Supreme God King

Chapter 2956: Come from behind

Deserted ancient city.

Steve struggled desperately with his mutilated body.

A nine-foot-long black spear pierced his chest and nailed him to the ground.

The black meditation madly absorbed his vitality, flesh and blood, and even spread into his origin.

In the distance, there is a sea of ​​fire.

Meng Fan slowly walked out of the sea of ​​fire, his body was incomplete, and many flesh and blood were refined by the sea of ​​fire, but with each step he took, the body quickly healed, and he was wrapped in a green shirt again.

Walking out of the sea of ​​flames to recover, Meng Fan raised his head and glanced at the desolate ancient divine body in the center of the desolate ancient city at random, as well as the Heavenly Splitting Great Emperor who was already close to the desolate ancient divine body.

Meng Fan raised his right arm again and squeezed his right hand. The strength of the rolling vow and the law of space once again condensed into a spear.

Then the spear was thrown by Meng Fan.

The spear pierced the sky silently.

After a ninth of an instant, it pierced the body of a Four-Tribulation Protoss that was dragging the Heavenly Breaking Emperor.

This protoss was torn to pieces by the space vortex.

Among the more than two hundred protoss who delayed the Great Emperor Splitting, there were only a few Four Tribulations God Kings, and they were about to exhaust. Meng Fan suddenly killed a Four Tribulations God King, which was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. .

The Emperor Splitting the sky suddenly exerted force, and more than two hundred Protoss races were simultaneously pulled off the ground!

Afterwards, Emperor Splitting Sky stabbed into the desolate ancient **** body.

Meng Fan withdrew his gaze.

Looking at Shi Weifu who was still struggling.

"Fear of death, right?"

Facing Shi Weifu’s painful expression, Meng Fan said indifferently: “The longer you live, the stronger you are, the more you fear death. Therefore, the kings of heaven and earth want eternal life, but some people have said that eternal life is a sin.”

"Why...why..." Shi Weifu screamed painfully: "Who are you... why can you rise up in just ten thousand years, so powerful... why... I thought you were just a young rising star. Looking at you with the eyes of the old man, but, why..."

These few words of Shi Weifu are no longer systematic and very chaotic, and he can see his physical pain and mental breakdown.

Meng Fan did not answer.

He just thought of some people.

The humane leader Central Emperor, the leader of the killing Dao, the champion Hou, the leader of Buddhism and Taoism, the leader of Xumi, the leader of Huangdao, the giant of war, and the leader of Mo Feng.

These few **** kings who led a new road are all young generations.

Among them, the oldest is the Central Emperor, but compared with the prehistoric monsters in the universe, who are often millions and tens of millions of years old, the Central Emperor has only lived for hundreds of thousands of years and is still a young man.

Bai Buxian said that a new era belongs to newcomers.

Meng Fan suddenly felt a little bit emotional.

Because he thought of the evil Qin Taichuan, the gods of the gods, and the dragon emperor of the dragon.

For some reason, these people who are leading the world in the new era are inextricably linked with themselves.

Like the center of the whirlpool, the eye of the storm.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Meng Fan grasped the big halberd on Shi Weifu's chest and pulled it out directly, and immediately splashed with blood, and the radius was enveloped in the **** wind.

Schweife let out a scream of earth-shattering, like the screams of ancient ghosts and gods!

far away.

The desolate ancient **** body, which has always been like a statue, slowly opened his eyes.

He is just an incarnation.

But he possessed the power comparable to the Six Tribulations God King.

Because the Heavenly Splitting Emperor pierced his body, the severe pain caused him to wake up and confronted the Heavenly Cracking Emperor in his body.

But this is just in vain.

The ridiculous ancient **** body is not a true **** king after all, just an incarnation. It does not possess the wisdom of beings, and it does not display its own power. It is like a powerful but brainless warrior who can not even swing a sword. .

The Emperor Splitting Sky shuttled back and forth in his body, continuously bringing out a strip of blood mist.

"The Alliance of Heaven and Dao, God Realm, Arcane Empire, Buddhism, and Infinite Realm. It would be even more interesting if it was the God and Buddha Xumi who came here today to stop me."

Meng Fan spoke faintly, and stretched out his hand, a huge canopy of the sky directly enveloped the lingering Shi Weifu, and collected it into the original universe. It was immediately suppressed by the majestic cosmic power and turned into a mass of arcane and spiritual integration. the power of.

In addition, there are five groups of arcane power hovering aside, those are the five arcane kings of the Five Tribulations that were suppressed by Meng Fan before.

After suppressing Schweife, Meng Fan jumped up, and suddenly appeared on the head of the huge wild ancient divine body that was trying his best to resist the emperor, but it was ineffective. After falling, a hand violently knocked on the wild ancient divine body. On the head.

Suddenly, Dao's mind, domineering meaning, kingly meaning, declining glory, dhamma, and summoning were transformed into seven-color canopy runes, covering the head of the desolate ancient **** body, and the body of the ancient **** body stagnated immediately, and then Meng Fan Raising his hands, a group of thinking marks were drawn out of the mind of the ancient divine body!

That is the brand of thinking that the Protoss created when the ancient **** body was created.

It is not a divine soul, but it records a large amount of information, including many mysteries of the power of gods and the power of faith.

Meng Fan wants to spy on any secrets of the Protoss!

When these mental marks were extracted by Meng Fan and integrated into the original universe, the complicated and chaotic information was controlled by Meng Fan, and the ancient **** body was directly transformed into a huge walking dead.

Emperor Splitting Sky shuttled faster.

In a few blinks, he has penetrated thousands of blood orifices of the ancient **** body.

Meng Fan closed his eyes, tasted the thinking mark of the ancient divine body, then opened his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

That's it.

The appearance of the desolate ancient divine body is so similar to that of the ancient divine tribe, and this has its origins.

It turns out that the Ancient Protoss is a very remote era, at the beginning of the Era era, one of the Protoss!

In tens of billions of years, the Protoss also has its own evolution. At least each generation of the Protoss is getting stronger and stronger. Because the weak Protoss suffers from the condemnation, they all die. Only the powerful Protoss can survive. This is why Although the number of protoss is very small today, any one, as long as it is just born, is the reason for the **** king.

This is the result of the gods enduring tens of billions of years of condemnation.

In very ancient times, some Protoss left the kingdom of God and intermarried with other creatures. Some creatures that were not condemned by God were born, but were much weaker than Protoss. This is the earliest ancient Protoss, also known as As a mixed-race protoss.

When the Temple of Science began the Array Plan, the Ancient Protoss became a very important item in the Array Plan. In the first batch of arrays, many creatures created by the Temple of Science were a combination of the Protoss and the Ancient Gods. of.

This ridiculous ancient **** body is the same, it is an incarnation of a **** created after imitating the appearance of the ancient gods.

At this moment, Emperor Leaping Heaven penetrated all the acupoints of the ancient **** body.

It was like breaking the joints of a building, and the ancient **** body collapsed suddenly.

Immediately, the strong power of faith and the power of the gods radiated, covering the entire deserted ancient city in the blink of an eye, and after a few breaths, it spread to the entire torrent of wild gods, and then irresistibly, from the cracks in the dimensional barriers broken by the torrent of wild gods Flowing to a lower dimension, gradually disappearing.

One of the three legs of the God Realm was destroyed.

Meng Fan stood high in the sky, watching all this.

Now that the God Realm has been established, the broken three legs will not cause a fatal blow to the God Realm, but it will indeed delay the growth of the God Realm, and it will also delay the speed of the God Realm's ascent.

This is enough.

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