Supreme God King

Chapter 2904: Craftsman civilization

The Abyss Dynasty.

This is a monster force, but different from the stars, there have been many debates about whether the Abyss Dynasty is the highest celestial dynasty. In the long history, the Great Qin Empire, the Dragon King Empire, the Phoenix Empire, Wan Quanzong, and the Justice League The "mainstream forces" led by other forces hardly recognized that the Abyss Dynasty was a supreme celestial dynasty.

First of all, the Abyss Dynasty does rule a dimension. The leader of the Abyss Dynasty, the Demon King Lingtian, is also a very powerful God King of the Five Tribulations. He also has a number on the Peak Book. However, the Abyss Dynasty controls its dimension, and other supreme dynasties. , Really can't compare.

The Abyss Dynasty is more like a parent. The other forces within its dimension are all members of the family. They are subordinate to the Abyss Dynasty and accept some suggestions and orders from the Abyss Dynasty, but they simply can’t do what the Great Qin Empire did. , Reaching every corner, everyone must listen.

Because the dimension in which the Abyss Dynasty is located is too large, wider than the Great Qin Empire, and in it, there are many demon kings, and the Abyss Dynasty occupies only one-third of the entire dimension, and two-thirds. , Very averagely controlled by dozens of Demon Kings.

The Abyss Dynasty is different from Longevity Mountain. Longevity Mountain is on the fringe, far away from many highest celestial dynasties. It belongs to the marginal world. Some even say that if you go outside, Longevity Mountain will reach the world where other civilizations are located.

Therefore, although Longsui Mountain has a leader of the Five Tribulations God King, it is one person that supports a huge force. Under Longsui Mountain, the leader of the Five Tribulations God King, there is no decent God King anymore, and The resources of Longevity Mountain are also relatively poor.

The Abyss Dynasty is truly prosperous. There are several powerful Four Tribulations God Kings, as well as many Three Tribulations God Kings and Two Tribulations God Kings. Especially the Abyss Dynasty is not far away from many supreme celestial dynasties, and is also located in the center.

The abyss dynasty admired the two colors of black and red, so a large number of palaces were made of black gold or pure gold, and they also maintained many characteristics of the Yaozu. These palaces were built among the lofty mountains, there are many rivers and waterfalls passing through the palace, and a large number of monsters. , Little monsters, elves and even birds and beasts can shuttle between these palaces at will.

Demon King Lingtian's whole body was wrapped in a thick and long black and red robe, only one face was exposed. Like all demon races, his face was quite handsome.

The **** king of the demon clan is also amazing in appearance, but the devilish energy in his bones cannot be concealed, and the **** kings of the demon clan are very handsome and even heroic, but the demon clan is completely different. They all resemble the women of the human race, even more gorgeous than the women, and the women of the demon race are now recognized as the most beautiful women in the world.

The same is true for this demon king Lingtian, with a very delicate appearance and a soft outline, really like a charming woman.

The demon king Lingtian is walking slowly on a wide bridge at this moment. This is a cable bridge built of weak gold. At both ends of the cable bridge, there are two palaces that are as dark as ink. Thousand-foot waterfall, the sound of the rolling water is deafening, and you can see many fish and elves in the waterfall.

Behind the demon king Lingtian were a group of demon **** kings and several celebrity **** kings. All these human **** kings were wearing short robes of dark green and white gold.

This is the wear of the Tianting Jingyu Divine Mansion in the future. This kind of clothing itself is made of silk and refined law essence. It is very soft and can be shrouded in any piece of armor. Its toughness is beyond ordinary low-grade. Dao device.

In the future, the priests of the Heavenly Palace and the five main gods will wear the same style, and the materials are the same. The only difference is that the short robes of Jingyu Palace are dark green and white gold, and the robes of the Tianwang Palace are It is brown and white gold, Zaifu Shenfu is silver and goose yellow, Hongwu Shenfu is black and dark red, and Fuxue Shenfu is purple and dark red.

The color of the short robe of Jingyu God's Mansion, white gold represents the law of heaven and earth, and the source of the dark green is quite interesting, because Meng Fan always wears a green shirt, but his green shirt is emerald green and gilded. The green that I chose is just dark green, to show respect for Meng Fan, not the same green as him.

Beside the demon king Ling Tian, ​​there was a human **** king who was standing without any robes and dressed up. This **** king was truly Xuanyuan Aohan.

Xuanyuan Aohan is a leader of the younger generation of Xuanyuan family. The martial arts inheritance of Xuanyuan family has some fractures. Xuanyuan Jingzhe’s children and nephews do not have outstanding characters. There are very few gods of the Three Tribulations. In the next few generations, there will be one. Xuanyuan Aohan, at a young age, reached the realm of the Three Tribulations God King.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan Aohan was no longer the God King of the Three Tribulations.

Just a few days ago, before Xuanyuan Aohan set off for the abyss dynasty, he ushered in another disaster of his own hit, passed it smoothly, and directly set foot in the realm of the Four Tribulations King.

Now, he is the envoy to visit the Abyss Dynasty. It can also be seen that the Heavenly Court will attach great importance to the Abyss Dynasty in the future. Xuanyuan Aohan is an elite of the Xuanyuan Family and an important priest of Jingyu Divine Mansion. In contrast, Long Live Mountain and Calling Huan Zong only sent a few ordinary priests.

"Young Master Aohan, you still don't understand the price we will bear once this trade route is established." The Demon King Ling Tian said lightly, with an overwhelming heroic spirit and extraordinary demeanor between his eyes. "Nowadays, the universe is prehistoric, the human world, the gods, the devil, and the future heaven. The four worlds stand side by side and are enemies. Once the abyss dynasty establishes a business route with the future heaven, we are friends. Then the other three worlds will Regarding us as enemies, this choice is very difficult and costly, so our monster race hopes that in the future the heavenly court can promise us those conditions."

"The business route doesn't need to be established." Xuanyuan Aohan smiled, "We also don't need to be friends."

Demon King Lingtian frowned.

Xuanyuan Aohan continued: "The premise of joining forces is mutual fairness and frankness. Lord Demon King always wants to take advantage of the agreement established by the trade route. Let me just say it straight. In the future, the heaven will not agree. It is you. Those who take the initiative to contact the future Heavenly Court to sign an agreement, the conditions can only be equal, all that are not equal, the abyss dynasty wants to take advantage of the conditions, the future Heavenly Court will not agree to it, it's that simple, please let the Demon King make a decision as soon as possible In one day, after one day, I will return to the future heaven, and I will be troubled with things, sorry."

After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Aohan strode forward directly to the other end of the cable bridge. Obviously, he didn't have the patience to wait at all. The priests of Jingyu Divine Mansion followed closely behind and passed by the demon king Lingtian.

Not too far out, Xuanyuan Aohan suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, and then asked, "By the way, Lord Demon King, the Chaos Realm is about to be evacuated. Have you found the remains of the eighteen demon gods? The Star Gate is the most powerful monster power in the universe, and it is also the only supreme celestial dynasty of the monster race. Now the Star Gate is fully integrated into our future heaven. Your Abyss Dynasty is the most powerful monster power and has the most chance to establish it. From the Demon Realm, you must be very greedy for the remains of these eighteen demon gods."

Demon King Ling Tian was startled: "Young Master Aohan has something to say directly."

"We in Jingyu Divine Mansion found two relics of the monster race in the Chaos Realm." Xuanyuan Aohan smiled, and then turned and continued walking away.

The demon king Lingtian was silent for a moment, and said calmly: "This agreement, as well as other talks, Young Master Aohan, the craftsman civilization of the distant world, has come, and their messengers are in the Abyss Dynasty at this moment. They have always hoped to use the Abyss Dynasty and the future heaven. See you, I hope I can match up this meeting, I think, this matter has only good, no harm."

Xuanyuan Aohan stood still again, turned his head, the corners of his mouth raised, his eyes were bright, and he smiled: "There are hidden chips, so you can talk in depth."

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