Supreme God King

Chapter 2897: Descendants of God

The ancestors continued to refine the laws of heaven and earth, and incorporated the essence of these laws into the heavens.

The stronger the heaven, the stronger the law.

The normal rotation of the sun and the moon, there is a lack of cloudy and sunny, the four seasons exchange, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The law is no longer chaotic, everything becomes orderly.

The ancestors, that is, the ancient "gods", created a perfect world.

After that, the ancestors who were regarded as "gods" by the ancient creatures gradually withered and died. A new generation of "gods" was born. They are often descendants of "gods" and the masters of heaven. They are not restricted by any laws of heaven and earth. Although the descendants of these gods are often in the Tianyuan realm and Xuanyuan realm, and even the gods are very rare, their strength is actually equivalent to today's **** king, because any law is invalid for them.

They age very slowly, and space is not a barrier for them.

During this long period of evolution, the "gods" gradually became entwined together, revolving around the way of heaven, and jointly governing the entire civilization.

What was bound to happen happened.

The "gods" began to fall, and began to not entertain themselves. As the rulers of sentient beings, they almost forgot that their ancestors were also one of sentient beings, but they first stepped out of sentient beings, stepped into martial arts, and mastered the mysterious creature That's it.

"Gods" began to think that they are different from all beings, all beings are ants, and they are high above them.

Every descendant of "God" is born without being constrained by the laws of heaven and earth. Therefore, every descendant of "God" is born to a very high realm and is born to be a "God."

Generations of gods dominate civilization.

The rule becomes more and more decayed and dark.

The sentient beings who once followed the "God" and moved forward have become almost like slaves of God.

The "God" has become more and more narrow-minded, no longer accepting other creatures to step into the martial arts, sharing power with them, and even less accepting the ants in their eyes and sitting on an equal footing with them.

But sentient beings will always find a way out, so from time to time, there will be some vertical and horizontal characters born, rising swiftly and challenging the authority of God.

Although these monks who rose from the "ant" were often beheaded by the gods, occasionally powerful monks appeared, disrupting the world of "gods" and even killing them.

As a result, the ancient "god" made a very wrong decision in hindsight, but at the time, it was a very correct decision, which was to release the Heavenly Dao that was originally used to observe and suppress the laws of heaven and earth, and let the power of the Heavenly Dao spread. In every corner of civilization, monitoring sentient beings, manipulating sentient beings, suppressing sentient beings, and using the power of the law to kill all the existence that might threaten the gods.

Heaven does a good job.

The "Gods" became more comfortable. They didn't even have the task of controlling the heavens and the earth. They just need to enjoy it, and they will leave it to the Dao of Heaven.

Tiandao is doing better and better, more and more.

God does less and less.

The power of heaven is increasing.

Gods have also inherited the benefits of heaven. Every generation of Gods, when they are born, is stronger than their parents.

At the end of the Hongmeng Taichu era.

A certain **** wants to kill a "ant" who openly provokes his authority through the way of heaven.

Suddenly discovered that he could not control the way of heaven.

All gods come to try.

It was discovered together that the way of heaven was out of control.

Heaven is too powerful.

The gods began to panic and began to make all kinds of efforts. They wanted to weaken the power of the heavens, but they couldn't.

Over a period of two million years, several generations of gods have made various attempts and failed.

At this time, Heaven began to kill.

It's not about killing the gods, because although Heaven has been out of the control of the gods, it is still subject to many restrictions, and the strength of those ancient gods cannot be underestimated.

Heaven began to punish sentient beings.

He disrupted the law, created disasters, shattered the void, and let the Yuan Qi flow away.

All beings are dying every day, the power of faith is becoming less and less, and the power of the gods is constantly being weakened.

At this time, the gods finally understood that if you want to defeat the heavens, you cannot rely on their strength, because the heavens are everywhere, and the essence of the heavens, for the gods, is too tough, eternal and immortal, and cannot be broken. , So they chose to create another heaven to fight against the heaven.

But the facts have proved that they can’t do it, because the birth of heaven has gone through a long period of time and countless evolutions. Especially, heaven was born in an era when the law is fragile and chaotic. In the hands of heaven, the law is no longer chaotic. No longer fragile, the refined supreme and powerful has become the true meaning of Dao Dao.

The gods created countless "worlds" one after another, but they all failed.

The gods who have lost their power have completely lost their control over heaven.

At this time, they are no longer unaffected by the laws of heaven and earth. On the contrary, driven by the power of the laws of heaven and earth, the influence of the laws of heaven and earth on the gods has become more serious. Becomes very distant and heavy.

After two million years of fighting with the heavens, the dozens of "gods" who survived finally made a decision to follow the long sleep period, hide, escape the laws of heaven, and enter a long sleep, waiting for one day to wake up.

But the gods know that the longer the time passes, the stronger the power of the heavens will be. When they wake up, they will be more vulnerable and vulnerable to the heavens, so they made a decision to lay the groundwork to support the future .

They found the "Ways of Heaven" that were created and failed.

They injected a little bit of their own minds and souls into that group of laws, which gave birth to something similar to thinking and will, and gave these failed "worlds" a mission.

"Heaven has no thinking, no will, but you do. Heaven can only operate in accordance with established rules and eradicate existences that threaten it. And you are just a group of laws. In the eyes of Heaven, you are in harmony with this universe. Like the countless laws in it, you don’t exist. One day, those spirits and thoughts will completely blend with you, and you will grow hands and feet. You can walk on the earth. At that time, the world should be dead and silent, without any creatures. Existence, because today's creatures, except for our gods, are very weak, and they cannot survive the great catastrophe of heaven.

But at the moment when Tiandao wipes out all living beings, when Tiandao completely fills the cosmos, he will be tired, and he will become sluggish because of the boundless expansion, just like spilling a basin of water, To diffuse into a huge space, this basin of water must become very thin. You must spread the vitality at this moment, so that sentient beings fill the whole world again.

Tiandao is just a group of laws, operating according to the existing rules, he will only eradicate the existence that threatens him. When he becomes slow, when we completely hide and enter long sleep, Tiandao cannot sense the existence of threats, and When new creatures grow up, there is a chance, a chance to completely destroy the way of heaven. "

After the mission was given, the gods fell asleep.

Those who failed the "Way of Heaven" have grown hands and feet and spread their vitality over the long years.

In the last chapter of the era of Era and the early days of the era of the Great Dao, these failed "heavenly ways" were called creation gods.

And when the age of the first ancestors came, the ancient gods revived.

But God's suppression of them still did not weaken the slightest.

Any ancient **** who dared to appear in the prehistoric cosmos and exposed to the heavens would immediately be condemned by the heavens, or aged, or seriously injured, or died.

Therefore, the ancient gods can only live in their hidden world and multiply from generation to generation.

The imprints left by these ancient gods in the primordial universe of the Hongmeng primordial era have disappeared, and there is not much left, and they are not visible at all.

However, in the time of the ancestors, there was a powerful existence. Two or three broken words left by ancient gods were found in a cave, inspired by them, and created words.

This powerful existence is called the ancestor of humanity.

The ancient gods multiply and thrive in the long years. Every newborn child will still attract catastrophe. After tens of billions of years of reproduction, the creatures created by the creation gods have spread throughout the universe and developed At the moment of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and tens of trillions, God is only a handful of 20,000.

They are the Protoss.

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