Supreme God King

Chapter 2908: Origin universe

After unlocking a small particle space, Meng Fan began to unlock the small particle space one after another at a faster speed, and gradually advanced to the original world.

He has noticed that among the ten small particle spaces, about four or five are all undergoing the same changes, all are deriving independent laws and world powers, and they are all transforming into one new world after another!

There are as many as 20,000 small particle spaces like this in Meng Fan’s body. They are all split during the expansion and explosion of the original world. When Meng Fan unwraps one small particle space after another, more Small spaces began to change.

These small spaces are not large, they are often tens of miles wide, and slightly larger, that is, only a few hundred miles. They are all tiny, but although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of powers and laws, especially the world. The power is very complete and there is nothing missing.

Under the urging of these laws, the stars and object fragments in those small spaces continue to turn into the sun, forming a warm, cold, dark and orderly world. As long as a little bit of life is injected into it, creatures can thrive in it. Even if it is not injected with vitality and allowed to develop freely, after hundreds of thousands of years, creatures will be born.

And hundreds of thousands of years, for Meng Fan, are dozens of days.

With more than 20,000 fragments, seven or eight thousand were transformed into a great world, Meng Fan finally got in touch with the original world and saw everything that happened in it.

The Origin World was originally a very huge world, almost equivalent to more than a dozen tens of thousands of domains. Now, the Origin World is expanding rapidly. This is a quantitative change, but also a qualitative change. It is the center of the Origin World. , Gave birth to a highly condensed area of ​​laws. In this area, it is difficult to survive below the realm of the **** king. Entering will be crushed by the law, and even if the **** king enters, it will be subject to various restrictions and become like Mortals are generally vulnerable.

Seeds of Heaven!

These are the words that burst into Meng Fan's mind.

That area is like a very small, faint, rudimentary source of the heavens, and the concentration of laws is also like the source of the heavens.

Subsequently, the original world began to split.

The Four Realms and the Four Seas are rapidly being separated from the original world and become a single great world!

Only the Central Plains area is left, because the laws and the power of vows are highly cohesive, there is no division, but ordinary creatures can no longer survive here, and only powerful monks can keep it.

After a few hours, the original world has completely completed its transformation.

There are more than 20,000 small spaces, of which more than 7,000 are transformed into a great world, but each great world is very small, not even one ten thousandth of the original world.

The Origin World has become nine interconnected Great Thousand Worlds, that is, the Central Plains World, the Four Realms, and the Four Seas. These nine Great Thousand Worlds, due to their rapid expansion, have almost reached half the size of the original Origin World. Each part is deriving different cultures, methods, and supernatural powers from other large worlds, and even giving birth to some creatures that have never been seen before.

These nine Great Thousand Worlds are still the core of the entire Origin World, and space fragments are still being split up and spread to every part of Meng Fan's body. A considerable part of these space fragments have gradually turned into a new Great Thousand World.

At the same time, nine out of nine **** kings and cultivators of the Divine Origin Realm were gathered in the nine great worlds. Only a few of them were in those extraterritorial worlds. At this moment, these cultivators began to explore the outer space, and some found them. A tiny big world, cultivate in it and establish sects.

Meng Fan's original world, vaguely already has the appearance of the primordial universe, is an embryonic form.

In other words... it can no longer be called the original world, but should be called the original universe!

The original world turned into the original universe, its foundation is still Meng Fan’s law of heaven, and its power is still the power of Meng Fan’s vow, and immediately, it is the power of vow that is several times more pure and thick than before, and it has poured into the martial arts. Pillar, quickly repairing the pillar of martial arts.

All of this was not manipulated by Meng Fan himself, but was the result of the original universe running on its own.

Meng Fan had already wanted to understand why all this happened.

The earliest creator, creator, and rule maker of the universe is the Protoss.

Meng Fan is no longer a "Little Heavenly Dao", but gradually controls the power of the Heavenly Dao. It is almost inevitable for the original world to transform from a vast world into the embryonic form of a universe, but this process will be very long, and Some key factors are missing. Not long ago, just before Meng Fan stepped into the gods, he deduced it during the meditation, and the result that this process may take hundreds of years.

However, the knowledge of the Protoss Library was integrated into his body in a large amount. Instead of destroying him, it was instead refined by his power and integrated into himself. This spurred the process of transforming the original world into the original universe!

The Protoss are the witnesses of the entire history, even the beginning. They are like experienced architects, while Meng Fan is a man who possesses the talent of an architect, and has many wood and stones, and has almost unlimited resources. , But he didn't know the process of building, or knew some furs, but he had gained the knowledge and experience of the Protoss, and he had absolute certainty about building a tower to the sky.

This analogy may not be appropriate, but the meaning is the same.

Soon, Meng Fan's power returned to its heyday, and he took another huge step forward!

At this moment, as long as he closes his eyes, he can clearly see the primordial vantage point of the universe, the gate of the source of the heavens, and every pattern on it is very clear. These patterns are better than any martial art that Meng Fan knows. It must be profound, pure, and powerful, and now Meng Fan has vaguely realized some of the things and details.

In particular, the grand plan of the Great Dao in his mind became clearer, scattered in many places in the cosmos, the hidden truth of the Great Dao and the monumental monument, he could even see it directly.

There is a field in it, shrouded in dark mist, but Meng Fan can feel the true meaning of the avenue from it, shining with dazzling light.

After feeling this, Meng Fan withdrew his thoughts and eyes little by little, and finally fell into the world he was in now.

This is a very broad but thin dimension. The power of the law is also very weak. It is in a lower dimension in the prehistoric universe.

The prehistoric universe can be regarded as an endless plain, but the closer it is to the center of the plain, the more the earth rises slightly, from the plain to the hills. In the center of the plain, there is a tall tower, and the top of the tall tower is The source of the heavens.

This tall tower can be understood as the center of the primordial universe. Many supreme celestial dynasties, chaotic realms, and the world of Dao that are now rising one after another are all in this “tower”, or it is these that together make up this The tall tower, the history of all ages, is mainly staged in this "tower", which is the main venue.

The lower dimensionality is equivalent to the bottom of the tall tower, far away from the source of the heavens, and the suppression and influence of the laws of the heavens are also weaker. Without this restriction, the lower dimensionality tends to be larger, but the vitality and law Are very thin.

There is an interval of hundreds of dimensions from where the God Realm is.

Because of the vastness of this dimension, the land and continents are very thin. They are torn apart by the laws of space, forming relatively independent floating continents. At this moment, Meng Fan is on such a continent, an independent world.

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