Supreme God King

Chapter 2881: Black leader

During this time, Moon City has always been a hub for the interconnection between the three forces of Heaven, Dragon Elephant Valley, and Jin Mutang in the future.

After Jinmutang signed a series of agreements with the Future Heavenly Court, it also showed the strength of their No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the world. In just a few days, they established a huge trading city next to Moon City, without any restrictions. The development of trade has also acquired a large number of resources in the treasure house opened by Longxianggu.

Because the treasure house of Longxianggu has a wide variety of things, not every one of them is useful for Longxianggu, but there is nothing that Jinmutang can’t sell, all of which are purchased and replaced by Longxianggu. Things, like a large number of spars and elixirs, solve a large part of the problem.

In the future, Heaven will also earn some benefits in this trading city.

The joining of Jin Mutang not only allowed Jin Mutang’s own **** king to come to Moon City, but also many **** kings who followed the wind direction of Jin Mutang to do business in the prehistoric universe.

The Great Chaos went out, the Emperor of Heaven was sealed, a new era began, all kinds of chaos, the most stable place is the new worlds, but these new worlds are enemies, and they are in the process of rapid rise, many things are unclear, so All kinds of business has been sluggish, and the establishment of Jinmutang Trade City has given many big merchants and kings see some improvement and some signs of prosperity in the new era.

Since the establishment of the Trade City, Gu Daozi, the most mysterious leader of Jinmutang, has come to Moon City.

Meng Fan walked out of the main hall and saw this ancient Taoist in a quiet side hall.

Gu Daozi's face is handsome, like a human race, quite ancient. Behind his head, there are thirty-six apertures, each of which has a psychedelic color, and some stars are faintly floating in it.

Meng Fan could see at a glance that those thirty-six apertures were thirty-six little thousand worlds.

In every small thousand worlds, there are more or less stars floating on them, and living beings live on them. Although there are no particularly powerful monks, there are not even a few in the realm of the gods, compared with Meng Fan’s original world It's too much difference, but the ancient Daozi is not the law of heaven. It is already rare to be able to create such thirty-six worlds connected with one's life.

Meng Fan took a look, then moved his gaze away from the thirty-six apertures.

But this one of his eyes was also noticed by Gu Daozi, and he saw it.

"Jingyu Lord God is really powerful, his eyes are thorough." Gu Daozi praised sincerely.

Meng Fan chuckles: "It's really like a leader of Jinmutang."

The meaning of this sentence is to clearly say that Jin Mutang is a chamber of commerce and has the style of a businessman, that is, it is sharp-eyed and sincere in speech.

Hearing such words, Gu Daozi smiled and knew that although Meng Fan was young, his strength had blurred the precipitation of his age. In front of Meng Fan, Gu Daozi could not rely on the old to sell the old.

The two sat facing each other, and several gods and kings stepped forward and arranged some snacks. These were all formal things. When they reached the realm of Meng Fan and Gu Daozi, what kind of treasure, unless it is the most precious treasure from the source of the heavens. , Otherwise they will not swallow it.

This side hall happened to be able to see the increasingly prosperous Trade City outside of Moon City.

In the Trade City, at least two or three hundred **** kings gathered at this moment, as well as a large number of monks in the realm of gods. The **** kings of the Era Alliance played a role in maintaining order.

Obviously, before Meng Fan met Gu Daozi, he had been looking at this city.

"For many years, Jinmutang has established chambers of commerce in all dimensions of the primordial universe and the highest heaven, but this is the first time that a city has been directly established, and this city will continue to expand. In the future, Tianting, Dragon Elephant Valley, Under the protection of Jin Mutang, this coast will become vibrant."

Gu Daozi said slowly, looking at this city as if looking at his own child.

Meng Fan didn't respond, but looked at it quietly, lifting his blue shirt, putting his left leg on his right leg, appearing calm and composed.

After a long time, Gu Daozi retracted his gaze and chuckled softly: "Doesn't the Lord Jingyu agree with it?"

"Identity." Meng Fan nodded slowly, his face peaceful. "It's just that even if this coast is full of such trading cities, it will be a trivial matter for the heavens in the future."

Gu Daozi was startled slightly and laughed blankly.

What he meant when he said this is not clear, but Gu Daozi, who has been the leader of Jin Mutang for such a long time in the state of Gu Daozi, will not speak nonsense. This can be understood as his instinct. He is taking credit for everything Jin Mutang has done, and increasing his bargaining chips.

Everyone knows Meng Fan's position in the future heavenly court, especially since he has now reached the state of the Six Tribulations God King. He goes forward indefinitely, and no one can stop him. To take credit for Meng Fan is to take credit for the future heavenly court.

And these words Meng Fan said directly dispelled all Gu Daozi's credit.

This made Gu Daozi laugh out loud.

After a moment of silence, Gu Daozi was obviously pondering his words, and slowly said, "I am here this time to bring two things to Lord Meng, the same ones that were sent by the supreme celestial dynasty."

As he said, he waved his palm and three posts fell in front of Meng Fan.

Of these three posts, one is simple and solemn dark gold, one is embroidered with pink peach blossoms, and the other is a stone tablet.

"These three posts are Long Live Mountain, Abyss Dynasty, and the post called Huan Zong. They all hope to establish a business route with the heaven in the future."

Wansui Mountain is a rather ancient humanity sect. Its appearance is very short, almost similar to that of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty. It has always been in a corner of the universe and has never been a protagonist.

The Abyss Dynasty is a monster force. It is said that it is the highest heaven. In fact, it is a little far-fetched, because the Abyss Dynasty is only the overlord of one dimension, but it does not truly fully control one dimension.

The last one is called Huan Zong, which is a sect jointly established by ghost tribe, human demons, and earth demons. This is a true supreme celestial dynasty, but it has always been due to the problem of good and evil, especially under the efforts of the Justice League led by the lack of moon old man. Marginalized by many supreme celestial dynasties, he has never been the protagonist and has not been recognized.

Now, these three forces are going to establish business routes with the future heaven. Meng Fan doesn’t know what they are thinking about, whether it’s good or bad, neither does Meng Fan know, but he doesn’t need to think about it. He picked it up, then turned into a halo, and shot it out.

These matters can only be discussed by other people in the heavens in the future. Meng Fan trusts their abilities and will not make wrong decisions.

"What about the second thing?" Meng Fan asked. He knew that the first thing was just foreplay, showing Jin Mutang's good connections, and the second thing was the purpose of Gu Daozi waiting for him outside for a long time.

"We found some eyebrows about the black death catastrophe." Gu Daozi calmly said: "The recent visions of the black death catastrophe have a reason, because countless black death creatures have a leader."

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