Supreme God King

Chapter 2846: Emperor Wu Wenwang

Human world.

The white-clothed young man walked quickly, this one-knack **** king, obviously did not deliberately hide, but was not noticed.

Because of the human imperial city, the sound of being killed has spread.

The whole civil turmoil broke out very suddenly and without warning. The rebellious **** kings from all walks of life rarely communicated with each other. Before the civil turmoil, there had never been any gatherings. It seemed that there was no discussion, but it was absolutely clear. .

The main force of the civil strife was the humane families that merged into the human world after the establishment of the human world. These families have different surnames and have huge differences in factions, such as the Zhao family recognized as the most powerful, and its leader Zhao Sheng was named the first-class Huizong in the human world. This Zhao family is more extroverted. It has contacts with many humane families. It does not advocate force, but rather the knowledge of humane saints. Moreover, there are many poems and poems in the family, and there is a legend called one. Zhao Jiajue's writing can be compared with a Taoist implement.

In addition, the humane Liu family, compared with other humane families, has few children, but values ​​force, and there are many powerful masters, especially the Liu Wanggong secretly made by the Liu family, which has spread throughout many places in the world. It was the archer of the Great Qin Empire. The bows and arrows equipped are all modeled after the Liu Wang bow.

Others include the Yang family, Li family, Meng family, Guo family, Zhu family, and so on.

Hundreds of humane families have gathered in the human world!

Some of these humane families are very weak, and only one or two **** kings are left to support them.

Compared with such powerful humane families as the Zhuge Family, Xuanyuan Family, Xie Family, Shao Family, and Wang Family, they are all aristocratic families that will almost be eliminated by the times.

Because they didn't have strong strength, they didn't dare to disobey Emperor Bo Wu's summoning, and joined the human world one after another.

Now, this turmoil that only happened in the imperial city was caused by these families.

Outside of the human imperial city, in other places in the human world, the warlords, tiger-letter captains, and guards all received the summoning order issued by Shang Shusheng, and are rushing to the human imperial city, but their speed is really slow. , Because it has encountered various ambushes outside the imperial city.

And the anxious fight in the human imperial city gradually revealed some eyebrows.

In the human world, there are 40,000 **** kings, and nearly half of them are **** kings of various humane families. They were organized and prepared for a long time, so the deadlock was quickly broken.

Now, as long as the three provinces are breached, they can spread the world through their Taoist artifacts and let the world return to their hearts.

It seems that the only thing that can prevent this from happening is two people.

One is Emperor Bo Wu who completely cut off the news.

One is Xia Houshun, who has been criticized by the court, often dismissed from office by the officials, and has been imprisoned by Emperor Bo Wu for many years in the sky prison.

He is a biography.

The head of the generals, the shogunate leader.

Most of the world's military power is in his hands.

He is also the world, the only God King of Six Tribulations.

Before Renhuangcheng was banned, Shang Shusheng spread the news, but no one knew whether it reached Xia Houshun.

The white-clothed boy swiftly shuttled like a fish, swimming in the chaos, and soon came to a secret mansion and closed his eyes.

Meng Fan opened his eyes.

Beside him, there was only Master Zhuge.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe led the army back to the future heavenly court non-stop. On the one hand, it was necessary to place the newly reborn **** king, and on the other hand, the large amount of resources plundered from the future heavenly court should be immediately invested in the construction of the future heavenly court.

Only Master Zhuge was left, following Meng Fan.

"The civil turmoil in the human world is about to come out." Meng Fan said softly: "The Great Emperor Yang has a seven-point chance of winning."

"Seven points?" Master Zhuge obviously couldn't believe it. "The strength of Emperor Bo Wu is obvious to all. He destroyed Shao's fief in one day alone. The human world is now also the most powerful moment. It is growing every moment. How could it be suddenly subverted by a civil disturbance?"

"According to my deduction, Emperor Yang's odds of winning are at least seven points, and it's still growing." Meng Fan squinted his eyes, thoughtfully, and recalled what happened in the heavens. "Almost all the humane families have rebelled. This is already evenly matched. Emperor Bo Wu has not appeared for a long time. I don't know what is being held back. In addition, I am in the imperial city and vaguely feel the shadow of the infinite realm. No, it's right and left."

"Unexpectedly, the shocking change came so quickly." Master Zhuge still trusted Meng Fan and did not continue to question. "The battle between the heavens and the heavens, the civil strife in the human world, it is really the Emperor Chaos going out, and the world has changed drastically, but this is also a good thing. Now the universe is composed of three worlds side by side. The new demon world is still unstable, and the leader is just a young man. The Four Tribulations God Kings are not ranked. But the three major worlds, the heavens and the heavens, collapsed, and the human world was in civil strife, giving us more opportunities for the heavens in the future.

These words of Master Zhuge are indeed correct. Heavenly Dao Heavenly Court, the human world, and the future Heavenly Court, have too many ties to each other, they can only be enemies, not friends.

First of all, the human world is the most powerful, and of course it will be met with all kinds of jealousy and attention from the heavens.

Then, the future Heavenly Court will be composed of several great humane families, which will disperse the fortune of humanity and become the enemy with the human world. In the future, the Heavenly Court will fight for the Heavenly Way, which will not be at odds with the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court, and must be the enemy.

The three parties are enemies with each other. This is a tripod. If the human world is not present, the heavenly court will definitely attack the future heaven. Similarly, if the heavenly court collapses, the human world will attack the future heaven because of the subtle form of the three-legged tripartism. Up.

It should be said that the reason why Heavenly Court can be established safely in the future is because of luck. It is a tripartite and cannot be easily broken.

Now, because the Great Primordial Chaos has left the customs, the Heavenly Court will gain a lot of benefits quietly in the future. The Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court will fight against the Heavenly Court in the future. The Heavenly Court will plunder countless resources in the future. Yes, and from now on, there is only one heavenly court, occupying all the names.

It can be said that the future of heaven's air luck is really good. For this reason, adhering to the right way, not going to the wrong way, and not deviating from the purpose of establishment are the main reasons.

But at the same time, the heavens cannot be taken lightly in the future. For this, Xuanyuan Jingzhe, whose mind is as steady as the sea, knows best, to continue to advance inch by inch, and to consolidate himself a little bit, because the three-legged situation has been completely broken, Bo As long as Emperor Wu mastered the tombstone of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, the human world would become stronger at any time before, and it is very likely that he would attack the heaven in the future.

But at this moment, civil strife broke out in the human world!

So Zhuge's analysis is correct.

But Meng Fan did not respond, instead, his mind became more and more serious.

Feeling Meng Fan's silence, Master Zhuge also calmed down.

"Brother Zhuge, I really can’t say whether it is for the human world to continue to maintain a two-dimensional situation, one is a humanitarian leader, and the other is a humane orthodox. This is better, or it is better to cause civil chaos in the world and determine the only leader. better."

As soon as he said this, Zhuge's face changed slightly.

He is not a fool.

I already understand what Meng Fan's words mean!

Although the human world is now strong, there is a fatal problem. There are two leaders and a dual system. The superficial humanitarian leader is Emperor Bo Wu, but everyone knows that the king is the real one. Humanitarian orthodoxy, the core of humanity, this is an unsolvable problem, and it will be manifested in all aspects.

Once the only leader is decided, the human world may experience a short period of ruin, but immediately after that, it will rise from the ruin at an astonishing speed to become purer, more concentric, and stronger!

Meng Fan's eyes grew colder and colder: "I can't say that it's even better to be Emperor Bowu, that's the king."

The voice fell and gradually drifted away.

For a long time, Meng Fan suddenly whispered: "The Emperor Yang..."

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