Supreme God King

Chapter 2907: New Origin World

Meng Fan has forgotten the taste of many things.

So when he ate these purple sweet wild fruits, Meng Fan had a long-lost nostalgia.

Qing Yao smiled and said, "It's so sweet, right?"

Meng Fan chewed a sip of wild fruit for a long time and said, "You don't need to eat these things."

"But it's very sweet." Qing Yao smiled, as innocent as ever.

Meng Fan was startled, couldn't help but smile, and took another bite.

"This kind of fruit is poisonous. When I was little, I knew that someone had eaten this kind of fruit by mistake, and died of poison in less than half an hour."

After these words, Qing Yao immediately paled.

Meng Fan said mischievously: "Of course, it won't matter if you eat a few million tablets, because you are the God King of the Four Tribulations."

Qing Yao laughed again, continued to eat the fruit with big mouthfuls, and muttered: "What is the Four Tribulations God King?"

Meng Fan shook his head: "It's too difficult for you to explain, you will learn more about it later."

"Okay." Qing Yao stopped asking. Obviously, the words Four Tribulations God King did not have much appeal to her. What she cared more about was the amount of fruit she could eat and the fragrance of the grass on the ground. There is also the soft hair on the giant tiger with a sad look beside him.

After eating a piece of fruit, Meng Fan sat quietly on the ground, adjusting his breathing, taking in the vitality of the surrounding sky little by little. The vitality here is not strong, but it is not thin, at least comparable to Wanyu.

He took a slight breath first, and a breeze formed a few feet around him. The ends of Qing Yao's hair were blown up. She got up excitedly, spread her arms, and felt the breeze.

Meng Fan’s second breath, the entire green grass, all fell down, suddenly a few inches short, and there were rustling noises in the forest in the distance. It was the dancing leaves and some small ones. The beast began to run.

The giant tiger next to him was blown by the wind and waves, and he couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and instinctively shrank himself to the ground. Qing Yao giggled at this scene and stretched out his hand to slap the giant tiger on the head, attracting the giant tiger. A groan of grievance like a cat.

In the third breath, the wind and waves disappeared, and the whole world was calm, but the giant tiger approaching could still feel the flow of Qi, very fierce.

"The vitality within a thousand miles was mobilized by me. There is a demon clan's sect in the distance, and the monks in it will sense the abnormal movement of the vitality. My breath will drain almost all the vitality, which will let the leader of this sect and All the elders are in panic, and they will come to investigate."

Meng Fan said while breathing slightly.

Qing Yao was a little panicked: "Will it be dangerous?"

"Even if they rush over right away, it will take two or three hours." Meng Fan said, and suddenly laughed again: "It doesn't matter, there is no danger. If they mess around, you just don't fight back, even if you haven't made any defense. Means, the entire sect's attack falls on your flesh, and it won't make you lose a single hair."

Qingyao immediately relaxed and continued to eat the fruit without caring. She really has no city, and in her concept, there are no lies. Anything is truth to her, since Meng Fan said no. If he would lose a hair, Qing Yao knew he would not lose a hair.

This breathing lasted for two hours.

The sun that was in the middle of the sky gradually went down and was about to sink into the horizon. The grassland was enveloped by the sky full of stars. Qing Yao lay his head up on the giant tiger, looking at the stars in the sky with satisfaction, and then reached out his hand to count one by one. stand up.

On the ground, they are all pits.

Every time Meng Fan breathed, his strength recovered by one point, but it was not enough to repair the pillar of martial art.

After a few hours, the range of his extraction has expanded to three thousand miles away.

As his strength recovered a little bit, Meng Fan discovered some abnormalities. He suddenly saw that the words of the gods still remained in his body, but these words did not harm Meng Fan. They were very docile in Meng Fan's body. Flowing, a little bit infiltrated into the original world that Meng Fan still can't contact.

After half an hour, some monks appeared on the edge of the forest.

They were all monks from the demon clan sect. In the beginning, there were dozens of them, and then more than a hundred appeared. Among them, there were a few elders in the Celestial Origin Realm, all watching Meng Fan and Qing Yao cautiously on the edge of the forest. , And the giant tiger.

Qing Yao also felt their presence. Although they tried their best to hide themselves by various means, there was still no cover in front of Qing Yao. She sat up from the giant tiger and was kind to the monks in the distance. Waved and said hello.

The more than one hundred monks began to retreat, hiding deeper.

Meng Fan, who was breathing with his eyes closed, said casually, "Don't scare them" and continued to fall into silence.

Qingyao pursed his mouth and gave Meng Fan a dissatisfied look. He jumped off the giant tiger and walked towards the forest. As he walked, he said in a soft and pleasant voice: "What are you? You are not a human race or a **** race. What are you guys?"

Qing Yao only knows the Human Race and the Protoss, and knows nothing about the others, so seeing the Monster Race is very strange. These monster races were completely seen in Qing Yao's eyes, and all the martial arts and laws in their bodies, even bloodlines, were as clear as the lines on the palms of Qing Yao's eyes.

But when Qing Yao walked out a few steps, the more than one hundred monks took a few steps back. It could be seen that they were full of fear for Qing Yao.

Suddenly, an arrow that envelops the flames of vitality shot out from the forest. The speed was extremely fast. It was obviously a magic weapon. When it was about to touch Qing Yao, she flicked it with her fingers and pinched it. Take a look with interest.

An old voice came from the forest, shouting angrily: "Don't panic, don't act rashly!"

Of course, this voice is not shouting, it is a communication made with a token, but this kind of secret communication is as clear as shouting in the ears of Qing Yao and Meng Fan. Nowhere to hide.

This is a monk elder, because he can’t see Qing Yao’s cultivation level clearly, even in the eyes of this monk elder, Qing Yao is an ordinary mortal, so after a long period of depression, he developed a kind of anger and radicalism, just like before. Like the giant tiger attacking Meng Fan, he let out an arrow, and then he was scolded by another older elder.

This level of attack left Qing Yao a little at a loss. Although Qing Yao didn't understand the world at all, it didn't mean that Qing Yao was so stupid that she didn't understand the meaning of "attack". The reason why she fell into confusion did not understand these monster monks. The way of attack is like an ant using its slender feet to beat a person's ankle hard. This person does not understand what the ant is doing.

But Qing Yao could feel the fear of these monks.

So after she shouted a few times to no effect, she was afraid to scare the monks again, so she turned around bored and walked back to the giant tiger, leaning on the giant tiger to continue to look at the stars, ignoring the more and more surrounding forests. Many frightened monks.

Another hour passed.

Two or three hundred monks have gathered in the surrounding forest.

Qing Yao is still looking at the stars.

Juhu felt the anxiety emanating from the monks, and became very upset. He always looked around, but didn't dare to move around at will, for fear of disturbing Qing Yao's staring.

And Meng Fan finally had a connection with the original world.

It was his power that penetrated into a small piece of the outer space of the Origin World. It was very small. The outer space in a drop of his blood, originally, this kind of space, the size of which is equivalent to a small island, But now, Meng Fan was very surprised to see that in this small space, his own power of the world was formed!

What surprised Meng Fan even more was that the power of this world was still growing. Gradually, a star and some independent laws were born in it.

Meng Fan’s original world is one of Meng Fan’s organs, but at the same time, the laws in it are already operating independently and do not need Meng Fan to control, just like a person’s internal organs, without this person’s control. Can run on its own.

So in this small space, the flow of time is also very fast, even without Meng Fan's control, an hour outside, hundreds of years inside.

Therefore, Meng Fan soon discovered that the small star began to rotate, and some of the split-off parts turned into new stars. These new stars are all around the first star, and under the operation of the law of independence. , The first stars were gradually given the power of light and began to release light and heat.

This is a whole new world!

Although this great world is too small compared to the original world, it is less than one-thousandth of the original world, but all the power in it is complete. The power of the world and many laws are independent. It is a complete world.

The original world is itself a great world, can it be said that a new great world was born? Meng Fan owns two great worlds?

Although he is very slow now, he also feels that things are not that simple.

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