Supreme God King

Chapter 2886: Memory pieces

The eight creation gods silently looked at Meng Fan, who appeared out of thin air.

A brief silence.

Suddenly, the eight creation gods shook their bodies, and fleeing into the void behind them frantically!

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders slightly, disappeared in place, and reappeared, already on the top of a creation god, with his five fingers together, his palms shot in the sky, booming! There was a violent fluctuation in the void, and then returned to calm after a short moment, as if nothing had happened.

The only change was that the **** of creation was gone.

Only a piece of strange symbols and texts were left scattered in the space.

The ancient emperor who was watching the battle raised his brows, and said softly to Guxin, "Did you see it clearly?"

"I see it clearly, but I don't understand it." Gu Xin proudly replied calmly, "That **** of creation seems to have been ‘dissolved’ by Meng Fan’s palm and turned into the most original law."

Aside, Ramadan stared carefully.

After seeing Meng Fan smashing a **** of creation, he suddenly took a long breath, like a giant whale swallowing water. The symbols and words all over the place rose up, swirling and rushing into his body, and then he stepped across again and appeared The head of a **** of creation.

On the side, the master of the stars said leisurely: "It seems that Meng Fan's restraint on the creation gods far exceeds the restraint on those heavenly gods."

"The God King of the Heavenly Dao obtained a part of the power of the Heavenly Dao. Meng Fan extracts these powers like a huge magnet to attract metal. The more powers of the heavens he mastered, the more restrained by Meng Fan." Ramadan said calmly.

In the void, Meng Fan smashed two creation gods one after another, turned them into the most original laws, and incorporated all the laws into his body.

Indeed, as Ramadan said, the God of Creation was completely created by the laws of heaven, even thinking.

So after the two creation gods were shattered, their memories were immediately swallowed by Meng Fan, and they were refined into the spirits without omission.

But what surprised Meng Fan slightly was that the creation gods were connected with each other without blocking and hiding. According to his calculations, as long as he killed a creation **** and absorbed their memories, he would be able to know all the creation gods. The secret of God, but Meng Fan guessed it wrong.

Although the memories of the two creation gods are very complete, they are only their own memories, and there are no other memories.

With a flash of body shape, Meng Fan once again came to the head of a **** of creation who was escaping quickly, and once again dropped his palm.

This **** of creation, the perfect body, silently turned into a piece of rune, branded in the void, but Meng Fan was slightly startled, leaving something from his body, hanging in the void.

It is a small seed-like thing. It looks like a soybean on the outside. It looks like it is closer in size and emits a soft luster.

Meng Fan's gaze immediately penetrated, and seeing this, it was a mid-thousand world!

Inside, the law is consolidated and hard, and the vitality is very abundant. There are countless creatures wandering around, but almost all of them are in a barren state, let alone monks, not even words are born, and there is no civilization at all.

But this mid-thousand world is very similar in essence to Meng Fan's original world, and it is also the original world, created by the **** of creation and his life.

Meng Fan frowned slightly, and immediately searched the mountains and seas in his mind, looking for some information in the ancient books. There was no news at all that the God of Creation could derive the original world in his body like Xiaotiandao.

So, either there is an omission in the prehistoric book, or...

It was at the moment when the Dao of Heaven was weak, that the God of Creation began to change!

Meng Fan grabbed this middle-thousand world and smashed it directly. Tens of millions of creatures in it were instantly transformed into pure vitality.

But during this time wasted, the remaining five creation gods had disappeared.

Meng Fan looked at the void fluctuations left behind after they fled, thought for a moment, and did not catch up.

If he wants to chase, he can go all the way deep, follow the trail left by these creation gods escape, and follow the creation god's world.

But he was very clear about the power of the creation god. Although a single creation **** has only the fighting power of the five-caliber **** king, and was naturally restrained by Meng Fan, the most terrifying thing about the creation **** is the aggregation of countless creation gods. Meng Fan could not imagine how many levels of power would be derived from that kind of vision, connected thoughts and blended forces, and no one knew how many creation gods there were in the prehistoric universe.

It was just in Meng Fan's conjecture that if the number of creation gods was sufficient, and their thinking and power were completely integrated, they would be transform into a new heavenly way.

This is terrifying.

Integrating the laws of the heavens of the three creation gods into his body, Meng Fan breathed a few times, and his body also fluctuated greatly as he breathed.

After repeating this several times, these rules perfectly merged with Meng Fan's physical body. His already perfect Creator's body became fuller, and his slender body exuded a strong sense of power.

Meng Fan took a long breath and looked very clear. He is really in the stage of rising now. Even the God of Creation has become his tonic, and it has a great effect. It is better than the exquisite medicine taken from the treasure house of Dragon Elephant Valley. , It is a thousand times better.

Afterwards, Meng Fan began to look at the memories of these three creation gods.

At first glance, the mysterious existence of God of Creation gradually became clear in his mind.

It turns out that although all creation gods can communicate with each other in thought, there is no secret between them, but not every creation **** knows the secrets of their entire race.

Connectivity is like a ritual. When the creation gods are going to calculate a very complicated event, they will connect their thoughts. According to the calculation, the number of connections is different. Usually several creation gods are present. When they are together, they will naturally enter a state of connected thinking, and they can fully understand what each other is thinking without having to communicate with each other.

And when calculating an important event, sometimes there may be more than 20 creation gods thinking connected, and in many cases, there have even been hundreds of creating gods thinking connected!

However, there are very few cases where hundreds of creation gods are connected together. The most recent one was also ten thousand years ago. It was when many creation gods sensed that the world is about to change drastically, so one hundred and thirty creation gods. God’s thinking is connected, and calculations are carried out on the future world. In that calculation, the birth of the Emperor of Heaven and the birth and rise of Meng Fan were calculated. Although it is vague, the results of many calculations are chaotic, but so powerful. The prophecy still surprised Meng Fan.

Then when the thinking is not connected, these creation gods are individual individuals, and they are also independent of each other, and if the creation gods want to connect their thinking, they are bound by a very old law, this law is ,space.

The creation gods who are too far apart cannot connect their minds together.

Subsequently, Meng Fan began to follow the oldest memory of these three creation gods.

He wanted to see the birth of God of Creation and the birth of Heaven.

But in the oldest memory of the three creation gods, everything is blurred. He can only see a beam of light, like an egg white undulating and floating, without a specific shape, and nothing else.

After a few breaths of thoroughly refining these laws, Meng Fan slowly turned around and smiled slightly.

The ancient emperor, Linglong Xinzun, Lonely Proud, the Empress, and Princess Yueyue all smiled at him.

It's just that the ancient emperor smiled calmly, Linglong Xinzun smiled sweetly, lonely and proud was a faint smile, the empress smiled affectionately, and invited the moon princess, as always, sneer.

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