Supreme God King

Chapter 2839: Walk for the sky

The sun and moon emperor born under the gaze of countless gods of heaven, the **** of six calamities, has the eye of heaven, and the leader of the heavens and the court.

In Meng Fan's hands, he was a little bit late!

His body was easily cut off, merged into the original world, and turned into pieces of land and islands.

Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Dao God King, scattered like a tide, and fled for his life.

Under the covering of the nest, there are no eggs.

Excluding those Heavenly Dao puppets who had almost lost their will, the other Heavenly Dao God Kings understood this truth too well, and did not stop.

But many resurrected **** kings stopped fighting and raised their heads one after another, looking at Meng Fan and Sun Moon Emperor in the void.

"Did you see it." Meng Fan waved his arm towards the heavenly court. "The kings are afraid of the way of heaven, but they don't recognize its virtue. The way of heaven suppresses and persecutes all living beings with great power, so all living beings are only afraid of the power of the way of heaven, and they have not really obeyed the way of heaven from the bottom of their hearts. The way of heaven loses this power. They are like birds and beasts."

The Emperor Sun and Moon, who had no good skin left on his body, looked weakly at Meng Fan. The light in his eyes gradually dimmed, but there was a fierce, still wandering deep in his eye sockets.

"I, I have known you for a long time..." Emperor Sun Yue gasped, every word, golden blood flowed from his mouth. "Many years ago, I was the leading figure of the Protoss. In that era, the Great Tribulation of the Era, in order to punish sentient beings, gather power, and no longer release light, the universe plunged into darkness.

That was the moment when our Protoss was closest to the authority of the Heavenly Dao, but when the Heavenly Dao re-released its power, the elders of the Protoss retreated. They did not dare to fight against the Heavenly Dao, and gave up to continue to illuminate all living beings.

I was very angry. I once questioned the elder of the temple, but was banished. At that moment, it was the way of heaven, which took me in, lighted the end of the road for me, and let me see the future clearly.

With the passage of time, Tiandao is like my father. I think about Tiandao and become more and more aware of the needs of Tiandao.

And when you became a small heaven in the heavens and all realms, I knew that you were the most important key to the true coming of the heavenly emperor, the key to the key.

After the emperor came to the world, he changed several hosts, but all ended in failure. No creature can carry the power of the emperor. Therefore, the emperor and I are even more convinced that only you are the most perfect host.

So I know you well, I know everything about you.

Everything in the ten thousand domain.

Everything in the heavens and worlds.

Everything in the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty.

But I never thought that you were the number one pick! "

The voice of Emperor Sun and Moon was very hoarse, lingering in the heavenly court.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe watched silently.

The kings watched silently.

Next to Master Zhuge, who holds the Heavenly Master Sword, is his clan brother Zhuge Yun. Because of the fierce fighting in the battlefield, he has been covered in blood, and communicated with Master Zhuge with a spirit: "Brother, what does this mean?"

"Just as the dynasty succeeded to the throne, when the emperor dies, the first person with the right to ascend the throne is the first in line." Master Zhuge said calmly and simply.

Zhugeyun's expression changed slightly.

Of course, Zhugeyun understands the meaning of being number one.

However, he did not think about this at all.

It was Master Zhuge who spoke and confirmed what he was thinking.

The emperor died, the prince succeeded to the throne, and the prince was the one closest to the emperor's authority.

It is also legal and there are orthodox people.

A question suddenly appeared in Zhuge Yun's heart.

Now that the Emperor of Heaven is sealed and the Dao of Heaven is weakened, Meng Fan will naturally...become... the Dao of Heaven?

Few of these huge heavens and tens of thousands of gods understand this truth.

Especially those **** kings who have just been resurrected. Many of them have disappeared in the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Where can I understand what happened?

Only Xuanyuan Jingzhe, the veteran Six Tribulations God King, and Zhuge Master, who knew Meng Fan very well, and even had a spiritual imprint with Meng Fan, could see it at a glance.

Zhuge Yun couldn't help but look at his brother Zhuge Shi.

At this moment, Zhuge's expression was very calm.

But his arms are shaking slightly!

This shows that the shock that is difficult to suppress in his heart.

"you're right."

Facing the words of Emperor Sun and Moon, Meng Fan nodded gently.

Accept it calmly.

"Bai Buxian has released the shackles of sentient beings, and I will do the same."

Meng Fan's words were very heavy and fell in the heavenly court.

Suddenly, a heavenly puppet, with its originally dull eyes, exuded a trace of confusion.

He looked at his palm in surprise, and then at the **** kings around him.

I don't seem to understand why I am here and here.

After a while, his eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he looked at the sky in shock.

This scene was watched by many gods, especially Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe could not help taking a deep breath, the steady old **** king.

"Lord Meng, do you want to liberate all puppets suppressed by the will of Heaven?"

His voice is very soft, almost only he can hear it, it is a whisper.

"Meng Fan..." Emperor Sun and Moon gritted his teeth. "What are you going to do? Are you going to destroy the layout of the Heavenly Dao for hundreds of millions of years, so that the creatures who have been guided by the Heavenly Dao will be lost again? Do you know how many followers of the Heavenly Dao in this universe, and what are they? Identity, and how to help Heaven stabilize the huge universe? What are you going to do, you want to release them? Are you going to let this world fall into chaos!"

"Followers?" Meng Fan sneered mockingly: "It's just a puppet. If you insist on saying that, it's okay. Today, I'm even ‘walking for the sky’.

He waved his arm!

Green shirts are flying.

The heavenly puppet **** kings who have never retreated, one by one, looked at left and right in surprise as if they were waking up from a dream.

In their souls, the imprint of the will of heaven was quickly disintegrated.

Some of them will fall into a long period of confusion and confusion.

Some people will not be able to judge where they are and what they are doing.

Some even go crazy.

However, Meng Fan's approach is still benevolent.

Because these gods, in the past years, are walking dead!

"Even if you get confused and confused, even if you lose your memory, it will be 10,000 times stronger than the walking dead!"

Meng Fan's cry surging violently above the heavenly court.

Even the voice turned into a looming dragon shape.

"This magnificent avenue cannot be destroyed in your hands!"

The Emperor Sun and Moon roared, and in an instant, all his power exploded, turning into a blaze that could burn through the wilds of the universe, and hit Meng Fan!

Flames burn.

It seems that the sun jumped on the horizon.

It seems that a terrible catastrophe has come to the world!

The kings quickly covered their eyes to avoid losing their eyesight.

Only a few moments later.

The light instantly dissipated.

There was nothing left behind.

Calmly too much.

The kings slowly opened their eyes again.

What I saw was Meng Fan standing alone in the air.

Meng Fan gently agitated his throat, his body exuded layer after layer of holy light.

In the original world, a huge Optimus Prime appeared in the east, supporting a whole world.

A land several times larger than the largest continent in the original world was condensed under Optimus Prime.

This land is too fertile. As long as the seeds of any plant fall, not only will they thrive, but they will almost certainly turn into spiritual things, grass demon and tree demon.

The kings did not know what happened.

Zhuge Yun looked at his brother.

In the eyes of Master Zhuge, there were dots of luster beating.

"Brother Meng... ate the Emperor Sun and Moon."

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