Supreme God King

Chapter 2903: No news

The future heaven, Jingyu Palace.

Just as predicted at the beginning of the establishment of the five major palaces, Jingyu Palace has become the one with the heaviest responsibility among the five major palaces.

All external affairs are handled by Jingyu Shenfu, so after the establishment of the commercial road with Jianchengguan, Jingyu Shenfu will be responsible for the maintenance of all the stations on this commercial road, that is, the maintenance of the thousands of small thousand worlds. The ports at the beginning and the end of the commercial road, one is Yuecheng, which is also a city gate, and the other is the first trading port of the heaven in the future. It was originally controlled by the Zaifu Shenfu, but now it has gradually been handed over to Jingyu Shenfu.

In addition, there are some new trade routes that are being established, namely Long Live Mountain, Abyss Dynasty, and Huan Zong. Because of the successful example of Jianchengguan Commercial Road, the establishment of commercial roads with these three forces was completely handed over to Jingyu Shenfu, only the other great Shenfu assisted.

There are also open and secret fights with other forces, mutual exploration, and observation of the black death catastrophe, all of which are in charge of Jingyu Divine Palace.

The burden is very heavy, but in Jingyu Shenfu, there are many heroes. If Zaifu Shenfu is a group of masters in internal affairs and construction, and Fuxue Shenfu contains a large number of scribes, then Jingyu Shenfu concentrates the entire future. The most powerful group of fighters in the Heavenly Court is even stronger than Hongwu Divine Mansion.

The current Jingyu Shrine has 4,000 priests, which is the largest number of priests among the several major shrines, only a little less than the Heavenly Mansion. Others, Hongwu Shrine has 3,200 priests, ranking second, Zaifu Shrine There are three thousand priests, ranking third, the Fuxue Shenfu has nineteen priests, ranking fourth, and the Fasi Shenfu has the least number of priests, only eight hundred. Except for a few judges, there are some powerful law enforcers. As the center of the entire future heavenly court, the number of **** kings is only slightly more than that of Jingyu Divine Mansion, four thousand and hundreds of priests.

In the future heaven, there will be 25,000 gods and kings, and the major gods and palaces will have 17,000 priests. In other words, there will be 8,000 gods who have not become priests. This is also a development of the future heaven. trend. In the past, it was to make the best use of everything. All **** kings have to make contributions to the future heavenly court, so they have to serve as priests. Now, many **** king branches need to practice their own practice in the future heavenly court, or voluntarily to benefit. For the territories and creatures of one side, don't let the heavenly palace in the future become too large and bloated.

There are two very important reasons why the number of God Kings in the Heavenly Court will grow so fast in the future. One is that the Heavenly Way and Heavenly Court will be defeated. In the future, the Heavenly Court will gain a reputation, occupying the reputation and righteousness, so new kings will continue to join, even The Star Gate is completely integrated into the future heaven.

The second reason is the strength of the power of vows. At the moment when the power of heaven is weak, they lose their shackles, and there are many monks in the future heaven, blessed by the power of pure vows, to break through the realm in large numbers and become the gods.

In this process, the number of **** kings who applied to join Jingyu Palace far exceeded those who applied to join other gods, because the most thrilling battle of heaven was fought by Meng Fan and established the foundation of the future heaven. One iron rule was also promoted by Meng Fan. Because of his personal reputation and charm, most of the gods, whether they are from outside or born in the heavens in the future, hope to join Jingyu Palace.

Therefore, the current Jingyu Divine Mansion tightened the quota and raised the standard for recruiting priests very high. Otherwise, the number of priests in Jingyu Divine Mansion must surpass that of Heavenly Mansion.

But raising the standard also makes Jingyu Shenfu recruit all elites. Among the four thousand priests of Jingyu Shenfu, apart from three thousand are **** kings of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, another one thousand, and there are more than two hundred, belong to the Alliance of Once Era. The strength of the two hundred or so **** kings is truly powerful. There are many **** kings of the four calamities, and two **** kings of the five calamities, Zhao Qilin and Ramadan. Although Ramadan is a member of the stars, they are not After entering, she joined Jingyu Divine Mansion and is also considered one of the kings of the era.

In addition to these **** kings, there are many three calamity **** kings and two calamity **** kings in the Era Alliance, but there is not a one calamity **** king, especially the two hundred or more **** kings really rolled from the sea of ​​blood. The combat effectiveness is amazing.

The other eight hundred were the divine kings who joined in from various places one after another, and without exception, there was no one-half divine king, with the lowest realm, and all two divine kings.

Inside Jingyu God's Mansion, Jingyu of the second **** Nangong moved his sore and sour wrists and walked outside the second god's temple. She had already faded the battle armor that she had been wearing in the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty, and replaced it with a white tulle. In the graceful grace, she could only vaguely see the faint heroic air between her eyebrows.

After resting for a while, Nangong Jingyu lowered his head and saw Master Zhuge coming up from the steps of the sub-shenzhen.

A master book, a second god, after Meng Fan left, became the head of Jingyu Divine Palace, and the heavy burden of Jingyu Divine Palace fell on their shoulders.

But they did everything in order, even when Meng Fan was there, they were in charge of the specific affairs of Jingyu Divine Mansion. Most of the time Meng Fan was meditating, and only appeared at critical moments.

Master Zhuge stepped forward, still reviewing some copywriting in his hand. After the review was completed, he passed it to the priest beside him and sent him away. When Master Zhuge came to Nangong Jingyu, there were a dozen copywriters waiting beside him. The priest has gone.

"Master of the second god." Master Zhuge first bowed politely.

Nangong Jingyu also lowered his head slightly: "Master Book Master."

Then Master Zhuge turned around and stood side by side with Nangong Jingyu, following Nangong Jingyu's gaze and looking into the distance.

The sky there is obviously brighter than the sky elsewhere.

"Zifu Divine Mansion has changed the brightness of the sun, and repaired the sky barriers of the heavenly court in the future, so the light of the gods is hard to see. A few days ago, the kings and sentient beings of the heavenly courts will regard the light of the gods All seemed a little restless.

Long live mountain, abyss dynasty, called Huanzong, we all signed an agreement with them to confirm the establishment of trade routes. The result of the investigation of Jingyu Palace is very clear. No matter whether the three powers have other thoughts, they will not pose a threat to the future heaven. , In terms of strength, they are not of the same magnitude as Wan Quanzong. Because of being strong, we can have an open mind and dance with all the forces in the world.

In addition, the black death catastrophe rages more and more fierce. Yesterday, when several of our priests were talking with Wansui Mountain, they received news that there have been black dead creatures near Longsui Mountain. Although there are not many, they have already made Longsui Mountain frightened. Originally, the discussion was in anxiety, Longsui Mountain. He killed some of the benefits and just refused to give in, but because of the black death catastrophe, Longevity Mountain immediately changed its attitude and gave a substantial profit, hoping to establish a business route with us as soon as possible, and also to purchase a batch of Dragon Gate Flying Armor from us. "

Master Zhuge spoke softly, telling Nangong Jingyu about many things that had happened outside.

These words seem to be idle talk, but they are absolutely not. Nangong Jingyu is the second **** and Zhuge is the master. This is actually an official exchange, because most of the external affairs are in charge of Zhuge, and Nangong Jingyu is in charge. They often arrange the positions of priests in Jingyu Shrine and their contacts with other shrines.

Nangong Jingyu said lightly: "Meng Fan has been away for a long time, and there is no news."

Master Zhuge did not respond.

Obviously, Nangong Jingyu didn't care how much he said. What he thought was Meng Fan, who had been to the God Realm for more than ten days.

Indeed, Meng Fan lost the news.

Master Zhuge wanted to comfort him, saying that with Meng Fan’s strength and the state of rapid rise, there would be no power to stop him and defeat him, but this sentence could not be said, and there was some anxiety in his heart. In particular, he and Meng Fan are connected with each other in spirit and spirit, but for more than ten days, he has not sensed any news about Meng Fan, even if it is a little spiritual fluctuation.

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