Supreme God King

Chapter 2838: I am heaven

The battlefield fell silent for a moment.

The moment Sun Moon Emperor appeared, the battle almost stopped.

The gazes of all the gods focused on Emperor Sun and Moon and Xuanyuan Jingzhe, who had acted brazenly.

After that, he concentrated on the blue shirt.

This blue shirt with gilt cuffs was so familiar to some **** kings on the battlefield.

In Sun Moon Emperor's eyes, there was a surprise that could not be concealed.

Meng Fan is still a God King of Five Tribulations.

But the uncontrollable terrifying power emanating from him is definitely not something a five-tribulation **** king can possess!

Meng Fan turned his gaze to the side, looking at Emperor Sun and Moon. His expression was calm, and his eyes were very clear. The fist he punched against Emperor Sun and Moon was bloody, but he recovered with astonishing speed. .

He didn't look down at the battlefield.

His eyes were locked on the body of Emperor Sun and Moon.

But he could feel the gazes projected from the battlefield.

These eyes are familiar to him.

Promise gate master.

Dong Miaoxin.

Zhongtian God King.

War Promise.

Four Saints in the mixed world.

There are also some legendary names that Meng Fan has only met once, or just a strong one he has heard of.

Pitian old man.

The Big Dipper Emperor.

Etc., etc!

There are even Taichu Taoists, Tai A Taoists, and the Lord of the Burial Ground.

Also, Jiuquan Demon Lord!

This is not an illusion.

This is true.

They are resurrected.

They were in the battlefield, looking at Meng Fan above the void.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe, standing in the air, in a blood-colored beast armor, did not move.

He also looked at Meng Fan.

The breeze blew over Meng Fan's green shirt.

He looked up at the sky.

It was because of tears that flowed from the depths of his eyes. He didn't want anyone to see him cry.

Even more afraid to look back and look directly at those eyes.

Many people don't know why Meng Fan had such a reaction.

Master Zhuge didn't know.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe didn't know.

But in the battlefield, those who knew Meng Fan knew it.

In Ten Thousand Realms, in the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, the broken dimension, the dimension that has experienced countless years of wind and frost, countless ups and downs.

Meng Fan moved forward step by step, along the way, friends, enemies...

Too much.

These people gradually go away...

"What a great era."

Meng Fan's voice was a little hoarse.

"Who dare to touch one of their hair?"

Meng Fan's voice was not overbearing.

Not even fierce.

It's calm and soft.

Even laughing.


Meng Fan asked again.

He looked at Emperor Sun and Moon and asked with a smile on his face.

"Xiaotiandao, Meng Fan." Fierceness appeared in the eyes of Emperor Sun and Moon. "The emperor ordered that someone must be captured alive. Unexpectedly, you took the initiative to send it to the door. Under the panic and grace of the gods, under this awe-inspiring avenue, would you dare to speak loudly? Capture you alive, and complete the final integration when the Emperor of Heaven is released in the future!"

The emperor of the sun and the moon, strode forward, carrying the sun, the moon and the stars, enveloping his body with terrifying power, and rushing to him!

Meng Fan took a step in the void.

At the speed of smashing the vacuum, not retreating but advancing, hitting the Sun Moon Emperor!


Starlight pervades!

That strong light and terrifying wave of power swept across the heavenly court, causing many **** kings on the battlefield to squint their eyes.

Among the stars.

Meng Fan's palm broke through layers of laws and power barriers.

The flesh and blood of his arm was stripped and shattered little by little.

Flesh and blood.

But his palm did not stagnate.

Never go ahead.

Until it penetrated all the defenses, caught on the armor of Emperor Sun and Moon.


There was a ripping sound.

A chilling wailing.

The starlight of the sun and moon emperor's whole body suddenly dispersed.

Exposed a **** flesh.

There is no skin on this flesh body, and blood can be seen.

In Meng Fan's hand, he held his armor.

This god-given battle armor had long been fused with the flesh of the Emperor Sun and Moon, and was torn off by Meng Fan!

"The power of heaven?"

Meng Fan looked at the armor in his hand coldly, and made a crisp sound. This armor, which was condensed with many laws of heaven and beyond, shattered directly, was swallowed into the original world, and immediately evolved into One of the islands is rooted in the deep sea, and the skin of Emperor Sun and Moon on it has become a fertile land.

The Sun and Moon Emperors themselves are **** races, which are different from ordinary creatures. The flesh and blood of the **** races are all condensed from the essence of heaven and earth and the laws. They are very precious. This vast island will inevitably become a place of wealth. It even attracted some gods to live.

"I am the sky!"

Stop talking.

Meng Fan moves first!

In the blink of an eye, he had come to the front of Emperor Sun and Moon, and at the moment that Emperor Sun and Moon had not reacted, he had torn the waist of Emperor Sun and Moon with his bare hands, and incorporated a large body into the Origin World.

Emperor Sun and Moon, the center of his body was suddenly dug away with such a large piece, almost breaking off.


Emperor Sun and Moon let out a heavy gasp.

No one can see what happened.

Under the silent and shocked gaze of many **** kings on the battlefield, Meng Fan was the Emperor Lingchi Sun Moon!

First, it shattered the Sun and Moon Emperor's Eye of Heaven.

Then, he tore off his armor and flesh.

Then, he dug away a large body from his waist.

Isn't this Ling Chi?

However, they couldn't understand how a Five Tribulations God King could achieve Lingchi Sun Moon Emperor, such a powerful Six Tribulations God King!

In particular, the Emperor of Heaven was sealed, and Emperor Sun and Moon was the leader of the Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Court.

Meng Fan, is now the leader of Lingchi Heavenly Dao Heavenly Court!

Only Meng Fan and Emperor Sun and Moon can see the mystery among them.

In the perception of Emperor Sun and Moon, Meng Fan was clearly a God King of the Five Tribulations, but in front of Meng Fan, he felt a sense of powerlessness, even... the fear of facing the Emperor!

Emperor Sun and Moon had already guessed the reason.

But there are some, I can't believe it.

"Could it be that...the way of heaven is" Sun Moon Emperor's voice was cold.

Meng Fan did not answer him.

But rushed again.

Another stagger!

This time, one arm of Emperor Sun Moon was cut in half instantly!

Half of the arm was incorporated into the original world by Meng Fan and turned into a strip of land thousands of miles long.

Stagger again!

Every time it crosses, it is a round.

In each round, Emperor Sun and Moon had no power to counterattack, and he was slightly slowed by Meng Fan!

Every part that was delayed was incorporated into the original world and turned into a piece of land or an island.

Every time Ling Chi, those heavenly **** kings wearing white robes in the battlefield couldn't help shaking.

Even, there are already some heavenly gods, who have come to the edge of the heavenly court, and escaped silently!

"Your vertical eyes, your power, your martial arts brand, spirit, method, and even flesh and blood, all have the gift of heaven, and the power of heaven has been integrated with you, and it is inseparable." Meng Fan Calmly said: "So you must die in my hands, because at this moment, I am the way of heaven! The only pity is the three emperors. Only you are back. Only you are alone in the trap. It is a pity, that The two great emperors, I am also very greedy, but it doesn't matter, I will find them, and use the same method to delay them!

The emperor of heaven is dead, and the heaven of heaven will decay, and the future of heaven will be orthodox! "

In Meng Fan's voice.

Heavenly God King, his confidence quickly collapsed.

More Heavenly Dao God Kings fled outside, and they no longer have the desire to fight.

This is like a spark.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

In an instant, the white-robed **** kings dispersed like a tide!

Some white-robed gods even appeared, stepping into some important institutions of the heavenly court, to **** the treasure of the heavenly court.

Meng Fan looked at Emperor Sun and Moon, and said coldly: "God is in England, you are so pitiful. You have just possessed almost infinite power. At the moment when you are about to show your fists in the world, your life is lost here. You join heaven. The only battle in the heaven is to die in the hands of the future heaven."

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