Supreme God King

Chapter 2911: Pros and cons

The future heaven, Jingyu Palace.

Master Zhuge got Meng Fan's information and immediately informed Nangong Jingyu of the incident, and Jingyu Second God's heart that had been mysterious for a long time was finally let go.

"The information sent back by Brother Meng is not trivial." Master Zhuge was very serious.

Nangong Jingyu nodded gently: "Master Zhuge, you go and make preparations. I will inform the Heavenly Palace and the Four Great Palaces."

The news that Meng Fan spread to the cosmos was just the secrets and weaknesses that the Protoss did not want to be known, but what was passed to Master Zhuge was more information, it can be said that the brief history of the Protoss.

To pass on the vast history of the Protoss to Master Zhuge, it is too difficult. The history of the Protoss is quite vast. There is too much information contained in it, and Meng Fan can’t do it. So he just passed on a brief history, and everything All simple instructions.

But even these brief histories are still of great significance. After being informed by Nangong Jingyu, the Tianwang Mansion and the Five Great Palaces immediately began to move around this brief history.

First of all, the most important missing link of the Fuxue Shenfu’s Eternal Scriptures, that is, the source of all things in the primordial era of Hongmeng, can finally be completed.

In addition to the Fuxue Shenfu, the other four great temples, including the Tianwangfu, the priests up and down, also began to read the brief history of the Protoss and began to do corresponding work.

In the Judgment Hall of the Fasi’s God’s Mansion, a dozen or so **** kings gathered here, the heavenly king Xuanyuan Jingzhe, the master **** Ruihuang, the master **** Xie Jinghai, the master **** king Haicheng, and the master **** Zhuge Zilan, all gathered here, and there are also The secondary gods, the main book, the Changqing, and the old man of several great gods.

The structure of the God’s Mansion used to be rather sparse and incomplete, but with the passage of time, today, the central structure of the Heavenly Court has become quite mature in the future. After all, there are so many ancient humane families sitting here, and what humanity is best at is Rule art.

Each sacred palace is led by five identities, the main god, the second god, the main book, the Changqing, and the old man.

Among them, the main **** is the supreme leader of a divine mansion. The second **** is just behind the main **** and has the same power as the main god. According to the express provisions, when the main **** is present, the second **** and the main **** are in power, and all decisions are made by the main god. The second **** is responsible for execution, and when the main **** is not present, the second **** is equivalent to the main god.

The main book is responsible for organizing, reviewing, and storing all the copywriting up and down in a sacred mansion. The power is also very large, second only to the main **** and the second god, even when the main **** is present, because the second **** can only assist the main god, the power changes Small, the power of the main book at this time is far beyond the second god.

Changqing’s identity is lower in comparison. Their identities are between ordinary priests and the main book. They are often assistants of the main god, second god, and main book, but they are qualified to lead the priest to complete separate tasks. In different shrines, the number of Changqings is different. For example, the Fuxue Shrine is for learning, and there is only one Changqing. The status and power of priests in the Fuxue Shrine are almost equal.

However, the Hongwu Divine Mansion has 20 princes, which are equivalent to individual school officers and generals.

Elder Ge is quite special. It is a position of power that only appeared very later, mainly for the purpose of arranging strong people who are unwilling to ask the government and govern but cannot be ignored.

For example, Xie Jingyi, the real leader of the Xie family, is now the patron of Hongwu Divine Mansion.

The emperor of the sky, the master of the stars, and Ramadan are the patrons of the Jingyu Palace.

Mingyi is the patron of Zaifu God's House.

Therefore, in the trial hall at this moment, quite a few of the powers of the heavens gathered in the future. Because Xie Jingyi was in retreat and meditating, at a critical moment, she seemed to have reached the edge of the Seven Tribulations God King. He did not come to participate in the meeting. He kept doing various calculations for the future heaven, but he didn't come.

Even if two Six Tribulations God Kings were not present, three other Six Tribulations God Kings, Xuanyuan Jingzhe, Ruihuang, and the Great Emperor of Splitting, gathered in the trial hall.

Several other major gods and minor gods were almost present.

"Once the history of the Protoss is published, it will change the entire universe, and its significance is no less than that of the ancient book." Xie Jinghai took the lead to speak, and walked to the center of the trial hall while talking. "According to the inference of the Protoss, the Emperor of Heaven may be sealed for decades, but the worst estimate is that in only ten years, the Emperor of Heaven will be broken through the seal and reappear in the world. It is only a matter of time. After appearing, Baibuxian has died and disappeared, and the Great Chaos has disappeared. More importantly, we cannot place hope on others. In the future, the heaven must have the power to fight against the emperor. I propose to build a strong army against the emperor. ."

"The problem is..." Zhugezi spoke with a frustrated old hoarse voice. "What kind of army?"

"Two choices, one is an army composed of **** kings who walk in heaven." Xie Jinghai said solemnly. "Such an army has the ability to constantly study the law of the heavens left by the Lord Meng, study the laws of the heavens, the will of the heavens, master the power of the true meaning of the great Dao, and constantly invade the power of the heavens.

The ruler of the law, the **** Ruihuang, was still in a neutral posture, and said in terms of facts: "Old Xie, don't forget, the emperor is naturally restrained to any **** king with the power of heaven, just like Meng Fan restrained the **** king of heaven. ."

Xie Jinghai nodded: "That's right, so this first choice requires the kings to make rapid progress within ten years and grow to a state where they can face confrontation with heaven. This requires us to provide massive resources to support them in the future. , At least it is necessary for every **** king in this army to have a power similar to that of Lord Meng, even if their power is only one tenth of Lord Meng, it is enough, but in doing so, there is still huge Risk, so there is a second option.

Bai Buxian and Chaos Great Emperor both made this second choice. They both have their own martial arts, and their martial arts core is the opposite of Tiandao. Chaos Great Emperor's martial arts is based on chaos, and the core of Tiandao is order, chaos and Whether order is opposite or not, we have all debated before, but now the brief history of the Protoss has proved that chaos and order determine the relationship of opposition. Before the birth of heaven, the universe was a chaos, the laws were chaotic, and there was nothing. By law, people live in an irregular alternation of prosperity and disaster. Until the heavens appear, the chaos disperses little by little and is replaced by order.

Similarly, order also represents rules, laws, constraints, and shackles, so Baibuxian’s way of freedom is also the opposite of heaven. The Great Chaos and Baibuxian both tried to plunder some of the powers of heaven, but they did not use these powers as the foundation of their martial arts. Instead, they pushed back these forces and created the true meaning against the heavens, just like Baibuxian from The meaning of cursing in the meaning of ambition is the same as the true meaning of many great roads introverted by Emperor Chaos.

So the second option is to build an army that is against the way of heaven and train this army to be the opposite of the way of heaven, but how to do it is a very serious question, we know very little. "

Wang Haicheng whispered: "You can imitate the Great Chaos and Baibuxian and reverse the true meaning of the Dao, but this matter can't be done only by relying on the Fuxue Shenfu. Throughout the ages, only the Great Chaos and Baibuxian have succeeded in pushing the true meaning of the Dao. They are too powerful. We must first study the various documents collected from the chaos world and find clues to study. In addition, I believe Jingyu Shenfu also has some useful information."

Several Lord Gods all looked in the direction of Jingyu Divine Mansion, and their eyes fell on Ramadan.

Seeing these eyes in Ramadan, tapped his chin: "Father has left something."

"Okay." Wang Haicheng nodded: "You can start from here. In our future Heavenly Court, there will be many **** kings who have mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao, who can come and assist."

"I think." Xuanyuan Jingzhe spoke suddenly, maintaining his usual style, that is, during large meetings, he usually does not speak, but every time he speaks, it has a decisive effect. "Both choices are to be made. Fuxue Shenfu and Hongwu Shenfu, to jointly build the anti-Heavenly Dao army, each Shenfu will give support, but at the same time, we should also build an army that walks on the Heavenly Dao. We have a ready-made path for this road. basis."

After the words fell, Xuanyuan Jingzhe looked in the direction of Jingyu's Palace, and his eyes fell on Master Zhuge and Nangong Jingyu.

Master Zhuge was a little at a loss for a while, not understanding the meaning of Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

"Dark alliance." Xuanyuan Jingzhe pointed out directly.

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