Supreme God King

Chapter 2840: Awesome

Human world.

It is still being wrapped in the red dust, and it is truly becoming more and more prosperous day by day.

Wenwang Mansion is still quiet, different from the whole lively human world.

Inside Wang Wen's Mansion.

The central emperor, the current literary king of the world, is still sitting in meditation.

It has been five days since Emperor Bowu stepped into the Chaos Realm. Five days ago, King Wen had retired and no longer accepted the continuous resources of the human world.

In the past, it can be said that any requirement of King Wen for the human world will be met, no matter what he needs, three provinces, two governments and one place, all agreed. This is an order issued by Emperor Bowu.

There were also many people who were placed in the Mansion of King Wen by Emperor Bo Wu, both openly and secretly, to observe King Wen's every move.

Book province.

Master Shang Shuling, nicknamed Zhang Biyan'er, acted on behalf of the emperor when Emperor Bo Wu left, and reviewed a large number of memorials. As night fell, he shook his muscles and made crackling noises, and came to the rooftop of Shangshu Province. Before, looking at the huge imperial city.

Under the rule of Emperor Bowu, the Great Qin Empire has been flourishing. The curfew that was once abolished has also been abolished. This move continues to this day. After the establishment of the human world, the human imperial city can enter and exit at will regardless of day and night, which shows its strength. confidence.

The establishment of the entire human world relied on a group of heroes from the Great Qin Empire, half relied on the talents of Emperor Bo Wu, and half relied on the leaders of the three provinces and two governments.

Here, Zhang Biyan, the right arm of Emperor Bo Wu, of course did his best.

Zhang Biyan'er was picked up by Emperor Bo Wu. When he was young, he served in the three provinces and climbed steadily. He was also cultivated intentionally or unintentionally by Emperor Bo Wu. Until he took the position of Shang Shuling, his abilities were maximized.

Zhang Biyan is also impeccable in terms of personal morality and public morality. His travels are low-key and his life is simple. This is actually unnecessary for a glorious supreme dynasty such as the Great Qin Empire. Even Emperor Bowu did not strictly prohibit the extravagance of courtiers. Emperor Bowu once said that as long as the people are free from disasters, every family is raging, there is food to eat, books to read, and the criminal law trial can be made available to the public without being trampled on, then he doesn't care about the courtier himself.

You can build a house as big as you want, as long as you don’t seize the people’s land; you can eat as many delicacies as you want, as long as you don’t have fish or meat.

This is true self-confidence, but also absolute mind.

Zhang Biyan's personal is so simple, and he was criticized by courtiers at first, but his ability to deal with government affairs is too strong. After a long time, everyone is convinced, and Zhang Biyan's is not a pedantic person, a reward from Emperor Bo Wu. He also accepted them, and afterwards he would take these rewards to the officials and distribute them. Some people even wrote to Emperor Bo Wu about this, saying that Zhang Biyan was disrespectful to his majesty by distributing the rewards of his majesty to other courtiers. Regarding the suspicion of party affiliation, Emperor Bo Wu smiled slightly and calmed down. On the one hand, he rewarded the courtiers who submitted the letter to supervise current affairs. On the other hand, he also laughed about these letters with Zhang Biyan.

And Zhang Biyan’s answer was a smile, saying that he had made some mistakes, so the reward given by Emperor Bo Wu, he still sent to the courtiers, but instead of feasting the guests, he sent it in the name of Emperor Bo Wu. Let courtiers be grateful to Emperor Bowu, not himself.

This pair of emperors and ministers truly has no barriers, but they also set a good example for the Great Qin Empire.

On the one hand, the policy is loose. On the other hand, many people use Zhang Biyan'er as an example to criticize the extravagant courtiers. Everyone can exercise self-discipline.

The entire universe, which is respected by force, has appeared in the Great Qin Empire, which is not governed by martial arts, but governed by real humane laws. The first achievements are of course Bowu Emperor and Zhang Biyan'er.

Zhang Biyan'er's realm is not high, let alone compare with the strong shogunate, even in Shangshu Province, Zhang Biyan'er's officials have a realm beyond him.

As for the entire human world, those who dared to collide with Zhang Biyan'er in the courtroom, that is, Master Zhongshuling from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as several highly respected teachers from the Tai Xuefu, these people are all morals. , And occasionally be said to be pedantic.

What a huge move is the establishment of the human world? The influx of various gods and heroes from all walks of life seems to be growing day by day, but how many problems will there be? Not to mention anything else, just talk about the continuous expansion of the boundaries of the human world and the placement of gods from all walks of life. How much resources will it cost?

Even though the Great Qin Empire had a solid foundation, it was impossible to spend so much.

Anbang stabilizes the country, consolidates Heshan, and Zhang Biyan's ability is even more revealing. Now, even Zhongshu Ling and Tai Xuefu have not criticized Zhang Biyan.

The Daqin Empire talked about Zhang Biyan the most, except for Emperor Bo Wu's trust in him and his ability to deal with government affairs.

Therefore, Zhang Biyan always appears confident and calm in all of these.

Someone commented on Zhang Biyan's-imaginary.

But today, Zhang Biyan, who has been reviewing the memorial for a day, is standing on the roof of Shang Shusheng and looking away, but his brows are lightly frowned, and there are some worries on his face.


A young courtier standing nearby was thoughtful, but he didn't dare to ask questions easily.

The young courtier didn't even understand why Shang Shu had only let him stay after he had let the lord back everyone.

He has too little qualifications in the human world. After the establishment of the human world, all the people who have made steady progress are the members of the former Great Qin Empire. Although many new official positions have been opened to consolidate the human world, and countless titles have been awarded, the real ruling core is still the veteran of the Great Qin Empire.

And this young courtier was a lone human **** king from the outside world, with no background, no foundation, not a member of the Great Qin Empire, but one of countless **** kings who joined after the establishment of the human world.

In recent days, many foreign lone **** kings like him have been recruited by the tastes of the three provinces and two governments, and they have become small officials.

All kinds of things circulated in the young courtier's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

"Don't think about it."

Zhang Biyan's mouth suddenly changed the face of the young courtier.

This Shangshu, known as Xuhuairuogu, did not turn around, and said indifferently: "After the establishment of the human world, a lone **** king like you from outside has not experienced court trials like the Great Qin Empire, and naturally does not understand the officialdom. Dao, there are many things, you think, you don’t want to understand, don’t worry, just take your time. I’ll ask you something, what’s going on at Prince Wen’s Mansion?”

"After the special orders from the Shenji Department entered, they all fell like a stone, and there was no news." The young courtier replied quickly. "According to the adult, the subordinates keep an eye on it every day, but they really don't get any useful news."

Zhang Biyan's eyes narrowed, and his lips opened slightly: "Five days. After your Majesty has left for five days, Prince Wen's Mansion has become an iron curtain. It is a dark one, you can't see anything, you can't see through... Wang Wen, keep a low profile, yes While waiting for an opportunity, what I fear most is this moment, which is the time Wang Wen waited."

When he said something, the young courtier didn't understand the officialdom anymore, he was sweating and stunned.

Zhang Biyan had no one else by his side, and continued: "Wen King...Xiaotian Dao...Magic Maple that established the Demon Realm...The champion of Dharma and Xiang Hou that traverses like a killing star...The Sumeru God Buddha who expands the way of Buddhism...etc. Wait, it's really terrifying — immediately notify the Shenji Office and the Shogunate, and send two hundred Shenwang people to hibernate near the Wenwang Mansion."

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