Supreme God King

Chapter 2913: Start of the race

Jingyu Shenfu, after continuous expansion, has nearly one-sixth of the territory in the Dragon City, all of which is shrouded by the buildings of Jingyu Shenfu.

The largest building among them is the main temple of Jingyu Divine Mansion. This is Meng Fan’s residence, but even if Meng Fan is in the heaven in the future, he will hide at the end of a very secret and deep void to carry out hidden repairs. This main temple He almost didn't use it. He used to be vacant. Occasionally, Emperor Splitting Sky would think here because it was quiet.

Sometimes, after thinking about it, the Great Emperor Splitting would also paint some insights on the walls of the main temple, which are all ancient pictures.

Since the arrival of the dark alliance kings, this main temple has become the residence of the dark alliance. The **** kings chose the houses in the main temple by themselves and arranged them by themselves, which seemed to be full of vitality and atmosphere.

Meng Niuniu sat in a side hall of the main temple, and in front of him was a sword of heaven. This sharp sword is not a Dao weapon, but the sword intent that Meng Niuniu has cultivated since the beginning of martial arts. It is connected to her life, even to her soul. This sword intent has vaguely derived consciousness, which is equivalent to Meng Niuniu’s clone. The power is almost comparable to the sharp blade of any middle-grade Dao implement.

At this moment, Meng Niuniu is borrowing the power of the sky's increasingly vigorous vow in the future to wash away this sword intent.

Half a stick of fragrant time passed, Meng Niuniu's forehead was already sweating, and the sword intent became more and more pure and bright. She opened her mouth and took the sword intent into her body, waving her palms in front of her forehead to wipe away the sweat, and laughed:" It took a few days to finally wash away the power of the whole body, and the vitality turned into the power of vows."

As soon as the voice fell, a woman walked out of the shadows, she was a majestic and graceful empress.

"Those of us who have come out of Ten Thousand Realms, the power to derive vows is almost a matter of course. Even if we do not deliberately wash them off, in this future heaven, our vitality will sooner or later transform into the power of vows. Niuniu, you are a bit too radical, don't It's better to go with the flow." The empress said lightly, with a trace of love on her face.

Meng Niuniu nodded: "I know, but the times have changed drastically. Every moment is important. I don't want to wait."

The female emperor said: "The way of heaven is weak, and the suppression of the law disappears, especially in the heavens in the future. There is no restriction and shackles on the **** king. I even feel that even if the vitality is not urged, it can directly cross the sky with a light movement. It seems that the calamity of the next hit is not far away."

Meng Niuniu stood up and said, "I heard that Grandpa Xinao has entered the Four Tribulations?"

"Yes, just two days ago, his reincarnation and nirvana way became more and more proficient. In addition, the ancient emperor was not far from the Four Tribulations, and Linglong Xinzun also reached the peak of the Three Tribulations. After losing the mind of Dao, Xinzun's martial arts The foundation has been shaken tremendously, but with the help of the many monsters of the stars, she has found another martial arts, but I don't know the details yet.

Now, Lonely Proud, Ancient Emperor, Xinzun, and Princess Yueyue are fighting in a secret realm in Jingyu Divine Mansion. Among the few people, Princess Yueyue is now the farthest, staying in the realm of the Four Tribulations God King. It’s the longest time. I heard that Princess Yue was invited to follow Bai Buxian in a very high dimension and under the suppression of many rules. I guess that Lonely Pride, Gu Huang, and Xinzun are the three teamed up. The battle against Princess Yue, and it should be an endless way of fighting, Princess Yue is to use the most critical situation to force herself one step closer. "

Meng Niuniu smiled slightly. In this smile, there was some pride, even the shadow of Meng Fan, which made the empress startled.

"I'm not far from the Four Tribulations. Actually, I have already sensed that the power of catastrophe is brewing in the void. If I want, the power of this disaster can come down, but I have to learn from Grandpa, be patient, and then Patience, patience, until the last pass, then break out again, and it's done overnight."

"it is good."

The female emperor nodded gently.

In the past, the **** kings of the dark alliance have all grown up. The old people of the era alliance, such as the ancient emperor, the lonely proud, and the moon princess, have become very powerful existences, and the younger generation, with Meng Niuniu, Tianxingcang, Zhiweiyi and Fairy Baixue are also very powerful and have become the backbone forces, especially Meng Niuniu and Zhiweiyi, who have stayed in the realm of the Three Tribulations for a long time. After arriving in the future heaven, they have With various benefits and support, the strength has grown rapidly.

At this moment, another person appeared in the side hall, a scholar who looked as elegant as jade, it was Zhao Qilin.

This character, who was personally evaluated by Meng Fan as a genius of Tianzong, was two or three thousand years younger than Meng Fan in terms of age. But thousands of years ago, when Meng Fan first stepped into the realm of God King, Zhao Qilin had already boarded. On the peak book.

His growth rate is simply appalling. According to Jin Mutang’s intelligence, from the time he stepped into the martial arts, he has been thousands of miles away, no one can stop him, any martial arts, never forget, martial arts talent Meng Fan has only seen in his life, especially Zhao Qilin martial arts. Very flat, without any hindrance, prosperous luck, really can be called a man of heaven.

However, the empress always felt that Zhao Qilin was a little weird, perhaps because she was suspicious. She had never believed that Zhao Qilin's background would be so simple.

In fact, when Meng Fan commented that Zhao Qilin had anti-genius learning and was a genius, many **** kings had some doubts about Zhao Qilin, especially the kings of the dark alliance. There was no reason for Meng Fan. Rated anyone!

Because in today's era, there is no role, who can claim to be a man of genius in front of Meng Fan, who has anti-genius.

Now that the universe is prevalent, Meng Fan is already at the pinnacle, one of the many supreme overlords, perhaps ranked behind, but he is already regarded as a member of this queue, and not to mention that he stepped into the **** king, is step into the martial arts , It's only more than ten thousand years before and after.

This is the person of Tianzong.

Meng Fan commented that Zhao Qilin was a man of heaven, and when the kings learned about Zhao Qilin’s experience and found that he was born in a remote dimension, he was not thrilling along the way, and he has never been famous in the world. Some sect forces, after intrigues and deceit, chose to leave each time and stayed alone. In the end, they hated dealing with those intertwined forces and walked alone for two thousand years. During this period, they were gradually known by Jin Mutang and included in the peak book, this martial art , The walking is too plain, even boring.

Which powerful **** king in the world has not gone through countless twists and turns, ups and downs, rise and fall, and survived the dying again and again, and went through the cruel waves and scouring the sand to come to today?

Every **** king is!

Meng Fan once said that the power that can't kill you will make you stronger.

Every **** king has to experience countless "deaths" before he can grow up.

But Zhao Qilin's martial arts were so flat and smooth, even the Central Emperor, who was never defeated in his life, seemed to be less lucky than him.

Meng Fan didn't go into it, because in Meng Fan's view, Zhao Qilin didn't matter whether he had any secrets or not. The reason was that it was not worth paying attention to.

But the Empress and others were different. They still had some scruples about Zhao Qilin.

"I heard that Princess Yueyue is seeking a breakthrough, one enemy three?" Zhao Qilin smiled: "Rather than one enemy three, it is better to fight with me to truly break through under the pressure."

Meng Niuniu did not respond. For Zhao Qilin, Meng Niuniu has always had a headache, but Zhao Qilin, who was the top overlord of the Five Tribulations God King at Jianchengguan, did help the Epoch Alliance a lot. After all, the era alliance at the time even had a Four Tribulations God King. No.

Zhao Qilin must be the first to eradicate the forty thieves. Nearly half of the forty thieves died in Zhao Qilin's hands.

Seeing Meng Niuniu's helplessness, the female emperor said lightly: "The heavens will rise in the future."

Meng Niuniu was startled.

"Since sixteen hours ago, the Heavenly Court in the future will begin to rise, but the speed of the Heavenly Court in the future will be very slow. After all, a huge world requires tremendous power to climb. The current Heavenly Court in the future, about every hour, The rise is less than half an inch, let alone half an inch. In fact, even if it rises by a hundred feet every hour, the speed is too slow, and we can't feel the news. Master Zhuge just told me."

Zhao Qilin showed excitement in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "The race has started?"

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