Supreme God King

Chapter 2859: Only this one

On the second day, the Code Conference at the Dharma Palace continued.

The difference from the previous ones is that the words of the Xie family are not so intense anymore, they have become very gentle.

The Zhuge family seemed to be inclined to Meng Fan. Zhuge Ziyan's occasional speeches mentioned the benefits of the First Law.

The **** kings who attended the meeting all smelled a taste, vaguely, it seemed that the balance was tilted towards Meng Fan, but there were not many **** kings who understood the way.

In the original balance, one end was Meng Fan alone, and the other end was the entire future heaven.

Now, not so.

In the afternoon, during a short recess, Xuanyuan Jingzhe and his nephew Xuanyuan Aohan walked on the streets of Longcheng.

On both sides of the streets, the new buildings were full of vitality, people came and went, and some shops of the gods appeared.

This street is the main street of the future heaven. It is the right path of heaven and earth. It is two hundred meters wide and directly leads to Zhiyang Square where the future monument is located. Both sides of the street also show sufficient prosperity.

Everywhere, the power of vow is permeated.

"Uncle, I have one thing I want to ask."

Xuanyuan Aohan, who looked like a child of seven or eight years old, said solemnly.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe nodded lightly: "Yes, I have decided to help Lord Meng pass the first law, and the current balance is leaning towards Lord Meng."

Xuanyuan Jingzhe knew what Xuanyuan Aohan wanted to ask.

After discussing with Meng Fan yesterday, he directly expressed to Meng Fan that he wanted to promote the first law with him, but he did not say to others that Xie Jingyi came again after leaving Jingyu Shenfu last night. When I arrived at the Heavenly Mansion, I discussed with Xuanyuan Jingzhe, hoping that he would come forward to resolve this battle, Xuanyuan Jingzhe did not express his position.

This scene was seen by Xuanyuan Aohan. At this moment, Xuanyuan Jingzhe's refusal to express his stance was tantamount to acquiescence that the first law was passed.

"Ao Han, let me ask you, why did the balance begin to tilt towards Lord Meng?"

Xuanyuan Jingzhe issued a question.

It can be seen that he really intended to cultivate this grandnephew.

Indeed, in the Xuanyuan family today, although there are many **** kings and powerful forces, apart from Xuanyuan Jingzhe, there is no particularly powerful **** king.

In the Zhuge family, there are Zhuge Ziluan and Zhuge Ziyi, two Five Tribulations God Kings, and the backbone of Zhuge Shengtao is the backbone. There are seven or eight members, most of which are Four Tribulations God Kings. In the first generation, Master Zhuge was also a **** of the Four Tribulations, let alone young people like Zhuge Zhao and Zhuge Yun.

In the Xie family, there are two brothers Xie Jingyi and Xie Jinghai, as well as some other strong men.

In contrast, the Xuanyuan family, except Xuanyuan Jingzhe is the Six Tribulations Divine King, there is not even a Five Tribulations Divine King!

Even the Four Tribulations God Kings were few in number, and only a few appeared before and after, all of them were Xuanyuan Jingzhe's nephews.

It can be seen that although the Xuanyuan family is powerful, it has a serious age.

But Xuanyuan Aohan's grandnephew, at a young age, became the God King of the Three Tribulations, which Xuanyuan Jingzhe deliberately cultivated.

Xuanyuan Aohan is not only a leader of the Xuanyuan family's younger generation, but also serves in Jingyu Shenfu. At the same time, he is also looking for a suitable woman in Zhuge's family. In order to form marriage, he can be said that he is a bond figure and very important.

"I guess the Zhuge family was able to change its attitude because of the ancestors of Mingyi." Xuanyuan Aohan analyzed: "Mingyi is a high-grade Taoist device that calculates infinite energy. It has long since become ineffective. He is happy or not, and has no emotion. Although in some small emotions, he must be inclined to the Zhuge family, but the ancestors of Mingyi must have a great vision, and he can see the importance and goodness of this first iron law. Maybe you will agree, plus Zhuge's family and Meng Zhushen's relationship is very good, so Zhuge's family began to appear loose."

Xuanyuan Jingzhe didn't say right or wrong, but just nodded for him to continue.

Xuanyuan Aohan said again: "The Wang family is declining, and Wang Haicheng can hardly support it. This first iron law has been promulgated, and it certainly has an impact on the Wang family, but it is obviously not as big as other aristocratic families. In addition, I heard that in the chaos world, Wang Haicheng also Fighting side by side with the Lord Meng and defeating the Yuhua Immortal Emperor also has Wang Haicheng's contribution, and there is friendship among them.

As for the Kylin family, in fact, this iron law is the most indifferent. Several big families rely on surnames to maintain their huge factions. The Qilin clan is different. Their race is the faction. In the future, all the unicorns in the heavenly court will be the same family. The law cannot change their blood and race, so there is nothing influences.

Therefore, the balance began to tilt. "

After Xuanyuan Aohan finished speaking, he looked at Xuanyuan Jingzhe again, hoping to get some answers to prove that he was right or wrong.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe said indifferently: "What you said is correct, but they are just small things, small details, not important."

Xuanyuan Aohan was startled: "Then, Uncle, what is the point of this?"

"It's because Lord Meng didn't compromise." Xuanyuan Jingzhe only said a word.

After Xuanyuan Aohan was slightly taken aback, his eyes flickered, obviously he wanted to understand something, and then he was taken aback by what he wanted to understand.

"What you said is actually a summary after the fact. It is not the key. The real key is that Lord Meng has not given up or compromised, no matter who it is, even his best friend Zhuge Shi, even his nominal wife. Nangong Jingyu opposed him, but he just didn't compromise.

Xie Jingyi and Ming Yi both stepped into Jingyu's Divine Mansion, but they did not get any results, and they did not let the Lord Meng Shen shake a bit.

In the future, the first great achievement in the establishment of Heavenly Court is of course the Lord Meng's. It was him who turned the tide in front of the future monument, confronted Zhang Biyan'er in the air, turned the contrarian situation into an advantage, and turned the pressure of the human world into a melting pot for honing the future heaven.

It was him who pushed your uncle and me to the position of the future heavenly king, with a great mind to take on the position of the most important and heaviest Jingyu Lord God, so as to unite the leaders of several great families, reach a balance, and construct the foundation of the future heaven.

It was him who stepped into the Chaos Realm, and even the three leaders of the Protoss defeated the Yuhua Immortal Emperor. In the Chaos Realm, the actions of the other **** kings seemed a bit mediocre compared to the Meng Lord God.

In the future, the most important war to be fought after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the war of righteousness and status, the war of liberating many gods, and destroying the heavenly court, is him, who will appear at the most critical moment and swallow the emperor of the sun and the moon. The future victory of heaven will be looked up by the kings.

As you said, the Lord God fought side by side with him in the Chaos Realm, and Zhuge's family had the same heart and morality with him. Faxiang Tianchao regarded him as the king of one word. In the end, the vacant position of the Lord God of Fasi could be filled because of him. The Six Tribulations God King Qilin Ruihuang was invited. No matter how dissatisfied he was on the surface, the ancestor Qilin must agree with him. Even after the ancestor of Qilin stepped into the future heaven, he occupied the most important position in his heart. , Must be Lord Meng.

Even the Xie family, Xie Jingyi and Xie Jinghai, who are the least dealing with the Lord Meng, dare not despise him. From the bottom of my heart, they must admire him. Otherwise, how could Xie Jingyi make up his mind to break away from humanity and inherit The avenue of heaven in the future? Who was he persuaded? It's definitely not me, nor Xie Jinghai, Zhuge Zixi, or Wang Haicheng.

He has a huge and unparalleled prestige in the future heaven. In today's future heaven, it is impossible for anything to bypass him, and the kings will not agree to it, and he proposed the first law No matter how many people objected, no one dared to overthrow him directly in front of everyone. What the kings could do is to persuade Lord Meng and let him give up.

But as long as he doesn't give up, this law will definitely be passed, and the balance will surely tilt towards him slowly. "

After that, Xuanyuan Aohan was dumbfounded.

"So... Is Lord Meng consuming his prestige to push this law through?"

"Yes, he is consuming his prestige, face, and favors a little bit to promote the passage of this law." Xuanyuan nodded in surprise: "We ancient humane families have become accustomed to the golden mean and do things. Will always look forward and backward, and will not make too much action, and will not consume one's own interests or reputation, because he cherishes his feathers too much. Aohan, the acting style of Lord Meng, may not be right, maybe too intense, also Too tough, but always admirable, so I decided to help him, especially since he said that in the construction of the future code, he only proposed this law and only this one as the foundation of the code."

Xuanyuan Aohan let out a long breath, only feeling a little surging.

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