Supreme God King

Chapter 2955: Heroes return


In this shattered sea of ​​stars, there are many scattered little sects, where the vitality is abundant, but the laws are chaotic, so no powerful **** king has been born.

At this moment, a group of **** kings wearing colorful robes gathered in a big world in the middle of Xiaolong Sea, all hiding their breath.

Surrounded by these gods is Qin Taichuan.

His appearance is getting younger and younger, even if he controls the evil way, he still has not given up on his pursuit of longevity.

Qin Taichuan now looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old child, but his eyes are filled with ancient evil charm.

At this moment, he is enlightening.

The billowing evil spirits gathered around him into giant dragons.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked towards the sky, stretched out his fingers, and shouted: "The sky is old, the evil way is standing!"

Immediately, a torrent of deep blue thunder fell from the sky!

The evil **** kings around immediately retreated in all directions.

The thunder torrent fell, directly engulfing Qin Taichuan.


Long live mountain.

Although this ancient sect of humanity has established a trade route with the future heaven, because it is on the edge of monk civilization, this trade route is too long, the process of establishment is very slow, and it has not yet completed one tenth.

However, scattered around the Longevity Mountain, there have been scattered black deaths. Although there are various intelligence from the heavens in the future, telling the Longevity Mountain that the direction of the black death army is not Longevity Mountain, but the Phoenix Empire, but The elders of Longevity Mountain are still terrified.

Wansui Mountain knows that the Dragon Gate Flying Armor developed by Tianting in the future is very powerful. It not only folds the space of tens of thousands of layers and arranges innumerable large arrays, but also contains the true power of several avenues, such as the meaning of purification, The meaning of space and order, these forces can effectively restrain the black death catastrophe.

Not only that, but Zaifu's Divine Mansion finally created a spirit in a dragon gate flying armor and became a low-grade Taoist implement.

Inferior Dao Artifacts are of course precious, but for the future Heavenly Court, there are so many inferior Dao Artifacts. Many powerful **** kings of the heavenly court in the future will not bother to use the Inferior Dao Artifact. With the future ability and financial resources of Heavenly Court, large-scale manufacturing cannot be achieved.

So even though Longevity Mountain has already put out a lot of wealth and only hopes to get three Dragon Gate Flying Armor, but in the future, the Dragon Gate Flying Armor developed by Tianting will still be in short supply, so this order has not been taken.

At this moment, at the top of Wansui Mountain, among the pavilions of the Sea of ​​Clouds, a group of elder overlords of Wansui Mountain gather together. They are all the **** kings of the Three Tribulations and Four Tribulations. Among them, the suzerain of Wansui Mountain is a Five Tribulations. God king.

Such meetings have been held countless times recently.

The black death catastrophe has gradually formed an unstoppable situation. The number of black death creatures is astonishing and overwhelming. They have appeared in many places in the primordial universe. This is a highly contagious plague that can be destroyed by a small black creature. A big world.

Under the pressure of the black death catastrophe, the appearance of the future world has become clearer and clearer. The dimensional barrier is constantly being shattered by the army of black deaths, and the universe that was originally isolated by dimensionality is gradually becoming a smooth road.

And what can fight against the black death catastrophe is each Dao World.

Therefore, the meetings of Wansui Mountain, like many supreme celestial dynasties, are thinking about the way out for the future. From the very beginning, Wansui Mountain, as an ancient sect of humanity, has always hoped for independence. Until now, Wansui Mountain feels the trend of the new era and The threat of black death and catastrophe, knowing that if you don't join a certain avenue world, there will only be two results, either decline or become a fringe world.

The current Long Live Mountain is considering whether to join a certain Dao World.

In the last meeting, Long Live Mountain had already made a decision, because more than half of the elders believed that they should join a certain Dao World, but there was a dispute over which side to join.

Is it the human world, or the future heaven?

Wansui Mountain is an orthodox and ancient sect of humanity. It seems natural to join the human world, but the human world has already taken shape. After the imperial family is controlled by various families, the human world has become stronger than ever before. It also means that the human world is solidified.

The Long Live Mountain that joined at this moment will undoubtedly become weak and weak in front of the powerful court of the human world, without any right to speak, and it will inevitably end up dissipating.

In contrast, the heavenly court will be much better in the future. The atmosphere in the heavenly court in the future will be very good, and all beings will be equal. The news that the messenger of Long live mountain brings back in the heavenly court is that in some cities in the heavenly court in the future, you can see the king of gods. Walking with the weak monk, the messenger said, it was like a person becoming friends with the ant. This scene made the messenger unforgettable for a long time.

At the same time, the first iron law, as well as some of the purposes at the beginning of the establishment of the future heaven, including the diffusion of the power of vows, will allow the future heaven to show a style different from the old world in the past, making many young gods full of yearning. .

At the beginning of the new era, all roads and worlds were caught in disputes, or in the process of rising, only the future heaven was the first to establish trade routes, actively engage in diplomacy with various forces, and have a big mind, and they want to establish a new era. The attitude of order.

Moreover, now there is only the future Heavenly Court, considering the issue of the black death catastrophe.

No matter how you look at it, joining the Heavenly Court of the Future is a good choice, but Long Live Mountain is too old and orthodox sect of humanity. It is still very difficult for them to abandon their own avenues and choose to walk on the heavens.

Mainly, Long Live Mountain Sect Master never made a decision.

In this kind of anxious discussion, as long as the sovereign speaks and makes a decision, there is no need for discussion.

As for why the suzerain has not given the answer, many elders know well.

Long live Mountain Sect Master, as the Five Tribulations God King, is a role of the overlord level of heaven and earth. In the old days, he was on the top of the pinnacle list. Once he appeared, he was shocked.

But in the future heaven, it will be completely different.

In the future, the heavenly court may not have as many gods and kings as the human world, but in the human world, there is now only the central emperor, the six-tribulation god. Mingyi ancestor, Qilin Ruihuang, Jinmutang Ancient Daozi Seven God Kings of Six Tribulations!

In addition, there will be more Five Tribulations God Kings in the Heavenly Court in the future, and now that Heavenly Court is rising in the future, with this momentum, many future Heavenly Court God Kings of the Four Tribulations will also break through to the Five Tribulations.

Chicken head and phoenix tail, this choice made it difficult for the sovereign of Longevity Mountain to make a decision.

And the longer the time delay, the more frequent the appearance of dark dead creatures, and the elders of Longevity Mountain became more and more dissatisfied with the suzerain. Privately, the suzerain's short-sighted and narrow-minded remarks always appeared.

Therefore, at this meeting, all the elders reached a tacit agreement, which is to persuade the suzerain.

When the meeting is going on.

A figure quietly landed in the Longevity Mountain.

This is a young **** king, dressed in a short gray robe, the robe is very plain, there is no decoration, only on the back, tattooed with a sharp rune.

At the center of the young man's eyebrows, there is also a rising red, like a sword.

At the sword's edge, the cold light flickered like a dragon like a snake.

The erect red flickered twice and then disappeared. At the same time, a blood-colored sword appeared in the palm of the young man. A faint cloud of smoke was wrapped around the blade, vaguely like a human figure, like a ghost or crying spirit. Ten thousand, hundreds of thousands, entangled!


With a loud shout, a figure sprang out from a corner of Wansui Mountain. This is a **** king elder guarding the mountain in Wansui Mountain, the God King of Two Tribulations. While questioning, he also killed the young man with a billowing vitality. It revolved and formed a round of peach petal storms, wrapping the boy.

The young man glanced at the elder, and the sharp blade in his hand trembled.

The elder's eyes were wide open, without wailing, they quietly turned into a rain of blood, splashed on the mountain peak, the pattern that the rain of blood turned into is so beautiful, like a big butterfly.


The boy muttered and took a few steps forward.

"Some people call me Nangong, some call me Taiyi Sage King, some call me Champion Hou, today, you can call me to kill the gods, I'm here to destroy the door."

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