Supreme God King

Chapter 2912: Avenue Tower

The Dharma Palace, drizzle with drizzle, fell on the ground and dispersed, turning into fog.

In the long corridor full of Nine Rings and Noble Grass, Master Zhuge and Xuanyuan Jingzhe strolled in the leisurely courtyard, one after the other.

"Xie Jinghai is right." Xuanyuan Jingzhe said softly while walking. "Master Jingyu, what do you think?"

Master Zhuge was silent for a moment and nodded imperceptibly.

Although in the future heavenly court up and down, and even the outside world, think that the future heavenly court's Dinghai Shenzhen is Meng Fan, but Meng Fan himself said that he is just a waver who has been held up high by everyone, and the one who really calms the future heavenly court below the water surface is still Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

Regarding Xuanyuan Jingzhe, when Meng Fan was chatting with Master Zhuge in private, he once said so many peaceful things.

First, just look at the feet, second, discuss the matter on the matter, and third, see what is right and what is wrong.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe has lived for too long, and his life is extremely realistic. The blood and impulse of the young people cannot be seen in Xuanyuan Jingzhe's body, only the thoughts like the sea, in Xuanyuan Jingzhe's body, there is no dream. What feelings, what ambitions, Xuanyuan Jingzhe only looked at his feet, only looking at the front of him, so that he could stabilize the situation.

Secondly, Xuanyuan Jingzhe always talks about matters. Except for his most admired junior Xuanyuan Aohan, Xuanyuan Jingzhe treats anyone, regardless of their realm, according to their status. From the establishment of the heavenly court to today, Xuanyuan Jingzhe will He didn't show the slightest preference, he did not avoid relatives and hatreds, and he did not have obvious likes and dislikes, just to do one thing.

The last big truth is reflected in the fact that he decisively led the army to attack the heavenly court.

"Our future heavenly court will of course walk on the heavenly way, and we will also compete for the heavenly way. We will raise the height of the future heavenly court, and continue to approach the source of the heavens, which is also the core of the future heavenly court." Xuanyuan Jingzhe said peacefully, reaching out and taking a bit. The rain outside the promenade feels the aura of the rain. "The leader of this road can only be Lord Meng, I am just a well-established king, but I also have to plan with two hands. If this road does not work, what should I do? At least leave an anti-natural power to the future heaven. One more choice."

Master Zhuge said, "My Lord Heaven said that."

"Before Meng Lord God had stepped out of the Ten Thousand Realms, he was already walking the path of heaven. At that time, he established a dark alliance. This is the power that has followed Meng Lord God for the longest time, and it is also the direct line of Meng Lord God. There are many true **** kings, including the moon princess, the female emperor, and the ancient emperor. Other **** kings, even if they don’t grasp the true meaning of the great road, are walking the way of heaven. Even without today’s meeting, the dark alliance will eventually become In the future, the heavenly court will walk the core of the way of heaven.

And what I want to do is to pave another way for the heaven in the future, against the way of heaven. For this reason, I hope to invite the Lao Ge from Jingyu Divine Mansion to the Heavenly King Mansion to assist in this matter. Her father is Bai Buxian, the only existence in the cosmos that rebels against Heaven. "

Master Zhuge pondered for a moment, his face solemn, before he said for a long time: "Okay."

Xuanyuan Jingzhe glanced at Master Zhuge: "What are you worried about?"

"I am worried that Heavenly Court will go astray in the future." Master Zhuge answered very decisively this time.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe looked at the drizzle again: "You are right. Since the establishment of the heavenly court in the future, Lord Meng has been straightening the way to the heavenly court in the future, a little bit of abandoning humanity, and walking the heavenly way intently. To pave the road against heaven is to go into a crooked road. Then, Zhuge Zhuge, do you think that if Lord Meng is present, will he agree?"

Master Zhuge said: "Brother Meng will be silent first, and then agree, but in his heart, he will also be worried about this matter."

Xuanyuan Jingzhe squinted his eyes: "Because Lord Meng knows that this is the right thing to do, and the power of Heaven is so powerful, we can't just go our own way, we must keep a back hand. By the way, where is Lord Meng now?"

"Brother Meng's grand plan has become clearer. He is traveling through the universe, collecting monuments of immortality."

Master Zhuge and Meng Fan are in awe, he can vaguely feel these.

"The faster the rise of the God of Meng, the greater our advantage in the fight for heaven. In fact, with the God of Meng, I don’t have too much worries about the way of fighting for the path of heaven. No matter how hard the gods work, the God of Creation No matter how they disturb the situation, they will not be able to catch up with Lord Meng."

After Xuanyuan Jingzhe said, he slowed down, stopped and said, "I am going to build a tower on the avenue, what opinion does Master Zhuge have?"

Master Zhuge was taken aback, and then he woke up: "Is it built based on the protoss information passed back by Brother Meng?"

"Not exactly." Xuanyuan Jingzhe rubbed his forehead. "First of all, the Fuxue Shenfu will complete the ancient Tongjian and complete the chapters of the Hongmeng Taichu era, and then use the ancient Tongjian to build the model of the tower of the road. This model is very important and will become the vane of the future era."

"The universe is a plain. The more you go to the center of the plain, the higher the terrain, and gradually become steep and undulating. In the center of the plain, there is a high tower, the tower of heaven, the commanding height, the source of the heavens. This high tower is the only core of the entire universe throughout the ages. Important history is staged here, and every change of age also occurs here." Master Zhuge said one sentence: "I don't know the model that Lord Tianwang wants to build. How is it different from this tall tower."

"This plain was in the past, and there was only one high tower, which is the tower of Heaven's Path. In the future, it may not be anymore. Therefore, the model I want to build is not called the Tower of Heaven's Path, but the tower of Dao." Xuanyuan Jingzhe's answer was very simple. .

Master Zhuge woke up immediately.

Yes, throughout the ages, there has only been one tall tower on this plain. The high point of the tall tower is the source of the heavens, and the way of heaven is the supreme authority.

But a new era has already begun.

Avenue era.

Many avenues have emerged, such as humanity, demon, dragon, god, heaven, Buddha, and so on. There are also some avenues that are hidden in the dark and will rise at any time, such as the demon, the murder, the nirvana...

On this plain, one tower after another will be erected.

It's just that some towers are very short, and some towers.

After Xuanyuan Jingzhe finished speaking, he continued to move forward, and when he was about to walk out of the corridor, he suddenly seemed to unintentionally asked: "The ancient Tongjian wants to divide the era. There is still debate about when the current era of the Great Dao begins. A large part of the priests in Fuxue Shenfu believed that the Dao era should start with the establishment of the human world. After all, the human world was the first Dao world, but some people believed that the emperor Chaos should be the starting point, and some said it should be the emperor of heaven. The moment of being sealed is the starting point, and the debate is fierce. There are even a small group of gods who think that the great era has not yet begun. What do you think?"

Master Zhuge thought for a moment and replied: "I think we should start from the moment when the heaven is completed in the future, because we will lead the new era."

Xuanyuan Jingzhe's eyes flashed: "You are not far from the Five Tribulations God King."

Master Zhuge nodded.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe: "The people in the dark alliance have great potential. Everyone is a character who has been practicing for a long time. You can try to give some of the work to the people of the dark alliance to take care of it, and put more thoughts on your martial arts as soon as possible. Step into the Five Tribulations God King."

"Thank you, Lord Heaven, for your suggestion." Master Zhuge said respectfully.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe turned and left.

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