Supreme God King

Chapter 2858: Who is Xiaotiandao

One day passed.

In the conference hall, the discussion on the first law was still inconclusive.

But compared to the beginning of the meeting, when Meng Fan proposed the first law, the kings did not speak because of Meng Fan's reputation. In the second meeting of the day, someone finally spoke and expressed their opposition.

The first objection was Xie Jinghai.

It can be said that it was not unexpected at all, even completely expected.

Except for Xie Jinghai's explicit opposition, the entire Xie family was mobilized.

There are many elites in the Xie family. They are scattered in various divine residences. They got up and responded to Xie Jinghai, and they all began to oppose this law.

As for other aristocratic families, such as the Wang family, with Wang Hai as the head, they have been silent.

However, Zhuge Zixuan of the Zhuge family spoke occasionally without mentioning the main point. He always hoped to skip this law first and discuss the next one first, so as not to stop the process of the code.

Meng Fan resolutely disagreed. This was the only time that the Heavenly Court began to be established in the future until today, when Meng Fan and Zhuge's family had differences.

Meng Fan said that this law is the first iron law, and all laws after the heavenly court will be built based on this law. If this law is not passed, there will be no other laws. .

The first day, it just passed.

At night, three moons hang in the sky.

These three moons are all built by the God’s Mansion of the Future Heavenly Court. They are three huge stars that will orbit the planned orbits around the future Heavenly Court. Two of them are newly born, using the chaos realm and heaven. It was built with resources found in the heaven.

The afterglow released by the three-wheeled moon has a great aura that nourishes all things on the earth and makes the kings feel at peace. At this moment, on the three-wheeled moon, there are still the gods of the God’s Palace who are still working. Maintain the core of the moon.

In Xuanyuan Jingzhe's hands, these three moons also formed a large defensive array, which was a restraining method of the Xuanyuan family.

Under the night, Meng Fan sat on the throne of the Lord God, looked at the three-wheeled moon, and was silent.

He is waiting for someone.

The Xie family, or the Wang family or the Zhuge family, will definitely send someone to discuss with him.

The current Meng Fan is a pillar of the heavenly court in the future. He has shown that this iron law must be passed and it must be the first law of the heavenly court in the future. It takes more than 80% of the votes of the participants to pass, and now it seems that no family really agrees. In fact, this law can be invalidated and proceed directly to the next step.

But Meng Fan is a pillar of the heavens in the future, and he has no prestige. Even Xuanyuan Jingzhe is not as famous as Meng Fan now. Then it is impossible for the kings to ignore Meng Fan and proceed directly to the next discussion. Don't dare, no one can.

It must be discussed.

Sure enough, someone appeared in the depths of Jingyu Divine Mansion.

What surprised Meng Fan was that two people actually came, and one of them was thin and looked rather sick. It was Xie Jingyi.

The other is similar in appearance to Zhuge Ziluan and Zhuge Ziyi, but his tolerance and gestures are full of ancient style, solemn and square, and he is the ancestor of Mingyi.

In the future heaven, there will be two of the five great six tribulation **** kings.

It can be seen that the influence of this law is so great that all kings attach great importance to it.

"When I came, I met Senior Mingyi with the same purpose, so I came together." Xie Jing said first. Although he is powerful, he still needs to call Mingyi a senior. After all, Mingyi is a figure of the ancestor of the Zhuge family, and humanity still attaches great importance to this.

After Xie Jingyi finished speaking, she sat down without talking nonsense, and said: "Lord Meng, I have come to persuade you not to implement this first law, so as not to make the future heaven unstable and even into chaos."

"Thank Patriarch." Meng Fan also responded immediately, with a serious tone. "There were four meetings around today. Those who spoke against were the Xie family members. These Xie family **** kings were distributed in various shrines and performed their duties. Some were priests in the heavenly mansion. I want to ask you a question. These priests, do they have to do their own thing, first recognize the shrine to which they belong, or should they never forget that they are thanking family members?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was truly in one sentence, very sharp!

That's right.

In today’s four meetings, the Xie family members who participated in the meeting spoke one after another. No matter which temple the Xie family gods belonged to, in today’s meeting, in terms of attitude, they were all separated from their own temples, and in the identity of the Xie family, Supported Xie Jinghai.

This is the faction!

When Meng Fan said this, even Xie Jingyi couldn't answer it because it was a real problem.

In the future, there will be so many parties in heaven.

But Xie Jingyi, after all, is the veteran Six Tribulations God King, knowing that this is an obvious problem, but it is also a problem that the major families do not want to solve, and calmly said: "The family is managed according to the clan law and inheritance. The Faxiang Dynasty also has its own system and rules, especially the Qilin family. The first law was promulgated, which broke the rules of all the family factions and dismantled the family composed of countless people into individual individuals, disintegrating the family. Lord Meng, I’m not going to talk to you about the right or wrong of this matter. I only say whether the major families will agree. If the major families disagree, then there will be no result in this dispute. The worst possible thing is opposition and Disputes."

"The opposition and disputes originate from you, thank Patriarch." Meng Fan said.

Xie Jing's eyes moved slightly.

Meng Fan continued: "It is the leader of the major families and the elders of the clan. I don't agree."

After speaking, he looked at Mingyi again: "Senior Mingyi, I don’t want you to be the lobbyist of Zhuge’s family. You are now the most powerful thinker in the heavens in the future. Your calculation ability will be beyond the reach of the heavens. , I just want to hear from you, if this law can be promulgated smoothly, the parents of the world will abandon those trivial prejudices, old ideas, and accept this law, what will be the result?"

Mingyi still looks unhappy or sad, and has no emotions, and said indifferently: "Many **** kings and monks from all walks of life will join the future heaven. At the same time, countless heroes will be born in the future heaven and they will lose. All kinds of shackles, wholeheartedly enhance their own strength, and make contributions to the future heaven."

Mingyi came here, of course, to be a lobbyist for Zhuge's family. He, Xie Jingyi, and Emperor Splitting Sky are not involved in the affairs of the heavenly court in the future, but they are both terrifying figures at the first level of Dinghai Shenzhen, and they are very influential and have a say.

But even so, Mingyi is after all a high-grade instrument for calculating everything. Since you want to calculate everything, you must not have emotions, and you must discard all prejudices, and you must not be affected by these things to your calculation ability and judgment.

So for Meng Fan's current questions, he really has one thing to say.

Because in his calculations, this law was promulgated, and the various families did not hinder it, and smoothly implemented it. The result can only be good, not bad.

"Thank Patriarch, I am not the Little Heavenly Dao, you aristocratic families are the Little Heavenly Dao."

Meng Fan said another very harsh sentence.

"Heaven uses great laws to yoke all living beings. You aristocratic families use small rules to yoke the people of the tribe. Patriarchal clan system, dignity and humbleness, and family arrangements, all focus on family interests. Isn't these shackles? In these shackles , Your people are compared in the law of heaven, where does freedom go? The patriarchal clan system is like the true meaning of heaven, respect and inferiority, like the will of heaven, everything is focused on the interests of the family, isn’t that heaven enslaves sentient beings and lets them Isn’t it allowed to rebel against the panic and grace of God?”

These few words of Meng Fan completely touched the point and the pain point.

"Thank Patriarch, it's a pity that I am not the future heavenly court. According to the future heavenly court, the future heavenly king has the right to forcibly pass the law and also have the right to replace the main **** of the palace. Xuanyuan Jingzhe is a calm person and a person with a degree of work. , I won’t be so reckless, but if I were the future king, this law has already been passed."

Meng Fan's words have become increasingly fierce and fierce.

He said the first sentence, the future king has the right to pass the law forcibly, and the second sentence is that the future king can replace the main god.

This is true, but in the future, the king of heaven will not be able to directly replace the main **** of the palace, he has the right to propose a replacement, and then leave it to the palace to discuss.

This system is very crude now, because the relevant laws have not really been formed.

Meng Fan said that if he talks about the future king, this law has already been passed.

He didn't say the second sentence, but he could understand that if he were the future king, he would even want to replace the Hongwu Lord Xie Jinghai.

Obviously, Xie Jinghai led the Xie family to oppose the First Law at the Divine Mansion of the Legal Division, which has really angered Meng Fan.

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