Supreme God King

Chapter 2916: Ancient dynasty

Dense cities, water and land routes extending in all directions, and many people.

Here, Meng Fan did not perceive the existence of mortals, all of them are monks. There are as many as cows above the Tianyuan realm, and they can feel the breath of various martial arts, which is very complicated. Meng Fan even feels several very old ones, which are only recorded in the literature. Of martial arts.

To describe this, Meng Fan thought of "ancient style".

The monks gathered in the city are of various races, such as human races, monster races, demons, and even some races that Meng Fan has never seen before. Although these races live together, they give Meng Fan the feeling that they are in the dark. There is a clear distinction, because there are very few mixed races, and all races live in different cities and live separately.

There are even some places where certain races are not allowed to enter.

Such a racially distinct world, but all the races can live together steadily, makes Meng Fan a bit surprised, because different races live together, often will break out wars, non-my race, their hearts must be different, this The words come from humanity, but they are spread in every race.

Therefore, to live together all kinds of races, we must break down the barriers and merge together. Simply put, it is intermarriage. This is also very difficult. Among the many supreme dynasties, only the Supreme Heaven is really the integration of many races. Together, many brand-new races were formed, and the result was that the Supreme Heaven became a very weak one among the many supreme celestial dynasties.

The plan of the Protoss was to blend the blood of the Protoss with other races. This news was spread by Meng Fan. For the Protoss, it was also a major blow. It will make many creatures who are proud of their own race's blood to treat the Protoss. Produce a great sense of rejection and hatred.

Although there are many problems with race integration, at least it can break down the barriers and allow the races to truly blend. Here, there is a clear distinction. There is no sign of intermarriage between races, but they can still maintain stability and peace, which is very powerful.

Meng Fan walked on a avenue at will, looking at the scenes on both sides of the road, but the spirit had already emanated. He noticed that every city here has a formation pattern to maintain stability. Once there is any When hostility and killing intent erupt, these formations will be activated to punish the monks who have released the killing intent and hostility.

This kind of formation forcefully suppressed the unrest to a large extent.

"There is no **** king."

Meng Fan thought in his heart. His spirit spread out, and the city within a radius of millions of miles did not feel the existence of a **** king, which shows that this place is still on the edge of this "Great Ancient Dynasty".

The feedback of all kinds of information made Meng Fan confirm that this ancient dynasty is full of mystery, plus the one God King of the Six Tribulations and the two God Kings of the Five Tribulations that he had sensed before, let Meng Fan know that he must be careful and not act rashly. A little closer to the three monumental monuments, you can't rush.

Meng Fan used the method of shrinking the ground and moving between the cities. The more information he collected, the deeper his understanding of this ancient dynasty.

This ancient dynasty has a history of 50 million years!

Such a historical span is not short on the scale of the primordial universe. After all, most of the forces that still exist today were established after Longxiang Valley, even if the new Longxiang Valley and the ancient The Dragon Elephant Valley is counted as a power, and in fact it has a history of more than 40 million years.

This also explains why the ancient dynasty has many martial arts that have been lost.

The ancient dynasty was established by an ancient sage named "Fufeng". This sage, who has lived to this day, is the emperor of the ancient dynasty, who is exactly the king of six calamities that Meng Fan felt. !

The other two Five Tribulations God Kings, it is said that one is the God King who established the Great Ancient Dynasty together with Husband Feng. There were more than a dozen God Kings and sages who established the Great Ancient Dynasty together with Hufeng Feng, but they all did not break through the realm. With the passage of time, his death disappeared, and the only ones who survived were Husband Feng and this King of Five Tribulations.

The other King of Five Tribulations is the eldest son of Husband.

The husband-style ruled the ancient dynasty for 50 million years, and his heirs were numerous, as many as several million, and there were tens of thousands of generations. This ancient prince is the most outstanding one and has been a prince for nearly 40 million years.

Since the establishment of the ancient dynasty, almost all of them have been isolated from the world. The monks of the ancient dynasty lack interest in the outside world. They have never deliberately hidden them, but they have never been discovered because it is too remote and the rules are too great. It was chaotic. Only a few million years ago, a force called the "Returner Civilization" had a brief contact with the ancient dynasty. The two sides fought a fight, and the origin of this fight was just not understood by both parties. But the first reaction that produced suspicion was that after a brief fight, the two forces continued to stay in the water. The returnee civilization left and never appeared again.

But this kind of isolation, Meng Fan does not believe that even the Qilin clan of the Auspicious Ridge will send some people to explore the world at the critical moment of the great change. It is impossible for the ancient dynasty to be indifferent to everything in the world. They will still do something.

As he went deeper, Meng Fan finally felt the existence of some **** kings, saw more magnificent cities and fortresses, and saw even more intricate buildings. However, these buildings were far from what Meng Fan saw in the human world. Many, compared with the future Heavenly Court, it is average, and his interest is not great.

The ancient dynasty adopted the ancient system of enfeoffment, a system that has long been abandoned by humanity. With husband Feng as the head, the following are divided into kings, gongs, waiting, uncle, son, male, school, etc., and are divided into dozens of levels. The fiefs are completely different from big to small, and each master has the absolute right to speak in his own territory. , Everything can be decided, as well as his own private army, only need to hand in some resources to the royal court of the ancient dynasty every year.

From its birth to today, humanity has invented and created countless systems. For example, the Ziguang Empire back then adopted a very open system. The king was elected and re-elected every 100 years. All members of the hospital jointly elected.

The Great Qin Empire has the longest inheritance but is recognized as the best imperial power system. It has a complete imperial system. Three provinces and two government offices govern most of the affairs. If the emperor can’t do it, it’s a spiritual symbol. In charge of the entire Qin Empire, but the power of the emperor is still limited by the court, unable to do whatever he wants, so there will be no tyrants.

In addition, I heard that the infinite realm adopts a more peculiar system. In the infinite realm, all people are equal and unequal. There is only time, some are flexible and long, and some are flexible and short. In the infinite realm, time is everything. The outside world has only such a little understanding of the infinite realm, and it is still uncertain.

Humanity is very powerful in creating systems. There are also various terms, such as tyrant system, democratic election system, collusion system, etc., which cannot be counted. Almost all other races can only imitate the humane system. I rarely can establish a decent system.

However, this ancient dynasty adopted the extremely primitive enfeoffment system among all humane systems.

Using such a primitive system to exist for fifty million years, it shows that the leader of the ancient dynasty, the six-tribulation **** king named Fufeng, is really powerful, and he can dominate a dynasty with such a backward system. The dynasty is thriving.

This made Meng Fan more and more curious about this ancient dynasty.

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