Supreme God King

Chapter 2887: Old people and old people

The man with white hair and white beard and white robe walked slowly into the hall.

In the depths of the hall, brightly lit, there is a slender figure wearing a goose-yellow brocade robe, standing with his back facing the man in the Xingyue white robe.

"Long time no see."

The man in Xingyue white robe spoke first.

He looked like he was middle-aged, but in his eyes, there was a kind of indifference that looked down on everything in the world.

It is the old man with missing months.

And the man in the goose-yellow brocade robe was not someone else, or Emperor Bo Wu who had just lost thirty million years of history!

Emperor Bo Wu slowly turned around. His face was still beautiful as if it were a woman, but there were many lines at the corner of his eyes. After standing on the peak of all beings for so long, he finally showed his old state.

"Yes, I haven't seen it for a long time." Emperor Bo Wu's voice was melodious, only slightly fluctuating. "After all, it has been hundreds of thousands of years."

"Time flies." The old man Queyue nodded, took a few steps forward, and fiddled with the satin decoration on a pillar beside him. "This used to be a secret fortress built by the Great Qin Empire in the outside world, and for a long time it also served as a secret stronghold for the Shenji Department. Since Tiansuan Zhou Jin escaped, this stronghold has been abandoned."

Emperor Bo Wu narrowed his eyes: "You know some secrets of our Great Qin Empire very well."

"After all, in the past millions of years, the Righteous Path Alliance and the Great Qin Empire existed evenly, and only the Righteous Path Alliance can contain the crazy growth of the Great Qin Empire." The missing month old man said calmly: "Now, these abandoned strongholds are enabled by you. , As the base for the old part of the Great Qin Empire to counterattack the human world. Speaking of it, it is really emotional. Just three months ago, you were the fastest rising overlord in this prehistoric universe. After the death of Bai Buxian, the Great Chaos disappeared. I should stand on the top and look down on sentient beings, but I didn't expect him to fall so fast. Seeing him ascend a tall building and see his building collapse, the vicissitudes of the ages will be vicissitudes of life in an instant."

Emperor Bo Wu said peacefully: "No one can take what belongs to me."

In his words, the spirit and dominance were still very obvious.

After all, the loss of the human world was something that happened dozens of days ago, and Emperor Bo Wu has ruled the most powerful force in the cosmos for many thousands of years. For a time, this kind of momentum cannot be lost.

"There are many changes in Jin Mutang's new peak book." The Miss Yue old man suddenly changed the topic. "The Emperor Chaos is still boringly occupying the first place. Baibuxian disappeared. You were promoted to second place. I am ashamed. You were promoted to third. The Night King didn’t know what adventure he had in the chaos world. He jumped to fourth, the leader of the gods. The emperor became the fifth. The first five are still the Seven Tribulations God King, the Overlord of Heaven and Earth, and the sixth is the leader of the Dragon King Empire, Dragon Emperor. He has infinitely approached the realm of the Seven Tribulations God King. The Peak Booklet has not been promoted yet, I guess, you haven't seen it either."

Emperor Bo Wu snorted coldly, "I haven't seen it, and I'm not interested."

"I'm not interested, because there are no new ideas, right?" Miss Yue said: "Although Jin Mutang has vast magical powers, it is impossible to know the affairs of the world. There must be many hidden old men in the prehistoric universe. Strange, it hasn't been exposed, so the peak book is not comprehensive, but after all, the peak book is now the most recognized overlord ranking, Bo Wu, you know, the seventh book of the peak, who is it?"

Emperor Bo Wu's brows trembled slightly, as if he had sensed some meaning in the words of the old man with missing moon, he couldn't help but look at him.

"It's clearly written on the peak book." The old man lacks the moon's eyes a little. "Heavenly Dao Meng Fan. Not a small heavenly path, but a heavenly path, Meng Fan."

Emperor Bo Wu narrowed his eyes again.

"The tenth book of the pinnacle is the Central Emperor who has just stepped into the Five Tribulations God King."

Hearing the four words of Emperor Central, Emperor Bo Wu was surprised to have no expression.

The old man with missing moon took a deep breath: "There are talents from generation to generation, and a new era has begun. Although those who are still at the forefront of the pinnacle book are still old gods, the latecomers are catching up and fighting for the city. Xiaotiandao, Meng Fanlianke, the powerhouses of the three celestial dynasties, even pushed back the Dragon Emperor. Now, the Central Emperor's dominance over the human world is even more stable than when you ruled, suppressing humanity, and no one can resist."

Emperor Bo Wu sneered: "So, are you here to persuade me to return to the forest?"

The old man with missing moon also laughed: "Even if I persuade, how can you listen? How can anyone in the world be so free and easy? Mortals can't do it, not to mention the obsessive **** king, the universe is precarious, can do what you want If there is no dust, there is no dust. Only Baibuxian is the only one. Who else can you tell?

In today's world, there are three major events happening at the same time, which will affect the future direction of the world. One is the race of heaven, the other is the struggle of humanity, and the other is the drastic change of the black death catastrophe. These three things, the leaders, are all of the younger generation. God king. "

Emperor Bo Wu's eyes were cold: "Old Man Miss Yue, according to you, I have already lost."

"I don't know." The old man with missing moon shook his head: "I only know that if the final result of the race between the heavens is that the creation of the world wins, or the emperor wakes up and regains the heavens, and the result of the humanity fight is that you return to the throne. This era cannot be called a new era. There is no change. The same old hegemons dominate the world. We are all people who have crossed an era, and we are all relics of the ancient era. It is boring to compete with young people. , We have laid the history and paved the way for the latecomers. The best destination is to retreat. Don’t be the pedal for young people to achieve fame. Emperor Bowu, don’t forget, through the ages, there has only been a chaos. The Great."

The missing month old man turned and walked out.

Emperor Bo Wu looked at Missyue's back and suddenly shouted: "Where is your home?"


The elderly with missing months kept walking.

"I have been in charge of the Righteous Path Alliance for so many years, and there are still many things in the primordial universe. I have never seen it or know it. I am going to see it, and then disappear, as a hurried passerby in the future history books, without leaving a name, only one Title, Elderly with missing months."

Emperor Bo Wu said again: "You know these words are nonsense to me, they are also big jokes, and you who said these words are like an old antique who has lived too long and has been silly. Why come and say these things to me?"

"Farewell." The old man of Missyue laughed: "I have been an enemy and a friend for so many years, and I have to say goodbye. After Baibuxian is gone, the interesting things in this world are reduced by half. I am also a little boring. People are boring. , It’s easy to be indifferent. If you are indifferent, the enemy is no longer an enemy. I can now vaguely understand the feelings of the Great Chaos."

"For tens of billions of years, Emperor Chaos is still the pinnacle of all living beings." Emperor Bo Wu said coldly: "And you are just an old man about to be forgotten."

"Yeah, each other."

The figure of the missing month old man disappeared.

Emperor Bo Wu had anger in his eyes.

At this moment!

On the horizon, a sacred light burst out, that light, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, can be clearly seen in many places in the primordial universe, even if separated by a dozen dimensions, you can feel the vastness and extraordinaryness of that light.

Emperor Bo Wu showed a different color, and whispered to himself, "God Realm?"

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