even a creature."

This sentence caused all the **** kings present to frown.

do not understand at all.

Emperor Bo Wu also narrowed his eyes.

Only Xie Jingyi, after a start, suddenly his eyes widened and seemed to understand something.

"That's it... That's it..." Xie Jing murmured: "The Infinite Realm was established on the basis of humanity. However, they have broken away from the traditional humanity, and another kind of humanity exists... after all they are The evolution of humanity, or has it embarked on another path?"

Xie Jinghai communicated with spirit: "Brother, what does this mean?"

"Their leader is the king of light brains." Xie Jing said solemnly: "If the Infinite Realm really masters the humanity, another heaven will be born!"

Xie Jinghai showed a different color: "What?"

"The Great Primal Chaos has already said, how Tiandao was born.

Before the era of heaven, there was an era of Hongmeng Taichu.

In the early days of Hongmeng, everything in the world was in chaos. After a long period of time, incalculable ancient years, creatures appeared.

The source of life and all things is the primordial era of Hongmeng.

At that time, the universe had laws, such as the passage of time, everything has an end, and so on, but these laws are not iron laws. As long as a creature is strong enough, they can break these laws.

As a result, the ancient creatures became stronger and stronger and became gods.

The ancient gods, in order to ensure their eternal status and allow sentient beings to obey the order of the gods, and could not challenge the authority of the gods, so they extracted the secret laws between heaven and earth.

Those laws cannot restrain the gods, but they can restrain sentient beings.

So all beings age and die.

Therefore, beings cannot control their own destiny.

However, the control of the gods over all living beings has always been limited. The gods can only restrict the creatures within the scope of their vision, or the creatures in their own empire, so there are still many creatures rising, surging and constantly challenging the authority of the gods, and even killing them. Revise the law of heaven and earth.

In this case, the gods joined forces to create a powerful avatar.

This incarnation possesses almost infinite calculation ability, and turns those secret laws into unbreakable truth.

After a long period of evolution, this avatar became stronger and stronger, beyond the control of the gods.

In the end, even the gods must abide by the rules laid down by this incarnation, so the gods also began to age and even die.

In order to fight, the gods began to create other avatars, wanting to replace this powerful avatar.

But the gods failed.

The gods place the fate of those ancient creatures under the control of this avatar, so this avatar possesses infinite power. Until the gods age and die, this powerful avatar will wipe out all the creatures controlled by him.

As a result, the universe lost all its vitality, leaving only this powerful incarnation, as well as other incarnations created by the gods to replace it, and still survive in the world.

This powerful incarnation was later called the Dao of Heaven.

And those failed experiments are called the creation gods. "

After Xie Jing finished speaking, she looked at Xie Jinghai seriously.

"This King of Light Brain is a powerful incarnation with infinite calculation ability. It is he who has created an extraordinary technological civilization in the Infinite Realm. At the same time, all the monks in the Infinite Realm are connected with the King of Light Brain. He, It's just another heaven."

at this time!

The sky above the chaos world.

Silently, a huge warship appeared.

Forged steel, gray and black matt.

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