Supreme God King

Chapter 2917: The second Meng Fan

Great ancient dynasty, imperial capital.

The dynasty capital of the entire continent is a huge pyramid, the whole body is gray-black, and the tip of the pyramid is submerged in the sky.

Around the pyramid, there are layered buildings spreading outwards, and various creatures live here.

In a palace inside the pyramid, the vigorous vitality gathered together. In the middle, a **** king boy was punching a set of ancient boxing techniques. This boy was full of vigor and sharp eyes, but his brows were slightly immature.

A woman who looked very weak and beautiful walked into the palace. This woman was clearly a monster. Apart from her charming and nice appearance, her two tiger teeth were exposed to her lips, and her weak appearance made her look very Playful and cute.

The woman wore a tulle and her body was looming. She stayed in front of the palace for a while, smiling at the young man, her eyes full of admiration and love between men and women.

And the realm of this woman is even deeper than that of a teenager, she is already the God King of the Three Tribulations.

The young man completed a set of ancient boxing exercises, closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath, and then opened his eyes, there are two brilliant lights, such as the dark night lights, extremely gorgeous, and when the brilliant lights in his eyes dissipate, he solemnly said : "This ancient set of martial arts has too many shortcomings, especially the crude use of vitality. After the drill, I have filled in these shortcomings and can be passed on."

"Yes, my lord..."

A cold voice sounded, and gradually faded away.

The boy turned his head and looked at the woman. The coldness and solemnity on his face disappeared. A smile appeared. He stepped forward, gently hugged the woman in his arms, and stroked the woman's lower abdomen with his hands. After a glance, the young man smiled and said: "Your martial arts has entered a bottleneck, but you are pregnant at this time. The father said that the child in the belly is the'eyes of the sky and the flesh,' which will continue to draw your strength, and your essence is insufficient. It takes a lot of rest."

The woman smiled charmingly, and said in a leisurely voice: "My father's palace has doubled the monthly rule for my palace. All kinds of treasures of heaven and earth are piled up like a mountain. There is no shortage of essence."

With pattering footsteps, a very playful two or three-year-old boy ran to the front. He was a little fat but more cute. He ran all the way, followed by dozens of maids, cautiously, while the boy ran up and shrank. Cheng Cun, very fast, these maids are difficult to keep up.

The little boy rushed into the arms of the teenager and said sweetly with a milky voice: "Dad, when can my sister play with me!"

The boy smiled and scratched the little boy's nose: "It's still early, what are you in a hurry?" Then he looked at the maids who were busy catching up behind him, and said coldly: "These maids are too trash to keep up. If something really happened to Lu Lu, what can they do? Bian Er, speak to the Zong Mansion, and change a group of high-level people to protect it. Otherwise, something happens to Lu Jin and I will overthrow the Zong Mansion."

The maids shivered, and one of the maids let out a low sob because they were too scared.

The young man frowned when he heard it and glanced at the maid. The maid didn't even scream, but her eyes widened. Then her body shattered into dust and disappeared.

The maids behind all knelt down and couldn't help but hold their breath, not daring to breathe.

Seeing this scene, the charming demon girl in a tulle body was full of obsession. She hugged the boy's waist and whispered in the boy's ear: "I'm going to talk to the Zongfu. If General Longhu, they dare not Listen? Before, the palm print of Bing Ma Si believed that he was the King of Two Tribulations. Say a few more words in front of you. You broke the internal organs, injured the origin, and are still recovering."

The little boy called 囝囝 was a little impatient after listening to his parents talk, and asked, "What is my sister's name!"

The boy smiled immediately: "What do you think?"

"Call...Call..." The little boy couldn't think of it for a while, and his face flushed with anxiety.

Both the boy and the woman were amused by this scene. The woman said, "It's called Shi Shi, how about it?"

The boy repeated: "Mengfu does things? That's fine."

The woman was startled and sighed: "I really should have changed this rule like my father's request. Why did the husband take the woman from our husband's family, and the offspring's surname must be prefixed with the husband's character? Meng Shishi, How nice, just like your name, Meng Fan, how nice."

The young man smiled and scratched the woman's nose again: "Bian'er, don't make trouble, your Majesty's words are rules. The rules of the ancient dynasty cannot be changed easily. Without rules, there is no square."

At the top of the pyramid, there is a palace that can be seen thousands of miles away, without walls on all sides, let the wind and clouds stir.

An old man covered in purple and gold robes looked down, his gaze penetrated the heavy walls, and fell on the boy named Meng Fan and his daughter-in-law Bian'er.

Behind the old man, a **** king who looked a little older than him stood there, hoarsely saying: "He has grown up too fast."

"Yes..." The Zijin Robe God King nodded, "How did it start, I almost forgot?"

This husband is the God King of Six Tribulations, the leader of this mysterious and ancient ancient dynasty!

And behind him, as old as him, is one of the brothers who founded the Great Ancient Dynasty with him back then. The only Five Tribulations God King of the Great Ancient Dynasty is also the current prime minister of the Great Ancient Dynasty. public.

The earliest founders of the ancient dynasty had more than a dozen **** kings. These **** kings all fell over the long years. Most of them died of old age because they could not break through the realm, but their descendants had their own fiefs, and Passed down from generation to generation, this prime minister was the same, and his descendants, uncountable, were divided into various places in the ancient dynasty.

The ancient dynasty adopted a very ancient system of enfeoffment, in which more than 90% of the fiefs were in the hands of the descendants of those founders.

This husband is obviously a human race, and so is the prime minister behind him.

"Your Majesty has everything to do. You have to remember too many things, and you will always forget some." The prime minister smiled mildly: "That was only a few years ago, that is, the year when Princess Bian'er just stepped into the Three Tribulations God King. The little King of Two Tribulations, who was detached from the Dharma King, came to our ancient dynasty and donated a drop of essence and blood. It turned out that this drop of essence and blood belonged to the little heavenly Dao Meng Fan.

Our ancient dynasty is a dynasty that walks on the way of heaven. Your majesty, the old me, and your royal prince have all refined immortal monuments. The core of our ancient dynasty is to walk in the sky. The martial arts of the ancient dynasty, also They are all ancient martial arts of heaven, not those of humanistic martial arts, or magic martial arts that were newly emerging.

The times have changed drastically. Your Majesty, a wise martial artist, wants to lead us out of this dimension to fight for the heavenly path. At that time, there were many discussions about this drop of blood, whether to refining, or to make a Taoist tool, or something else. In the end, it was the old me. It is suggested that this drop of blood is in vain and has little meaning, and if we want to occupy some heavens now, our ancient dynasty has no advantage compared with heavens, future heavens, gods, and creation gods, but if we It's different if you can create a second "Little Heavenly Way".

At that time, His Majesty agreed and let the old minister take full responsibility. I turned this drop of blood into a baby, named Meng Fan, and created a small world in which the flow of time is very fast. One hour outside, one year inside, will Babies and a lot of resources were sent into it, constantly elevating his cultivation base, but he didn't know that he had been living in our eyes.

One month later, three hundred and sixty years have passed in that little thousand world, and the baby has also grown into a powerful monk in the Profound Origin Realm. Only then did the veteran release him and let him practice throughout the ancient dynasty. From the beginning to the end, the old minister was very secretive. He never knew that he was just our creation.

The ancient dynasty was divided into various regions, and each territory was independent and self-control. The situation was very different. He was a fledgling and suffered a lot of hardships, but these hardships also made him grow faster, and his reputation gradually Magpie rises, showing the domineering and fierceness that does not fit his age, and also said the phrase "those who follow me prosper against me will perish", and later, according to your majesty's intention, I opened the annual review, appointing talents, and He was recruited into the court. "

Husband Feng nodded: "Oh... Then... why is Bian'er so infatuated with him?"

"When he was in the Little Thousand World, Princess Bian'er had watched him. Since then, Princess Bian'er has come to see him from time to time. It's hard to say the two words of affection." The prime minister smiled.

Husband Feng nodded again: "It's okay, it's okay... this young man has grown to this level in such a short time. Not long ago, he defeated Bing Ma Si's realm with the realm of the King of One Tribulation. Palmprint, in the future, I don’t know how far it will grow. This is a good move."

The prime minister nodded humbly.

Husband Feng said to himself: "The little heavenly Dao Meng Fan, what kind of existence is it?"

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