Supreme God King

Chapter 2869: Epee Without Edge

When the Liuli Avenue appeared, the laws of heaven and earth all fused in an instant. All the laws gathered together with the Liuli Avenue and the core, forming one after another gorgeous vortex, and even the distant skyline was distorted by this vortex!

Many Wanquanzong **** kings and pure blood dragons who had just launched an offensive, also at this moment, broke out a kind of intense pressure and fear in the depths of the soul!

They are so familiar with this fear.

In the past tens of billions of years, the power of heaven has been suppressing the kings of heaven and earth, and this kind of pressure and fear have been with them when they were born, so that the gods have become accustomed to this fear.

Until the Emperor of Heaven was sealed and the Way of Heaven was weakened, the power of this oppression became smaller and smaller, and the kings had already realized freedom.

At this moment, as if the shackles were once again tied to them, the sense of oppression came again!

The center of the fort.

Four monuments of immortality glow with different brilliance at the same time.

A monument turned into a fire candle, blazing, and the scorching flames directly burned through the earth and through the space.

Fresh red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple appeared on a monument, a breath of revival of everything in winter and spring.

A monument is pure yellow, thick and wide.

A monument secretly responds to the ups and downs, showing the ebb and flow of qi luck.

Immediately afterwards, the four immortal monuments flew away from the fortress, and fell into the hands of Meng Fan wearing a blue shirt in the blink of an eye. Each of them became the size of a stone, melting quickly, like a liquid, into his body, and quickly The speed and the pillar of martial arts are combined into one.

Meng Fan held his palms, gently closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath, refreshing.

"The meaning of flame, the meaning of transformation, the meaning of earth, the meaning of wind and clouds... good, good, good!"

Meng Fan uttered three good words in succession, which was truly hearty. Then he opened his eyes, and the huge fortress was reflected in his clear eyes, as well as the more than 300 gods and kings of the dragon elephant valley in the fortress, and Wanquanzong outside the fortress. With the army of thousands of kings of the Dragon King Empire.

The eyes of the four elders of Dongjun Shenlong, Xiyan Shenlong, and Wanquanzong also fell on Meng Fan at the same time.

Six God Kings of Five Tribulations!

The expressions are different.

Xiyan Shenlong has a dignified face, Dongjun Shenlong has a grinning face, and the four elders of Wanquan Sect have a thoughtful look.

"In the future, God of Heaven Jingyu, Xiaotiandao, Meng Fan!"

Dongjun Shenlong shouted, and the dragons roared!


Meng Fan's voice is clear and clear, resounding through the sky!

The two voices collided in the air, and the wind and waves swept across the earth. Then, the Dongjun Shenlong became a dark golden pure-blooded dragon with a length of 266 feet. The dragon claws scratched through the void and hovered!

Meng Fan waved his hand to form a canopy of the sky, a world condensed, and the laws of the heavens danced and fell from the sky.

Two powerful Five Tribulations Divine Kings collided, and huge spatial cracks spread outwards rapidly. The surrounding Divine Kings retreated and dodged, and the dust filled them.

Xiyan Shenlong smashed a few boulders blown by the wind and waves with his bare hands. After standing still for a while, he immediately pierced into the sand and moved towards the collision place, preparing to help, but suddenly a huge pressure Appeared, crushing the dust in the sky and regaining clarity of vision.

Xiyan Shenlong couldn't help but stop, his eyes horrified.

In front of him, Dongjun Shenlong's huge body of nearly three hundred feet rolled on the ground, and Meng Fan, who was no more than seven feet tall, fought with him, pressing his right hand on the dragon's head, and that huge pressure was emitted from his palm. Spread outwards in bursts.

Dongjun Shenlong struggled hard, trying to raise his head, but every time he raised it, he lowered his huge head again by Meng Fan. Suddenly Meng Fan raised his left hand, clenched it into a fist, domineering, kingly, and good fortune. The great intent was condensed on the front of the boxer, aimed at the head of the Dongjun Shenlong, and hit nearly a hundred times in an instant!

Weeping for a long time, a mouthful of blood burst from Dongjun Shenlong's mouth! The dragon's body trembled a few times and languished.

Meng Fan took a few breaths and looked at the nearest Xiyan Dragon.

This look.

Because of seeing the Dongjun Shenlong completely falling into the wind in just a few breaths, the Xiyan Shenlong, who was shocked, shivered for no reason.

Meng Fan's eyes were still looking at the Xiyan Dragon, and he pressed his right hand on the dragon's head to exert force again, bang bang! With a harsh explosion, the huge body and joints of the Dongjun Shenlong began to shrink. From a length of two hundred and sixty six feet, it quickly changed back to a human form. His face was full of blood and his breath was weak. After moving his wrist, Dongjun Shenlong was thrown out, smashed into the wall of the fortress like a comet, and embedded in it.

Xiyan Shenlong's lips trembled slightly.

"The Four Great Elders..."

Xiyan Shenlong said in a deep voice.

In the direction of Wan Quanzong, the four extremely high-ranking Five Tribulations elders were also shocked by Meng Fan's thunderous method, and suddenly woke up when they heard the words of the Xiyan Dragon.

"The three major celestial dynasties have always been in harmony with each other. I know that, but if we can't join hands sincerely at this moment, then it will never be possible to regain the original meaning and master the treasure house of Jianchengguan."

Xiyan Shenlong's words, every word is very heavy.

While speaking, his gaze was always fixed on Meng Fan's body, not daring to wander in the slightest.

As if for fear of blinking or moving his gaze, Meng Fan would use thunder tactics on him.

The four elders heard the words of the Xiyan Dragon and looked at each other. Suddenly an elder shook his joints, his body soared, and turned into a huge glutton. The fangs were outwardly and fiercely exposed. This was to mobilize the power of the whole body.

Seeing this, the other three elders didn't keep any hands. They turned into the most ferocious beast state, no longer hiding any means.

In Wanquan Sect, many powerful desolate beast kings, four calamities **** kings, and three calamities **** kings have also mobilized their power one after another.

As for the God King of Two Tribulations and the God King of One Tribulation, they obviously got the order and began to retreat.

The next level of battle is not something that these Two Tribulations God Kings and One Tribulations God King can participate in.

The King of Five Tribulations, the overlord of heaven and earth, can tear through the barriers of dimensions and establish a supreme heavenly dynasty.

And next, there will be five five-kage **** kings, leading dozens of four-knack and three-knack **** kings to encircle and suppress another five-knack **** king!

Xiyan Shenlong shook his arm, and immediately all his skin grew dark golden scales.

Behind him, slowly walked out of the seven four-tribulation pure-blood dragons, all of them transformed into half-dragon and half-human forms, with a sacred breath permeating.

Meng Fan looked at Xiyan Shenlong, then suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Wan Quanzong, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared slightly.

"Should I run away, or should I kill a few first and then run away?"

Meng Fan smiled.

"Huh..." Xiyan Shenlong exhaled.

Come on the wind with both feet!

The four elders rushed over almost at the same time!

Behind the Five Five Tribulations God Kings, there are the forty-four powerful Four Tribulations and Three Tribulations God Kings of the Dragon King Empire and Wan Quanzong!

"it is good!"

Meng Fan let out a hearty shout, raised his hands, grabbed the void, and then bombarded his palm on the ground.

With this action of him, all the laws of heaven and earth within a radius of a thousand miles are under his command, from intangible to tangible, turning into an entity visible to the naked eye, like a broad, thin, but incomparably strong wall. Crashed down.

The sky is falling!

The **** king who had rushed into this area was immediately suppressed by the huge laws of heaven and earth, and his movements became a little slower, his brows tightened, and several relatively weak **** kings of the Three Tribulations spewed a stream of blood from their mouths, and they were directly suppressed until they were trapped. The earth's eyes are cracking.

Only Xiyan Shenlong and the four elders of Wanquanzong were not affected by Meng Fan's hand, and fell behind the followers, circling and killing Meng Fan from five directions.

At this moment, Meng Fan closed his eyes.

A grand plan of the great road appeared in his mind.

In an instant, within a radius of a million miles, between the heaven and the earth, outside the heaven and earth, as small as the dust, as large as the dragon veins in the ground, all the trajectories of movement appeared.

Xiyan Shenlong and the four elders are the most eye-catching among them, shining extremely, like five groups of flames burning.

On this grand road map, something else immediately appeared.

Is text.

Lines of text.

Good luck, space, time, disaster, ambition, extreme cold...

These words symbolize the true meaning of all the great roads that Meng Fan has mastered.

The next moment, he opened his eyes.

Xiyan Shenlong and the four elders were already within easy reach.

In the original world, all the power of vows was consumed instantly.

In Meng Fan's body, every trace of the power of vows was suddenly drained.

He urged all his strength to turn the pillar of martial arts in a single, two, or three laps.

The world suddenly died.

Only Meng Fan's voice echoed.

"From the great road to Jane, the big sound is loud, the elephant is invisible."

Meng Fan lowered his head.

Said in a whispering voice.

"The epee has no edge."

The law of heaven and earth suddenly solidified like ice.

Time seems to have stopped passing.

Xiyan Shenlong and the four elders felt the unprecedented pressure falling from the sky and couldn't help but raise their heads.

Five mouths, twelve feet, nine feet and three inches, a rough epee like an immortal monument, appeared on their heads.

Falling silently!

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