Supreme God King

Chapter 2841: Heaven and earth

Inside Wang Wen's Mansion.

Deep in black.

The central emperor, now the literary king of the world, sat quietly.

He has maintained this state for several days.

He even entered a state of fetal breath, his breathing was very weak, and he could not feel his presence beyond ten feet.

His whole body is also very dim, completely blending with the surrounding void.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed.

The Central Emperor slowly opened his eyes.

In the depths of his eyes, there are two rays of light, not dazzling, but soft as the setting sun.

The flashing electric light turned into a shadowy shadow, like a thin person.

"His Royal Highness King Wen."

The electro-optical human form made a sound, but it was not the sound of a normal creature, like the sound of the wind or the sound of water, full of natural rhythm.


The Central Emperor said lightly, neither humble nor overbearing, neither happy nor sad.

"The time has come." The humanoid said peacefully. "Emperor Bo Wu has been dragged by my warship and thousands of golden and stone puppets in the Chaos Realm. Emperor Bo Wu is indeed powerful. He actually destroyed two of my prehistoric warships by himself, but it doesn’t matter. These losses, although huge, But you can bear it. Now is the critical moment for your unification of humanity.

I know very well that those **** kings, warships, and golden stone puppets sent to the chaos realm are all vanguards. No matter how great they are, they cannot be the opponents of Emperor Bowu. In the end, he will still win. If he is completely victorious With the inheritance of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, you will never have the opportunity to seek humanity again. "

"Well, you are right." The Central Emperor nodded.

The humanoid continued: "Although you are now the God King of the Three Tribulations, you have been suppressing your own cultivation and strength. You are born upholding humanity, with infinite air luck, your air luck, It is even bigger than the champion of Dharma, the God and Buddha of Sumi. After entering the human world, you have obtained infinite resources, and I have given you all the humane information and have deduced all kinds of humane martial arts to the end. After the emperor was sealed, my calculation ability surpassed everything and was the only one in the universe, comparable to the **** of creation.

It can be said that the most powerful resources and the most powerful forces of the entire universe are in your body. How could you be just the strength of the King of Three Tribulations?

Now, as long as you let go of all your hands and feet, all my methods will be displayed. After you master the human world, you can immediately merge with the infinite realm, and you can become the most powerful force in the universe. No one can match it. Then, you His enemies will be turned into powder, and Emperor Bo Wu, who has lost his humane power, will become weaker day by day. I will hunt him down forever until he gets rid of him.

After that, you and I will sit on an equal footing and jointly control the entire universe. "

The words spoken by the human form have always been in the same tone, unchanged.

"King of Light Brain, I want to ask you." Central Emperor suddenly asked: "What do you want."

"Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth." The humanoid's answer is very simple.

"Good. Good." The Central Emperor nodded slightly: "Then, let's start."


Chaos world.

Large areas have become scorched earth.

What is scorched earth?

Not only the vitality has been burned out, even the laws are broken to the point where they can no longer be broken!

All power has been torn apart here.

The dragon veins deep in the earth were broken into countless sections.

Three huge warships that surpassed the vast world, fell into the shattered void.

Many golden and stone puppets whose power is comparable to the **** king have all turned into dust.

Only the tombstone of the Hundred Saints of Humanity is still intact as before, and that piece of land, the two sides killed by the fight, have deliberately bypassed and protected, and dare not get the slightest damage.

As for the onlookers, the kings have already retreated, and some are still spying in secret, looking for opportunities.

But these **** kings who want to find opportunities have lost their confidence.


Among all the shattered voids, the one wearing a goose yellow figure.

A pretty face like a woman.

Humanitarian leader, Emperor Bowu.

His body was unscathed!

The end result of this seemingly evenly matched battle is that Emperor Bo Wu, with overwhelming strength, cuts the grass, and constantly destroys the golden and stone puppets in the infinite field, and then breaks the predecessor warship and blows it into the shattered void!

The power displayed by the Infinite Realm looked so powerful, but in front of Emperor Bo Wu, it was completely at a disadvantage.

The power of the leaders of the world is fully revealed!

At the same time, one can also see the horror of the infinite realm.

Because the Infinite Realm is completely attacking Emperor Bowu with huge numbers of people, and even if Emperor Bowu demonstrates such a terrifying power, the Infinite Realm does not retreat in the slightest, as if according to some fearful law, it will be every once in a while Send a large number of gold and stone puppets.

A fight between a leader of the human world who seems invincible and a force that doesn't know tiredness and retreat.

It lasted three days!

When Emperor Bo Wu was about to walk towards the tombstone of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, the fourth prehistoric warship appeared!

The background of the infinite realm is simply terrifying to the fear!

In the eyes of bystanders, the thunder cannons of a prehistoric warship burst out in a concentrated manner, which can directly penetrate a dimension.

And there are 2,000 gold and stone puppets carried in each prehistoric warship.

Every stone puppet possesses the power equivalent to a **** king.

In other words, the power of any prehistoric warship is comparable to a supreme celestial dynasty!

Emperor Bo Wu, in three days, destroyed three prehistoric warships, which is equivalent to destroying three supreme celestial dynasties!

Both strengths are too terrifying.

Now, the fourth prehistoric warship has appeared again.

A photoelectric appeared, transformed into a human form, and appeared in front of Emperor Bo Wu.

Emperor Bo Wu is no stranger to this photoelectric.

In the previous three days of fighting, this photoelectric figure appeared several times.

What kind of character is Emperor Bowu? According to the words of the **** king of the infinite realm before, he has guessed that this photoelectric figure is the king of light brain.

However, it is not the deity of the King of Light Brain.

Even according to the words of the **** king of the infinite realm, the king of light brain has no deity.

Any golden stone puppet, any warship in the infinite domain, even in the armor of the **** king of the infinite domain, etc., there is the king of light brain.

The king of light brain is everywhere.

This way of existence is incomprehensible to sentient beings, **** kings, and even Emperor Bowu.

"I'm very curious." Bo Wu said slowly to the electric light figure. "When are you going to delay me?"

"It's enough to delay about two more days." Dianguang humanoid replied without emotion.

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