Supreme God King

Chapter 2870: Endless means

From the avenue to the Jane, the big sound is loud and the elephant is invisible.

The three words of Meng Fan finally turned into the words epee without front.

Under his full urging, the pillar of martial arts rotated three times in a short moment, so that his physical body and the power of vows in the original world were completely exhausted, like a piece of cloth covered with water. Very dry.

And all the true meanings of the Great Dao were also urged to move, manipulating all the laws of the surrounding world and turning them into five epees that were heavy and tenacious, far beyond the monumental monument!

There is no cutting edge and it is not sharp.

But it fell silently.

Then the earth cracked silently, and the cracks spread outward, forming a huge canyon!

Among the four great elders of Wanquanzong, only the gluttonous elder used his back to withstand the Dao epee, while the other three were directly smashed into the depths of the canyon, leaving a dazzling blood mark in the void!

And the only elder gluttonous who stood still, with his heavy sword behind it, was like an old tortoise-carried stele. His face was hideous, his veins were exposed, and he was extremely angry, but he couldn't break free for a while.

Xiyan Shenlong was faster. In the half-dragon and half-human state, he was very agile. When the heavy sword fell, he retreated sharply and avoided, but his half-length armor was scratched and flowed out. The golden blood.

Shocked by Meng Fan’s sudden horrific tactics, Xiyan Shenlong was in a trance, but he soon reacted, feeling that at this moment, Meng Fan’s body was exhausted, and it was the most weak moment when he was relieved. Without hesitation, he attacked again, with his hands close together, like a dragon's claw, releasing golden cold light, extremely sharp, and grabbed Meng Fan!

If the power of these two claws really burst out, it would be enough to tear the earth and shatter the sky!

And the timing he chose, I have to say, it was really too accurate.

Meng Fan turned his head slightly and looked at the Xiyan Shenlong from the side of the light. He watched two dragon claws tear through the defenses around him, and went all the way deep, grabbing his head directly!

A trace of excitement flashed in Xiyan Shenlong's eyes.

Because he has seen Meng Fan's death!

The smile was stiff in the next moment.

Meng Fan, who had no strength in his vows and lack of vitality, turned around and faced the Xiyan Shenlong with his hands out. With pure physical power, he and Xiyan Shenlong's claws were held together, causing a piercing tear. With a cracking sound, Meng Fan's palms and arms all broke away, revealing his muscles and bones!

This scene is indeed terrifying.

But it was Xiyan Shenlong's expression that stiffened.

Because his movement stopped.

Meng Fan, with **** arms, with a smile on his face, physically blocked the attack of the Xiyan Dragon!

Did not use any method, did not use any magical power, any means.

Purely with the power of the flesh!

One Five Tribulations Divine King borne the blow of another Five Tribulations Divine King that almost broke out with full force.

The first thought that came out of Xiyan Shenlong's mind was how strong Meng Fan's body was?

But the next moment, Xiyan Shenlong's mind was blank.

Meng Fan's arms quickly recovered, and flesh and blood were growing on their own. In just a few minutes, they had recovered as before.

At the same time, the turbulent power of vows burst out from Meng Fan's exhausted body, first like a stream crashing, then like a river rumbling and shaking.

Xiyan Shenlong was already dumbfounded.

How is this possible?

Where everyone sees it.

It is in Meng Fan's original world.

There are countless creatures and as many as 800 gods and kings!

These beings are Meng Fan's most devout believers, followers, and admirers.

They are always providing Meng Fan with the power of vows!

Meng Fan and Xiyan Shenlong were close at hand, looking at each other.

He smiled and opened his mouth.

A breath that surpassed all the extreme cold in the world permeated and sprayed towards the Xiyan Shenlong.

The meaning of freezing!

There is no way, no magical powers, it is the eruption of pure meaning of extreme cold, Xiyan Shenlong's eyes fuse, and he quickly backed away to dodge, and at the same time stretched out an arm to cover his face, but the distance is too close, this time dodge is still not enough, and the meaning of extreme cold falls On his arm, it immediately permeated, banning the law, vitality, and flesh and blood of his arm, turning it into an "icicle".


It was Elder Taotie, who took advantage of the moment when Meng Fan was distracted to deal with the Xiyan Dragon, broke free from the suppression of the heavy sword, rushed forward, and stepped on the ground with a loud noise.

The other elders all returned to the battlefield, but were suppressed by the power of the epee, and all suffered injuries of varying degrees.

After retreating the Xiyan Dragon, Meng Fan raised his mouth slightly on one side, his eyes were deep, and he looked back at the elders of the Ten Thousand Family Sect and raised a hand abruptly.

Immediately, dozens of tangible and intangible walls appeared between him and the four elders.

These walls are made of the meaning of space as the shell, and the meaning of the sky, the meaning of the world, the meaning of yin and yang, the meaning of order, and the meaning of the earth that Meng Fan has just grasped are condensed of flesh and blood.

boom! boom! boom!

Several elders repeatedly broke through these walls, unable to stop their advancement, but the speed of the elders also slowed down. Only the most powerful gluttonous elder rushed all the way, the speed did not decrease, with incomparably turbulent momentum and anger. Yi, with a huge body, the mountain was overwhelming, roaring, and culled in front of Meng Fan!

Meng Fan's right arm was bent like a bow, and his return was a punch.

Overlord good luck emperor fist!

Elder Taotie flew out at several times the speed of the culling, plowing a deep ditch on the ground!

After taking a punch, Meng Fan squeezed his fingers, stood up again, and smiled at the other three elders who stopped abruptly.

At this moment, whether in front of the pure-blooded dragon or in front of the desolate beast king, the body of Meng Fan was too small, just like a war god.

The kings of the Dragon King Empire and Wan Quanzong watched this fight from a distance, and their faces showed uncontrollable panic and fear.

This is a battle between the six five-fold **** kings and one five-fold **** king!

Moreover, these six Five Tribulations God Kings, Dongjun Shenlong and Xiyan Shenlong are one of the four gods of the Dragon King Empire, and their strength is considered to surpass many supreme celestial leaders.

The four elders, although in terms of reputation and strength, are slightly inferior to the Eastern Jun and Xiyan Shenlong, their status in Wanquan Sect is second only to the sovereign of the Wild Ancient Land King.

These six Five Tribulations God Kings, in their respective celestial dynasties, exist under one person and above ten thousand!

Siege of Meng Fan, but fell into a disadvantage.

Since the beginning of the new era, Meng Fan's reputation has been soaring. In the chaos realm, the three leaders of the Lianke Protoss defeated the second-generation evil **** Qin Taichuan, severely injured the Yuhua Immortal Emperor, and swallowed the sun and the moon emperor in the heavenly court.

These reputations are indeed earth-shattering, but many **** kings, who have not seen them in person, have expressed some doubts.

But when Meng Fan really showed this overwhelming strength in front of them, the shock in their hearts was indescribable.

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