Supreme God King

Chapter 2879: Five times the sun

In two days, many more monster kings and a lot of treasures were sent to the future heaven.

At the same time, Zaifu’s plan to build a commercial road was also started. A large number of priests, starting from the future heaven, came all the way to Jianchengguan, while reinforcing the void tunnel, and creating a small thousand every million miles. The world, as an inn.

In these two days, Wan Quanzong looted the transportation line three more times. One of them met with the priest of the heavenly court in the future. The two sides fought, but not fiercely, because the looters of Wan Quanzong retreated quickly, obviously not. Love war.

Two days later.

Wan Quanzong.

It can be said that among the three celestial dynasties, Wan Quanzong is most like the humane empire.

There are many races of wild beasts, they only pursue power and do not study morality, so they did not form a culture like the Phoenix tribe and the pure-blooded dragon. Therefore, Wan Quanzong imitated the humane system and established a dynasty system, a hundred officials system, and even very The rough imperial examination system and ritual law, but Wanquanzong's imperial examination examination is more about martial arts, and ritual law is also respected by power, in the final analysis, it is the characteristic of wild beasts.

There are also a large number of humane buildings in Wanquanzong. From a distance, it looks like a humane empire, especially the capital of Wanquanzong. It is in line with the Humanitarian Gossip I Ching, and the paved is very large and wide, but if you look closer, you will find These buildings are actually very rough, and they also have the savage taste of wild beasts. Even the foundations of many buildings are paving with unpolished stones.

At this moment, it is early morning.

The sun of Wan Quanzong's dimension rose slowly from the east. At first, it was just a silver halo, and then this halo became longer and longer, almost occupying most of the skyline.

Each dimension of the universe has its own five elements, yin and yang, sun and lunar, which are also components of each dimension. Although in the long years, there have been many suns in many dimensions, and some dimensions have never The sun has always been in absolute darkness, but the highest heaven will not have these problems. They can create their own sun.

When the Desolate Ancient Land King first established the Wan Quan Sect, there was a vast area, but there was no sun, and it was completely dark. It was the Desolate Ancient Land King who led many wild beasts and spent a lot of time to create the current Wan Quan Sect sun.

This sun has been running for 30 million years.

at this time.

There was a burst of explosions in Wanquanzong, causing dust in the sky.


Jianchengguan, Yuecheng, Meng Fan looked at the scroll brought by Master Zhuge.

During the talks with Longxianggu, the messenger sent was Master Zhuge. All the signings went smoothly without any problems. Longxianggu and the future heaven became a firm ally.

At the same time, Master Zhuge also brought this long scroll to Meng Fan, about the entire process of destroying Wan Quanzong.

Jingyu Shenfu will be the handler of all the external affairs of Tianting in the future, and everything that Tianting will do in the outside world will need to be filed at Jingyu Shenfu.

Looking at the scroll, Meng Fan nodded repeatedly.

In the future, Heavenly Court will destroy Wan Quanzong, only twelve hours before and after.

It was Xie Jingyi and the Great Emperor Cracking Heaven, the two powerful Six Tribulations Kings entered Wan Quan Sect in reclusive first, found the residence of the King of the Wild Ancient Land, and directly used the lore.

Faced with the sudden attack of the two Six Tribulations Kings, the Ancient Land King was quite old, and immediately responded, evading the sneak attack, and mobilizing the power of Wan Quanzong to counterattack Xie Jingyi and the Emperor Cracking Sky.

But before his news came out, the Qilin ancestor arrived.

The three kings of six calamities, the offensive against the ancient land king is simply overwhelming, the ancient land king can only avoid and retreat.

Subsequently, Hongwu's lord Xie Jinghai led thousands of gods and kings into the Wan Quanzong, relying on the void maze built by Zaifu Divine Mansion, and went directly to the center of the capital.

But these are just foreplay.

The real highlight of the destruction of Wan Quanzong was led by Zhuge Ziluan and Zhuge Ziyi.

They led a large number of priests in Zaifu's Divine Mansion and directly landed on...the sun of Wan Quanzong.

Subsequently, in a short hour, the Zaifu Divine Mansion made a thorough transformation of the Wanquanzong's sun, and revised the Wanquanzong's sun's basic array diagram and Fengshui and Qiyun.

Simply put, they turned the Wanquanzong Sun, which had been constant for 30 million years, into an abyss that swallowed everything with hunger and thirst.

Then he fed a large amount of the sun to the abyss.

So Wan Quanzong's sun began to expand and burst.

After the transformation was completed, the sun more than doubled every hour.

When Wan Quanzong's sun expanded five times, it stopped.

The entire land of Wan Quanzong was scorched and turned into a sea of ​​fire that covered the sky and the sun. The cities, villages, and fortresses all turned to ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

Pieces of dense eternal jungle soon became bare.

The creatures below the Shenyuan realm were all burned into coke within a few hours.

Even in the realm of the gods, it was burned by the power of the sun and was seriously injured.

Only the realm of the **** king can protect himself from the five times the scorching sun without being hurt.

However, under the siege of the three kings of six calamities, the king of the ancient land was constantly at a disadvantage, and he could only rely on the formations accumulated by Wan Quanzong for 30 million years to keep moving and protect himself.

The Thousand God Kings led by Xie Jinghai dealt a heavy blow to the various institutions of Wan Quanzong.

Because the huge Wanquanzong has more than four thousand **** kings, and they are still distributed everywhere, there are more than one thousand **** kings in the capital, and they can't really stop the imposing Hongwu God Mansion.

Two hours after the five times the sun burned the earth, the sun became extremely heavy. According to the scroll description, the priests of the Zaifu Divine Mansion lightly moved the formation.

Then the five times the sun fell freely.

Hit the ground.

The place where the sun sets is thirty thousand miles north of the capital.

It's not far away, it can even be said that it is very close.

The huge force directly penetrated the earth, and then the blazing impact that was enough to melt the **** king spread to all directions, and the walls of the capital and many defensive formations collapsed in the blink of an eye.

The kings of the heavens, who already knew the plans of the Zaifu Divine Mansion, began to make preparations before the sun set. Xie Jinghai led thousands of gods and kings to hide into the void maze. Only Xie Jingyi, the emperor and the ancestor of Qilin had the courage. Standing in the void, silently watching the sea of ​​flames sweeping by.

It is described in the long scroll that the king of the ancient land is looking at the sea of ​​flames above the world with trembling lips engulfing the capital.

He finally understood that Xie Jingyi, the ancestor of Qilin, the Emperor Splitting the sky, and the thousands of gods and kings in the Hongwu Divine Mansion led by Xie Jinghai, all they did was to hold back the king of the wasteland and the Wanquanzong. Divine kings of all roads, don't let them disturb Zaifu Divine Mansion.

The flame impact covered a quarter of Wan Quanzong within an hour, and the earthquake and the sea of ​​fire spread to every corner of Wan Quanzong.

When everything was over, the ancient land king uttered a roar in the ancient wild beast language.

It seemed that the only ancestor Qilin who understood the words of the king of the ancient land, sneered and said: "each other each other."

After that, the king of the ancient land escaped without hesitation.

The three kings of six tribulations did not pursue and kill, this is the meaning of the future king. A powerful **** king who has lived for a long time like the king of the ancient land, if he really wants to escape, it is too difficult to keep him.

After all, the purpose of the future heaven has been achieved.

They quickly withdrew.

Before and after, twelve hours, exactly one day.

Wan Quanzong became a mess.

Especially the dimensional barriers of Wan Quanzong also appeared a lot of cracks, slowly began to collapse and break.

Meng Fan closed the scroll.

To Master Zhuge who was sorting out some bamboo slips not far away, he said: "You should tell the Juxiaoxian to prepare to welcome the refugees of Wanquanzong. In the next few months, there will be a steady stream of desolate beast kings who will join the dragon to protect themselves In Xianggu, the establishment of the wasteland has a foundation."

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