Supreme God King

Chapter 2878: Establish trade routes

In the future, Heavenly Court will definitely take action against Wan Quanzong.

Moreover, according to the meaning conveyed by Tianwangfu, Wanquanzong was to be completely destroyed.

After listening to all of this, Meng Fan only felt like he wanted to laugh, and he also felt that the king of the desolate ancient land was really overwhelming, or maybe he was old and confused.

After the forces of the three celestial dynasties were forced out of Jianchengguan, a safe and stable transportation line was established. With Yuecheng in Jianchengguan as a transit, many kings of the stars arrived every day, and there was also Dragon Elephant Valley every day. After the opened treasure house is delivered, the **** king of the stars gate and the treasure house of the Dragon Elephant Valley will be transported to the future heaven. On the way, the **** king of the stars gate will naturally become the guard of the treasure house. When near the future heaven, they will There are priests from Zaifu Shenfu and Jingyu Shenfu.

This transportation line is very busy at a time. Every day, seventy or eighty **** kings of the stars pass by this transportation line with at least thirty or forty or hundreds of treasure houses.

In a few days, this transportation line has been very safe without any problems, and it has also provided considerable wealth for the future heaven.

Even Zhuge Ziyan, the master **** of the master, was inspired and formulated a brand-new plan to turn this temporary transportation line into a long-term transportation line, and to build small thousand worlds in the void on both sides of the transportation line as a post, and at the same time invite Jin Mutang participates in this transportation line. In other words, it is to do trade and build a long-term financial path for the future heaven. It also allows many gods who want to join the future heaven to communicate through this transportation line. .

As a result, this transportation line will become very prosperous in a few years or less.

Zhuge Ziluan even named this transportation line as Jianchengguan Shanglu.

This plan was also submitted to the Heavenly King's Mansion, and Xuanyuan Jingzhe's approval was obtained, and only the Zaifu God's Mansion was required to perfect the plan before it was officially implemented.

But at this time, there was an episode in the transportation line.

It was a group of fifty demon kings of the stars and more than forty treasure houses. It was suddenly attacked by Wan Quanzong. Many demon kings of the stars were hit hard, and a few more. The demon king was dead, and more than forty treasure houses were looted.

After the remaining demon kings of the stars gate rushed to the future heaven, they immediately reported the incident to the Zaifu and Jingyu Shenfu, and then to the Tianwangfu.

After a short quarter of an hour, the Heavenly King's Mansion made a decision to attack Wan Quanzong.

Not a punishment, not a simple blow.

It is to completely destroy the entire Wan Quanzong.

After this decision was made, it was immediately blocked. There was no talk to outsiders, but the major divine palaces had already begun to do it.

The people responsible for doing this are Zaifu Shenfu, Hongwu Shenfu, and Jingyu Shenfu.

What made Meng Fan a little surprised was that the external warfare should have been led by the Hongwu Divine Mansion, but this time, it was led by the Zaifu Divine Mansion.

"Before I came to Jianchengguan, Heavenly King Xuanyuan always disagreed. He didn't want to provoke other causes and effects when the Heavenly Court can develop without asking the world. But if someone directly provokes the future Heavenly Court, even if I don’t express my opinion, the Heavenly King and a few big The Lord God will not agree, the king of the ancient land is always confused." Meng Fan said with a light smile.

Master Zhuge responded: "Several major divine palaces have already begun preparations. After about two days, they will start."

"How much power do you need to use this time?"

"It should consume all the 1,500 treasures that Longxianggu originally sent. Maybe it's not enough, but this is also to show the world the attitude of the heavens towards the enemy in the future."

Meng Fan nodded gently: "Okay, I see."

Master Zhuge stopped the spirit communication with Meng Fan.

Meng Fan dropped another piece on the chessboard playing against Ramadan.

Although the Heavenly Court is now flourishing in the future, Wan Quanzong is, after all, a powerful and supreme heavenly dynasty with 30 million year-end abundance. If Heavenly Court only makes punitive blows in the future, it will be fine, but the decision of Heavenly Mansion is to completely destroy Wan Quanzong.

It must not be entangled, it must be a thunderous blow.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe was a person who was as steady as an abyss, the kind of bottomless, and would never act rashly.

This plan must be very careful.

Meng Fan didn’t do those useless thinking. He knew very well that there are veteran powerhouses such as Xuanyuan Jingzhe, Zhuge Zilan, Zhuge Ziyi, Xie Jingyi, Mingyi, Emperor Leaping, Xie Jinghai, and Wang Haicheng. , Now very strong and united, and scheming, will not make the wrong move.

After dropping a few pieces in a row, the dragon of Ramadan was slaughtered, and the two of them had finished their game of chess.

Meng Fan shook his body and walked out of Yuecheng, looking at two deep void passages.

One of them leads to the gates of the stars. From time to time, the demon king comes, and few walk alone. Most of them bring their own blood relatives and family members. Some powerful demon kings create a small world and save themselves. The mansion and many people of the same surname are placed in it.

The other void passage is much stronger and wider than the passage of the stars gate, and it is also filled with the power of vows, which leads to the future heaven.

Outside the moon city, the **** kings from the Dragon Elephant Valley are constantly coming with a treasure house or scattered wealth, hoarding in the moon city.

When all the gates of the stars are merged into the future heaven, Ramadan will also leave. This moon city will be left to Longxianggu. The formation and foundation of the following Ramadan for many years will be transferred to Longxianggu, which will Become a strong and powerful fortress, and will even be the capital of Dragon Elephant Valley in the near future.

While Meng Fan was looking at all these sights, the prime minister of Longxiang Valley, Ju Xiaoxian, led a dozen **** kings of Longxiang Valley to the Moon City with a huge palace.

From a distance, Ju Xiaoxian saw Meng Fan, immediately rushed to the front, and said respectfully, "Master Jingyu Lord God."

"The messenger of the heavenly court will arrive soon." Meng Fan said directly.

Ju Xiaoxian is a little unclear.

Meng Fan told the Ju Xiaoxian the meaning of Zaifu's plan to turn this transportation line into a commercial road.

All of these were made known to Ju Xiaoxian in a flash of thought.

"After the messengers of the heavenly court in the future come, they should sign a series of agreements with Longxianggu, mainly the trade agreement and the alliance agreement. Since the signing of the agreement, Longxianggu will have the unshakable ally of the future heaven. Through the trade route, we have been making many connections with the future heaven, including the establishment of embassies, martial arts exchanges, and other mutual assistance. This trade route will also become the backing and retreat of Longxiang Valley."

After Meng Fan said this, a gleam of light flashed across Ju Xiaoxian’s face, and then he was suppressed. After all, he had held an important position in the Jinmu Hall for many years, and now he is the prime minister of Longxiang Valley. Kung fu is of course very good.

But these actions of Heavenly Court in the future are simply great news for Longxianggu, which means that Longxianggu is no longer isolated and helpless, and can advance and retreat.

"In addition, two days later, the Heavenly Court will attack Wan Quanzong in the future." Meng Fan said again: "It is not a punitive blow, but it is to be completely destroyed. You must prepare for Dragon Elephant Valley. After all, Wan Quanzong is the largest in the world. The Desolate Beast Empire, their survival will affect the desolate realm that your ancient elephant tribe has always wanted to establish."

This is even more important news. The Fairy Juxiao could no longer hide his face, showing surprise. After a moment of contemplation, he seemed to smell a huge opportunity and many good results in this matter.

"Thank you Jingyu Lord God, thank you for the future heaven."

Ju Xiaoxian said sincerely.

Meng Fan nodded gently.

Suddenly I felt that a strange gaze was condensed on him, how sharp is Meng Fan's perception? Turning his head to the side, someone was looking at him in the direction of the kings of the Era Alliance below Yuecheng.

The resources sent by the demon kings of the stars gates and Dragon Elephant Valley are all transferred in Moon City by the Epoch Alliance.

Now the following epoch kings are sorting out the palace full of treasures that Juxiaoxian just sent.

In it, there was a strange gaze looking at Meng Fan, and when Meng Fan looked over, the man immediately retracted his gaze and looked sneaky.

Meng Fan frowned.

That is Zhao Qilin.

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