Supreme God King

Chapter 2915: Ancient dynasty

In two days, Meng Fan traversed multiple dimensions. Wherever he went, a large number of stars were swallowed. There were also some barren worlds, and the same was true. Occasionally, Meng Fan encountered a world with creatures. Strip the creatures out, place them in the original world, and then swallow the world.

In two days, Qing Yao saw a lot of sights. She saw the broken star river, the boundless desert, the boiling sea, the sun and the moon, and all kinds of strange creatures.

She is different from any **** king. For all unknowns, she has no particularly strong thirst for knowledge, nor does she want to seek the true meaning of these things, such as why the sun and the moon appear together, why the sea is boiling, but the boiling sea There are thousands of creatures, she doesn't care about these, and she didn't deliberately learn any knowledge, she just admired it and kept admiring it.

Qing Yao is a **** king, but she has never realized her identity as the **** king of the Four Tribulations, and her perception of the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth comparable to Meng Fan, she is like a child, pure and simple.

Her thinking seems out of place in this vast and terrifying universe, which is too old and hideous. All **** kings, when they step into the end of the martial arts, on the road to higher truth, they are a little bit stripped of emotion, even It is likes, dislikes, and joys. Except for oneself, everything is an external thing. It will never use emotions, only pay attention to the true meaning of things, and never care what a thing looks like on the surface.

The **** king is like this, the king of light brain does not even have the most basic emotions, and the **** of creation is not much better than the king of light brain.

So Qing Yao didn't fit in, and Qing Yao didn't understand what a lie is until now.

Meng Fan did not try to teach Qing Yao what a lie like the Protoss did. Qing Yao was a creation of the Protoss, not Meng Fan.

After two days of shuttle, Meng Fan finally stayed slowly, leading Qing Yao and Yao Qi, and landed on a broken continent.

The vitality on this continent is exhausted, and the laws are very thin, causing the edges of the continent to continue to crack, turn into fragments, and drift away.

If only the vitality is exhausted, an area will enter the Age of Doom, but the creatures will still survive as usual, but it is difficult to give birth to monks, or there will be no monks at all.

But if the law is thin, then a world will not exist at all, and it will collapse a little bit like this.

The law is the foundation of the existence of all things in the universe. Without the law of space, there would be no up, down, left, right, up and down everywhere. Matter flutters and cannot be condensed, as are other laws.

Meng Fan landed on this chaotic continent and walked quickly. In a few blinks, he saw various boundary stones.

It's like the boundary stone of the secular dynasty standing on the border, but the boundary stone here does not have carved characters, but a series of strange symbols.

Meng Fan came to a boundary stone more than ten feet high and stretched out his hand to stroke the rune on the boundary stone.

Qing Yao sat Yao riding behind, looking at these runes, frowned and said, "It's so rough."

"Yes." Meng Fan nodded. These runes are very profound and profound to other gods and kings. To ordinary creatures, they are heavenly books, but in the eyes of Meng Fan and Qingyao, these runes are very rough.

This is a rune carved out of the law of heaven, which is a crude and crude depiction of the law of heaven. With these runes, the chaotic law is fixed.

The continent on the other side of the boundary stone, because the law is fixed, so everything is peaceful and stable, with green grass, rivers and mountains can be seen, and there is enough vitality in it.

In Meng Fan's mind, the grand avenue flashed again, showing that there were three immortal monuments in the depths on the other side of the boundary stone.

In the past two days, he traveled through the dimensions, looking for the traces of the monuments of immortality. However, the monuments of immortality were scattered too much, and within two days, Meng Fan only found one piece, which meant decline.

However, to Meng Fan's expectation, the grand road in his mind could clearly show the location of the immortal monument at a distance. He rushed here on the way.

Through his perception of the true meaning of the avenue, he confirmed as early as a day ago that in the center of this continent, there is a very glorious and powerful dynasty. The three immortal monuments have been refined, and the two immortal monuments have been refined. The **** kings are very powerful, there are two five-kage **** kings, one is the six-knock **** king!

However, this dynasty is not known by the primordial universe, even Jin Mutang does not know it, because the distance is a little far away, it has been far away from the "tower of heaven", far away from the "core zone" of the primordial universe, plus this The dimension of the film, I don’t know what I experienced in the ancient times. All the laws are chaotic. It seems that here is not restricted by the heavens, and has been out of the jurisdiction of the heavens. Although this powerful dynasty did not deliberately hide itself, it did not. What **** king came here.

This is like the world of Hongmeng Taichu era.

Meng Fan pondered for a moment, and his body squirmed suddenly. The flesh and blood, vitality, laws, and breath all changed. He turned himself into another person by using Heaven’s Taoism. Even Qing Yao was slightly surprised, because she completely felt No longer the existence of "Meng Fan," I only saw a thin and weak God King of One Tribulations.

It was very simple for Meng Fan to display the law of heaven, create a perfect body, and hide his deity.

With a wave of his hand, he incorporated Qing Yao and Yao Qi into his original universe and passed through the boundary stone.

In order to better hide himself, Meng Fan also slowed down, but even if he only flew at the speed that the King of One Tribulation should have, within half an hour, he saw the edge of this powerful dynasty.

First of all, there are villages. These villages, of course, are not the villages of the secular dynasty. On the contrary, if any village here is placed in the secular dynasty, it will be a fairyland.

Because of the existence of this place, it is built in the middle of the Jinxiu River and mountains, it is a place to gather vitality, and there are various laws and large formations guarding the village, relying on these laws and formations, each village has its own independent weather, or the wind is sunny. , Or the rainy weather, are under their control, and some towering towers can be seen.

Every village has tens of thousands of people, without exception, they are all monks, and they can also see the existence of the realm of gods.

It can be seen that this dynasty is very powerful.

After passing through these villages, Meng Fan saw a long list of fortresses and cities. These fortresses were built together with the cities. Some of them did not distinguish between you and me, forming a stretch of Great Wall, which looked like it was built for defense, but I can clearly feel that in this Great Wall composed of fortresses and cities, there is no strong armament, or the unique battlefield atmosphere of the army, but a prosperous appearance, with markets and theaters.

And this Great Wall exudes a scent of dilapidation. Obviously, in a very ancient era, for war or defense, someone connected the fortress and the city to form the Great Wall, but that is a very long time. .

After crossing this Great Wall, Meng Fan truly experienced the majestic atmosphere of this powerful dynasty.

Canals are intertwined like cobwebs, huge bridges made of metal and stones, and stone roads leading to all directions.

The city is very close to the city, stretching to the end of the line of sight.

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