Supreme God King

Chapter 2954: Heroes of the World

Desolate ancient city.

The sailing ship of arcane civilization has been swallowed by the long river of underworld, leaving only fragments in the sky, dancing and circling in the air, and there are many corpses of monks and gods who have been swallowed up and spit out by the underworld, and their souls have died.

Only two dozen **** kings still survived. They were all three, four, and four five calamities, but more or less, they were all seriously injured.

In the void, Shi Weifu and Meng Fan were separated by a thousand feet and looked at each other. The light on Shi Weifu's body was still shining, and Meng Fan was still a black color, only his eyes were extremely pale, with no flaws.

The two have fought for several rounds.

But there are no wounds.

"Master Schweife has broken six crystals." A Five Tribulations Arcane King gritted his teeth and said, "These crystals are all gifts from the Supreme Arcane by the Supreme Arcane during the process of the Arcaneization. They are his soul. The essence of the fusion of martial arts and arcane arts is the hub that connects all the strengths in his body. It has been blessed by the teaching authority. It has been blessed and broken. It is a huge loss. When the dragon king Zhuogen was suppressed, it was broken. That's it."

"Meng Fan, he is so powerful."

"It's really the person who replaced the emperor..."

The arcane kings are very solemn.

This sailing ship carries more than two hundred arcane kings, and there are also five powerful five-fold **** kings, led by the king's hand Steve, the king's hand, in the Arcane Empire, but one of the best!

Among the unwritten rankings of the Arcane Empire, apart from the imperial emperor being the King of Seven Tribulations, the most powerful is the emperor’s right and left hand, the leader of the civil servants, the king’s hand Steve, and the sword of the empire, the commander of the guard, Ak Flowers.

These two Six Tribulations God Kings are the supreme existence of the Arcane Empire except the emperor.

In addition, the Arcane Empire has two Six Tribulations God Kings. One is the Dragon King Zhuogen, who has been the leader of the resistance army and was jointly suppressed by Steve and the Knight Commander of the Guards. The other is the courtyard of the Imperial Winter Academy. Long, Winter Academy is the highest hall of arcane arts. This dean has also been studying knowledge and studying more arcane arts. He has not come out for hundreds of thousands of years, and he is very old. He is at least Lived 50 million years old.

Aohua is also the path discovered by the dean.

A strong man like Schweife, who fought against Meng Fan, was still indifferent, even vaguely. Schweife was still at a disadvantage.

But the more than two hundred arcane **** kings did not play any role at all, and Meng Fan directly suppressed a **** king of the Five Tribulations.

The arcane origins in that five-tribulation **** king were all gathered by Meng Fan and ingested.

at this time!

Meng Fan, who was wrapped in the long river of Mingyi, receded a little bit, and he returned to look like a green shirt.

The eyes are clear, the clouds are light and the wind is light.

"Arcane is a variant of martial arts. It gives spirit and soul to martial arts, turning the intangible into tangible, and turning the tangible into intangible, interesting and interesting... I feel it, but there is still a distance, I can’t tell. , Can't tell."

Meng Fan said lightly.

He definitely felt a certain truth of arcane arts.

It is fundamentally different from martial arts.

In arcane magic, there is a very profound and ancient concept in martial arts. This concept was born very early, that is, the concept that Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

However, all powerful **** kings understand that the essence of this concept is just a fantasy, not real.

Even if it has the ability to create something like Meng Fan, it was called the "Creator" in the past. It is possible to create something in vain, but it is absolutely impossible to create something in vain.

He is to create a real thing with various powers, vitality, and laws, or transform various things into power, vitality, and laws.

He is just conversion, it is impossible to create nothingness completely.

In the world, there is no **** king who can create nothingness without any external force.

It's just that Meng Fan's creation methods are very powerful. He can turn a stone into a creature, extract natural spar from the ruins and dust, and turn the God of Creation into a piece of pure text.

Arcane, however, has vaguely the means of creating nothingness. It is the **** king of the Austrian race, using a very mysterious method, using arcane as a medium to create it out of thin air.

This is terrible.

In the past era, in the long years, the cosmos was great, which can be summarized in two words.


Just as vegetation eats sunlight and rain, cattle and sheep eat vegetation, tiger wolves eat cattle and sheep.

The **** king must also swallow, swallow the vitality, swallow the laws of heaven and earth, swallow all kinds of medicines, and even swallow everything from the origin, martial art, soul, body, etc. of other **** kings, and then use their own power to destroy these Swallowed and refined.

Originally, in Meng Fan's mind, he had some prejudices against arcane civilization, but in the continuous collision with Schweife, he had new feelings. This feeling was arcane civilization, which seemed to be a kind of civilization.

"Good, good."

Meng Fan nodded: "Since everything that should be seen clearly, we have already seen it clearly, and the next step is the end of the battle."

He closed his eyes.

Steve Schwef, as well as many arcane kings, became serious.

Meng Fan opened his eyes again.

Not all pale.


There is a universe in Meng Fan's two pupils.

In this universe, sentient beings are born and die, multiply and thrive, continue to grow, and there are thousands of gods and kings.

Shi Weifu who saw this scene was stunned!

There are many people who know that Meng Fan has his original world.

But this original world was the world in Meng Fan's body. No one could really see what was in the original world and what was happening.

Few **** kings know that Meng Fan's original world has been transformed into an original universe!

Steve, his scalp was numb, and a strong sense of pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

This is a real feeling.

Because at this moment, Shi Weifu has an illusion of facing the crushing of the entire universe!


Chaos world.

The barrier has long been shattered, the Wuhai gradually dissipated, and the chaotic fog has also settled into sand.

Outside the chaotic world, the black and white moon is still hanging.

It was that Bai Buxian used all his own power, including the curse of his life, to seal the Emperor of Heaven. It may only be more than ten years to win for the primordial kings of the universe, but there is enough time for development.

In the void not far away, a small infinite field warship was stagnating.

In the battleship, several **** kings surrounded the king of light brain, looking at the moon.

They have been watching for a few days.

No one knows what the King of Light Brain is waiting for, and the King of Infinite Realm is also used to not asking the King of Light Brain. This has become a habit in very old years.

Suddenly, a **** king in the infinite realm frowned, as if he had received some news, he raised his head to look at the king of light brains.

"Yes, I know." The King of Light Brain nodded: "Arcane civilization and Heavenly Dao Meng Fan met in the torrent of wild gods. There is no need to ask more about the outcome of the war. Meng Fan now restrains all those who walk on the heavenly path. The **** king, all puppets and servants of the heavenly path, would have no resistance in front of Meng Fan, and would even be manipulated by Meng Fan. As for the creation gods and the gods, they were also restrained by Meng Fan.

Therefore, the Protoss did not dare to fight against Meng Fan by themselves, and this would easily give other people the illusion that Meng Fan was just a God King who was naturally restrained from walking on the heavens, if not facing the Protoss, the God of Creation, and the servants of the heavens. If it were, Meng Fan was no different from the other Six Tribulations God Kings.

This is a very wrong perception.

Even if it is not the God King of Heaven, the God Race, or the God of Creation, today, there is no God King of Six Tribulations that can compete with Meng Fan, including the Central Emperor.

The only ones who can really fight Meng Fan are the old Seven Tribulations God Kings, namely, Emperor Bo Wu, the Old Man with Missing Moon, the Night King, and the Dragon Emperor. Just now, they suddenly appeared in the human world and have disappeared. For thousands of years, Xiao Lianxian. "

All the **** kings in the infinite realm were silent. They knew that the king of light brain had distributed his incarnation in many places in the human world and the **** world, so he knew all of these at the first time.

"Meng Fan has not only mastered more and more of the true meaning of the Great Dao, but also swallowed the Sun and Moon Emperors, the three emperors, who were once the spokespersons of the Heavenly Dao. The benefits are more than getting the true meaning of the Great Dao. If Meng Fan can swallow the other two emperors, he will be even stronger, rich in background, and may even impact the Seven Tribulations. If we can control the other two emperors, we are fighting for the heavens. In the process, there is a greater right to speak, but why the two hidden emperors have not come to unlock the emperor."

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