Supreme God King

Chapter 2898: Extreme calculus

The origin of the Protoss can be regarded as the origin of the entire universe.

After reading all this, Meng Fan's heart was shocked, but for some reason, he remembered the words of the giant Zhan Tian-we are not born from heaven.

That's right.

After reading the history of the Protoss, many doubts in Meng Fan's heart were resolved. The living beings and the heavens are complementary to each other, appearing for symbiosis in this chaotic world. There is no level or sequence, and they evolve together and move forward together.

Heavenly Dao has obviously realized this in the long years, so Heavenly Dao doesn't want to wipe out sentient beings, it just wants to dominate sentient beings and let the wisdom of sentient beings feed back the will of Heavenly Path.

In this vast library, Meng Fan also vaguely captured the next steps of the Protoss.

The birth of the gods was predicted long ago by the gods. About tens of thousands of years ago, the gods and the gods have always been in a close connection. This connection is the induction between the enemies, and the gods have felt that the will of the gods is very mature. It was only a matter of time before the Emperor of Heaven came to the world. When the Protoss made a prediction that the Emperor of Heaven would come to the world within tens of thousands of years, the Protoss fell into panic.

Although the leaders of the Protoss blocked the news of this prediction intentionally or unintentionally, the news was still circulated in tens of thousands of years. After all, the Protoss is not a creation god, and the creation **** is like a god, calm and rational, but the Protoss is not. They are creatures. Although at the end of the Hongmeng Primordial Beginning Era, before the Protoss went to sleep, in order to escape and hide, they stripped the body of the creatures, and Fai reshaped the body, and they have today's Protoss, but they are still creatures. Still afraid.

Therefore, during that period, some protoss appeared one after another, converted to heaven because of fear, and became puppets of heaven.

This was also a huge blow to the kingdom of God at that time.

In those tens of thousands of years, the Protoss has been thinking about how to prevent the emperor from coming to the world, or how to obliterate the emperor after the emperor comes to the world.

They also made a lot of plans, but what the Protoss did not expect is that—in fact, all beings did not expect that—the Emperor of Heaven was defeated and sealed by Bai Buxian as soon as he appeared in front of all beings.

The emperor's being sealed is a gift to all beings, and it is the gospel, but the most exciting, even the rest of his life, is of course the Protoss.

After the Emperor of Heaven was sealed, some ancient leaders of the Protoss even shed tears.

In the long years, the Protoss finally ushered in opportunities for development and respite. Although their newborns are still born, they will still be obliterated by the catastrophe, but the power of the catastrophe has become very weak and the newborns survive. The chance of coming down becomes very high.

And because of the weakening of the law of the heavens and the heavens between the heaven and the earth, the gods are no longer afraid to leave the kingdom of God. They can walk freely between the heaven and the earth. They don’t need to be like the grand old man at the beginning. It is necessary to go through several times before and after taking homes, rebirth, and changing flesh and blood.

This is the basis for the Protoss to build the God Realm.

The Protoss already has a complete plan. After the establishment of the God Realm, their number will grow rapidly, and their number will double in ten years.

But there is a problem that the Protoss still has not solved.

Freedom is only temporary.

Between heaven and earth, the law of heaven is still pervading. Although it is very thin, it still exists, and this law cannot be completely dispelled. No one can truly destroy the law of heaven, because between the primordial universe, no vacuum is allowed and heaven is weak. , A new force, or a person, must regain control of the supreme core of the law of heaven, fill this vacant position of power, or the emperor of heaven will lift the seal and wake up.

In short, the Protoss has only a few decades at most, as long as ten years, enjoying freedom and rapid development.

In these ten years, expanding the number of protoss is the most important thing to do, and it is also the most important thing to solve the shortcomings of the protoss inherently restrained by the law of heaven.

This is the function of the Temple of Science.

The Protoss has come to the answer in a long time. It is impossible to fill this defect in the blood of one's own race. It can only rely on external forces, in other words, to integrate the Protoss with other races. .

Between heaven and earth, all races, only the Protoss, are the enemies of the heavens, and the opposite of the heavens. They will be condemned by the heavens when they are born, so the gods want to change their bloodline.

The Temple of Science has done this for many years, a very long time.

But progress has been slow.

First of all, the powerful bloodline of the Protoss is too scarce. Although they are a sad and epic nation, they are also very proud. The Protoss up and down are a little dissatisfied with changing their lineage, just because of this defect. Seriously, the Protoss chose to compromise, but the doubts in his heart were always there.

Afterwards, the Temple of Science has been trying to merge the bloodlines of various creatures with the bloodlines of the gods. This attempt, called the "array plan", is based on the formation method, based on the law, blood, vitality, power of belief, etc. The power of the world, changing combinations, fill in the array, creating a variety of brand-new creatures.

But repeated experiments were not successful.

There are about three kinds of creatures created, killers, weak eaters, and monsters.

The so-called killers usually combine the blood of the gods with the blood of creatures such as ancient gods, wild beasts, and barbarians, and cultivate them. They are all powerful, but they are tyrannical, low in wisdom, and out of control. There is a record in the literature that hundreds of murderers were cultivated in the Temple of Science many years ago, which resulted in a modest turmoil. Although it was quickly put out, several protoss were killed.

The weak eaters, in various forms, are basically the result of the fusion of creatures such as the Protoss with the human race, the monster race, and the demons. They are smart enough, but their strength is very weak. The most successful weak eater He was born in the Tianyuan realm, but it was nothing more than that, and it didn't take long before he died.

Monsters don't have any characteristics. They are pure monsters, all weird and strange, some are powerful, some are hideous, some are full of demons, and some have no wisdom at all and only have a physical body.

Among the various creatures created in the Temple of Science, only one creature succeeded.

It is Qing Yao.

After Qing Yao was born, he was a **** king, who also attracted the tribulation, but the power of the tribulation was very weak.

Qing Yao's wisdom is very high, and he can clearly capture the weak fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth. This kind of insight is not possessed by the gods.

And in Qing Yao's bloodline, 60% are from the gods, and the other 40% are from the monsters, demons, humans, and a little pure blood dragon.

These bloodlines all come from the divine envoys, that is, those other races that submit to the kingdom of God.

Qing Yao’s strength made the leaders of the Kingdom of God stunned. She was born only a few years and was kept in the dome. However, in this case, without contact with any martial arts, she relied purely on the world. The clear perception of the law has broken through the realm one after another. After reaching the realm of the Four Tribulations God King, this terrifying breakthrough speed eased.

In the literature in the library, some people commented on Qing Yao, thinking that what the Temple of Science created was not a perfect god, but another "Hundred Step Immortal."

Because Qing Yao’s innate understanding of martial arts can only be described by what he knows when he is born. In the prehistoric universe, only Baibuxian is worthy of these four words, even if he doesn’t learn, enlighten, or feel. , And can naturally understand everything in the universe.

The Temple of Science believes that they are only one step away from success.

Qingyao's body has five martial arts marks at the same time: god, dragon, humanity, demon, and magic. Therefore, she is not only a protoss, but also a pure blood dragon, human, demon, and demon. In order to create Qingyao, the resources consumed by the temple of science It is astronomical.

But Qing Yao still has a huge loophole in him that cannot be filled.

This is why the Temple of Science believes that they are still one step short of success.

Qingyao has huge flaws in her thinking. Although Qingyao's wisdom is very high, she doesn't understand what lies are.

She didn't understand the meaning of hypocrisy, deceit, concealment, calculation, and could not do it.

No matter how hard the Protoss of the Temple of Science worked hard, they could not teach Qing Yao this.

At the same time, after the Temple of Science followed Qingyao’s formation, it was unable to create a perfect creature like Qingyao. The reason is also very clear. The Protoss of the Temple of Science knew that every time a new creature was created, except In addition to the strict production, there is also a lot of luck and coincidence. One of the details is deviated, and the results are completely different. The birth of Qing Yao is just a coincidence after countless attempts by the Temple of Science.

This is what Shenlongying and Shen Zaihuan are talking about. If you want to create a truly perfect creature, or reproduce Qing Yao, you need a calculation ability that far exceeds the existing ability of the Temple of Science, and this kind of calculation ability can only be created. God and the king of light brain in the infinite realm.

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