Supreme God King

Chapter 2882: Goodbye

Gu Daozi's words made Meng Fan's eyes sink deep.

This matter is really important.

Meng Fan's expression made Gu Daozi know that he could continue talking, and he had more bargaining chips to talk to the heavens in the future.

"The aura of black death is a foreshadowing buried by the Tao of Heaven hundreds of thousands of years ago, and it is also the final catastrophe planned by the Tao of Heaven, but in the long history, in the long years, every time it displays it, it seems that it can wipe out sentient beings. In the end, all sentient beings can find a way out, and this time is no exception. The birth of several new worlds has made the universe that is bound to fall into darkness a little bit of continuous expansion.

But the black death catastrophe is still terrifying. After the gods weaken, the black death army loses control and becomes a disc of sand, destroying one dimensional barrier after another. Now that the black death army has another leader, they will become unignorable , And as far as I know, the dark army is preparing to assemble to attack several supreme celestial dynasties, and the Phoenix Empire is one of their goals.

The army of the black death now has tens of thousands of black death kings and hundreds of thousands of ghosts that have turned into black death creatures. Once this force is gathered together, almost no supreme celestial dynasty can resist. The final result is black. The number of the dead army is increasing, and it is getting more and more vast. "

Having said this, Gu Daozi was silent for a moment, and then said: "And Jin Mutang found out who the leader of the black army is and where he is."

Meng Fan remained silent.

Gu Daozi solemnly said: "The Lord Meng should have guessed some clues."

Meng Fan lowered his head and flicked his fingers. After a while, he said something that he hadn't mentioned in too many years, but he would never forget it, because it was the name of his worst enemy in the long years.

"Thirteen Hall Master."


Gu Daozi only said one word, simply and neatly.

Confirmed Meng Fan's guess.

"The thirteen hall masters are the heavens and the worlds, and the **** king among the ten thousand realms. They are the second-generation leaders of the ten thousand realms. They used to be immortal rivals with the Lord Meng. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, they became the first after the ancient emperor The two **** kings who stepped into the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms, but unlike the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor obtained a part of the providence, and the thirteen hall masters found a way to reverse the vitality.

In the prehistoric cosmos, many powerful **** kings know one thing, that is, after the age of heaven, what follows is not the age of the ancestors, but the age of the creation gods. The vitality is not shaped by the heavens, but created by the creation gods. .

So, when stepping into that part of the source of the heavens, how is it possible to get a way to reverse the vitality from the enlightenment of the heavens?

The method of reversing the vitality was not comprehended by the thirteen hall masters himself, but was reversed by the heavenly path, and then handed over to the thirteen hall masters.

This is the source of the black death air.

This foreshadowing, buried hundreds of thousands of years, finally broke out before the turn of the old and the new era, turning into a black death catastrophe.

I guess, these details, Lord Meng should know some. "

Meng Fan was noncommittal, but also tacitly tacitly acquiescing, slowly turning his gaze, and looking towards the ocean that was raising layers of waves.

And the moonlight reflected on it.

The thirteen hall masters.

After the Emperor of Heaven was sealed and the Way of Heaven was weakened, the thirteen hall masters who were originally the "source of plague" came back to life.

They are the source of the aura of black death, and also the source of the move of Heavenly Dao.

Relying on this strength, they became the leader of the black army.

This is a monster that does not have any emotions, is not afraid of death, and will unconditionally obey the thirteen hall masters. Once it is ordered, it will raging wildly.

"Jin Mutang found the location of the thirteen hall masters, as well as some details about the army of the black death. First of all, it is fortunate that although the thirteen hall masters have obtained the supreme authority of the black death catastrophe, they are like the emperor Chaos himself. Hundreds of thousands of alien ghosts have been created, but they cannot all be controlled. They can only be commanded by the sons of chaos. The thirteen hall masters are not strong in controlling the army of black deaths, and they are not comprehensive, although many black deaths The living beings have heard the call of the thirteen hall masters to gather together, but there are also many dark dead beings, still scattered in all corners of the prehistoric universe, wandering aimlessly, and did not obey the thirteen hall masters.

The second detail is that there is a **** king who has joined the camp of the thirteen hall masters. But what is strange is that this mysterious **** king doesn’t even have the slightest information about our Jin Mutang, so he doesn’t know who he is. Knowing that he claims to be a transcendent Dharma King, and it seems that he also comes from the heavens and all realms. "

After Gu Daozi finished speaking, looking at Meng Fan, he obviously wanted to get some answers from Meng Fan.

"Never heard of it." Meng Fan responded simply.

Gu Daozi nodded gently: "The third detail is that after the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall wakes up, he is collecting information about the primordial universe. Obviously, he wants to make up for the lost time and memories. Then a message will be passed on. After coming out, the thirteen hall masters seem to have plans to establish a realm, and the name of this realm, the thirteen hall masters, is the underground palace."

"Heh." Meng Fan snorted from his nose, "I am not too ambitious. I want to establish a world."

"The meaning of the word "underground house" is difficult to determine." Gu Daozi said: "In the language of various civilizations and races, underworld can be considered underground palaces, or the world where some underground races live..."

"In the ancient humanitarian chapter, the underworld is the place where people go after death." Meng Fan interrupted.

Gu Daozi was startled when he heard it, his eyes flickered.

Meng Fan said calmly: "This is the ambition of the thirteen hall masters."

Gu Daozi was also silent.

Meng Fan slowly closed his eyes.

These words kept echoing in his mind.

The thirteen hall masters.

It's been a long time and I haven't heard these words.

But no matter how long, Meng Fan will never forget.

No matter how far Meng Fan has gone today, he has lived in the domain of ten thousand for the longest time since he entered martial arts.

There, there are his joys, angers, sorrows, sorrows and joys.

There are endless grievances.

And the biggest grievance, naturally, is the darkness that has been shrouded in the heads of all beings in the ten thousand domains-the thirteen hall masters!

Meng Fan remembered all the things the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall had done.

I thought of them capturing the Zhantian Giant alive, but the real purpose was to kill Meng Fan in a row.

I remembered the grand battle of Wanyu, many soldiers of the dark alliance, and many of Meng Fan's right-hand man, his brother, who died in that battle.

Fen Tianling, these three words, he still remembers now.

He also remembered that countless followers of the thirteen hall masters had formed an unbounded army of black oppression.

Afterwards, Meng Fan and the central emperor set off a war between the Purple Light Empire and the Ten Thousand Territories, and the thirteen hall masters were among them. As the most understanding of Meng Fan's existence, he became an important think tank of the central emperor.

Etc., etc.

"I thought I had left them far behind, and it became a story of blood and tears and honor and disgrace in the past years."

Meng Fan said softly.

Gu Daozi understood what he meant.

"Where are they?" Meng Fan asked.

Gu Daozi replied: "I have approximate coordinates in a broken universe. Six or seven thousand gods and kings have gathered in the past. Lord Meng, although the heaven is very strong in the future, and his vitality has transformed into the power of vows, he is Zhiqi has a very strong resistance, but I still disagree with the future fierce battle between the Heavenly Court and the Black Death Army, nor do I agree with Lord Meng to investigate. Of course, this is only my suggestion. Everything depends on Lord Meng. "

The ancient leader, Gu Daozi, was very humble in front of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan said lightly: "I am very grateful for the suggestion of the pavilion master, and will not make rash decisions. I will tell the future heaven first about these things."

"Okay." Gu Daozi nodded gently.

"I know that in Jinmutang, intelligence is also a commodity, and the pinnacle book and the score of the gods are all produced in this way. I am very grateful to Jinmutang for its help and selfless actions in the future heaven. The future heaven will not forget it, and I I will never forget that in the new era, when it is difficult to be a pavilion master, you can remember that there is a future heaven behind you."

Meng Fan spoke deeply.

Words have always been the least valuable thing in the universe where interests are paramount.

But Meng Fan's words are very valuable.

The moment Meng Fan began to make a name for himself in the universe, Jin Mutang had already collected Meng Fan’s intelligence. It was not that Jin Mutang saw Meng Fan’s future, but it was just a habit. Jin Mutang has always believed in knowing himself and his enemy. Because of the benefits and advantages of Meng Fan, Meng Fan appeared on the peak album so soon.

And everything Meng Fan did made Jin Mutang trust him.

In the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, with just one promise, Meng Fan could save the entire Heavenly Dynasty from water and fire, and step into the realm of Taixu. Isn't that enough?

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