Supreme God King

Chapter 2845: New Era

The huge calamity of hit, brewing the power of time and space, thunder, birth and death, etc., like a huge pillar, smashed into the Prince Wen Mansion.

In an instant, the huge Wenwang Mansion was directly turned into ashes!

Even some **** kings around were swept in, and immediately collapsed.

Bloody horror.

With the advent of the catastrophe, the fight in the imperial city suddenly stopped for a while. Both sides of the fight looked over, but soon the fight continued.

This is a humane war.

It is a civil strife in the world of humanity.

It is a collision between the merged humane families and the traditional forces of the Great Qin Empire!

In Zhang Chun's eyes, this war is almost inevitable, not only for him, but also for Emperor Bo Wu.

Emperor Bowu and Emperor Central have always used each other and beware of each other. Although Emperor Bowu and Emperor Bowu are incomparable in terms of strength, qualifications, and influence, Emperor Bowu has carried the entire humane luck and promoted. The speed is too fast!

The central emperor has not only the human luck, but also the resources of the entire human world, as well as the most powerful calculation method in the world provided by the infinite realm.

With these three powers, the Central Emperor is simply the most prosperous God King in the prehistoric universe.

There are also various humane families who believe in obedience to Yin, and regard the Central Emperor as a banner. Once the order is issued, it will respond in a hundred responses.

Zhang Chun narrowed those emerald green eyes, and said leisurely: "This is the shortcomings of the ancient forces... Various problems, various relationships, intertwined roots, and numerous parties. I thought that it could be delayed for some time until your Majesty’s grasp. The tombstone of the Hundred Sages of Humanity has achieved the most important humane unification, and it has been delayed until it weakens the power of the family's clan, and it has been delayed until a group of young courtiers are cultivated... But all of this, I have miscalculated, I did not expect that the Emperor of Heaven would be sealed. , The power of Heavenly Dao will become so weak, breaking through the realm, breaking through the shackles, and become so simple, and the Central Emperor will be promoted so fast..."

After speaking, Zhang Chun looked at the Five Tribulations God King outside the formation: "Zhao Sheng, but do you think that the huge human world will change its banner so easily? Do you think you belong to the Zhao family? The choice must be correct? Your majesty is powerful, you should know that the killing of the Shao family in one day happened not long ago!

In addition, the general Xia Houshun, although he has always been at odds with the three provinces, he was promoted by his majesty after all, and he respected his majesty very much. At this moment, he is rushing back to the human world with his army! "

"Emperor Bo Wu is trapped in the Chaos Realm. As long as it is delayed until the Central Emperor's breakthrough level is reached, and he controls the humanity, the power of Emperor Bo Wu will quickly weaken. And the general Xia Houshun, um, yes, this is A huge problem."

Five Tribulations God King Zhao Sheng said coldly: "Destroying Shang Shusheng, and then defeating Xia Houshun, this is our next goal to achieve!"

As his words fell, a group of figures appeared behind him.

That was the Zhao family, one **** after another.

One after another released their power and aimed at the star ring formation!


Seal the Demon Valley.

Now, it has been separated from the entire universe, no longer in a certain dimension.

The billowing demon gas turned into liquid and solid again, forming a huge enchantment, enclosing the entire Sealed Demon Valley.

Now, Sealed Demon Valley can be called the Demon Realm!

The center of the Demon Valley.

The Demon Maple, the former head of the Seven Sons of the Sealed Demon Valley, fluttered behind him with an ink-colored cloak tens of meters long. His eyes had eight pupils. The skin on his body was shiny and formed into strange scales, like snakes. The scales are average.

He was awakening the blood of the old man Yuanxu in his body every moment.

His physical signs gradually became like the old man Yuan Xu in the legend.

With a breath and a breath, the devil qi of the entire Demon Realm will follow him.

Many demon kings, located in every corner of the demon world, breathe with him, and feel the mystery of the demon path together.

He is already a generation of Devil Emperor.

Strength, more and more powerful.

Eight pupils, looking at the human world like the sun in the distance, without a word for a long time, suddenly bursts of weird words from their mouths. Everyone who hears them will feel sinking, psychedelic, unreal, but Addictive, hard to escape.

It is simply the ancient magic sound!

Under the call of this voice, the cosmos, some demons in all dimensions, whether it is pure blood ancient demons, human demons, earth demons, demons, heaven demons, etc., all raised their heads and heard the call. There are demons, coming in the direction of the demons.

In a dark corner of the prehistoric universe, a demon with a beautiful appearance but full of devilish energy also heard the sound and stopped abruptly.

He, in the universe, has no reputation.

But in the heavens and worlds, it is too famous.

He is the heavens and all realms, the leader of the ancient magic way, the demon sovereign of Jiuquan!

The giant that once caused many gods and kings of the heavens and the world to hear about it!

It is also Meng Fan, a temporary enemy.

Originally, he was dead, but after the Emperor of Heaven was sealed and the long river of fate was solved, he was resurrected!

At the end of the Heavenly Dao Heavenly Court battle, he personally saw Meng Fan, who had shown great majesty. He, who had been completely numb, also received a huge impact and left the Heavenly Dao Heavenly Court silently.

Now, after hearing this call, Jiuquan Demon Venerable only hesitated for a moment before flying directly to the Demon Realm.

Because of the weakening of the power of heaven, the black death catastrophe, and loss of control, it gradually destroyed the barriers of all dimensions of the universe and broke all kinds of barriers, which allowed ordinary gods to travel through dimensions.

The dimensional barrier is no longer a limitation of besieging the kings of heaven and earth. All **** kings can pursue their own avenues as much as they want.


On that day, the heavenly court collapsed.

Civil chaos in the world.

The Devildom is established.

There are still many things happening in the cosmos.

Jianchengguan has been completely controlled by the reconstructed Longxiang Valley, and one treasure house after another has been opened. At this moment, the original immortal emperor of Longxiang Valley, the giant of the sky, ushered in another disaster.

An Assassin Star stabbed into the Chaos Realm and kills at sight. There is no nonsense. The name of this Assassin Star gradually spreads out. Some people say it is a champion, some say it is a holy king.

A kind of Buddhism that takes merit as the foundation force, controls impermanence and permanence, and is good at mentality. It spreads quickly and silently. Many gods and kings have converted to believe in one after another, relying on the power of Buddhism and Tao to form an immortal golden body against the black Death catastrophe.

As Zhang Biyan'er said, the next generation is terrifying.

When the Great Primordial Chaos went out, Baibuxian and the Emperor of Heaven died together, and all sorts of drastic changes occurred in the cosmos, and an old era was quickly closing its curtain.

A new era has quickly kicked off.

In this new era, nine out of ten of the names that jumped into everyone's eyes were young gods.

Meng Fan, who is infinitely close to the authority of heaven.

The central emperor who clamored for humanity.

The magic map of Sealing Demon Valley that unifies the magic way.

The champion Hou who walks to kill without the slightest hesitation.

The **** Sumi who spreads the Buddhist Tao silently.

A group of young gods born in just a few hundred thousand years.

Adhering to their respective avenues.

Set off the prelude to a new era.

Avenue era.

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