Supreme God King

Chapter 2962: Only kill

The edge of the chaos world.

On a small gray warship, the King of Light Brain has been sitting for several days.

However, this is just an incarnation of him. The King of Light Brain has hundreds of millions of incarnations, all acting in their own way, doing many things at the same time.

This incarnation is to stare at the black and white moon in the sky, waiting for the appearance of the two emperors.

Suddenly, the King of Light Brain stood up and kept looking around the cosmos. After a while, the body of the lightning thunder shadow froze, only the head was constantly shining.

This scene attracted several **** kings in the infinite realm in the battleship, jumping out one after another, falling on the left and right of the king of light brain.

"Receiving information from other avatars."

A **** king whispered.

They all waited in silence.

After a long time, the King of Light Brain finally moved: "Awesome, awesome... a powerful layout. My calculation ability is called the unparalleled in the universe, but I missed the understanding of people's hearts. This has always been my weakness, but it is causal. It can calculate the human mind, and cause and effect is a big net. It goes up to the highest king, down to an ant, and a stone. All of them are in the cause and effect. This kind of power is so powerful. If it can fall into my hands..."


Long live mountain.

In a few days, Ramadan and Zhao Qilin finally arrived.

What I saw was a sea of ​​blood.

The so-called corpse mountains, towering hundreds of feet tall, are endless, and there is no end to hope.

The so-called sea of ​​blood is the lakes, oceans, and rivers flowing in the center of these dead mountains, all of which are red.

And these corpses, which have been dead for at least two or three days, have begun to rot, and there are maggots, and the mountains and plains are full of flies, almost overwhelming, making the sky black.

In this scene, Ramadan and Zhao Qilin, who had been accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, both changed their faces.

When Ramadan was young, he was called the Moon Man. He broke into the Great Qin Empire by himself, and left after killing, and he also spent countless years.

Although Zhao Qilin is young, he is a generation of heroes. He was appraised by Meng Fan as a hundred-step immortal. He was born to know that any martial arts, never forgotten, and the future is unlimited. He also killed more than a dozen thieves at Jianchengguan and destroyed them. Many cities.

But compared with the scene in front of them at this moment, any scene they experienced was in pediatrics, and it was not worth mentioning.

What is purgatory.

What is Shura Field?


Among these corpses, you can even see some **** kings. The corpses of those **** kings are different from weak monks. If there is no special condition, the corpses of the **** kings will not rot for thousands of years. But now, they are also rot because of these corpses. , They are all shattered fiercely, and even more miserable, some corpses have been broken into pieces. If it is the flesh and blood of the **** king, even if it is broken into this, it can squirm and regroup, but the consciousness in these broken flesh and blood is Was completely wiped out and clean.

Ramadan and Zhao Qilin looked at each other.

In the middle of their journey to Longevity Mountain, news came from the Heavenly Court in the future, saying that they had not received any news about the Longevity Mountain. This shows that the Longevity Mountain must have undergone a huge change, although the Heavenly Court is not willing to believe the champion in the future. The entire Longevity Mountain will be slaughtered in just two days, but in fact, it is very likely.

In the future, Heavenly Court will change the order and list the champion Hou as the first-class dangerous person. He thinks Ramadan and Zhao Qilin should return, but at the same time, he thinks that we should look at the situation of Longevity Mountain and see if there will be survivors. He has just attacked Longevity Mountain, and may be at the exhaustion stage. You can try to kill the champion Hou.

However, in the future, the heavenly court also informed Ramadan and Zhao Qilin that the champion Hou is now as strong as the sky, growing too fast, almost comparable to Meng Fan, not to be underestimated, be careful, if you have any problems, leave immediately, don’t stay, don’t Love war.

Ramadan and Zhao Qilin walked slowly in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, very vigilant, and their thoughts were spread out.

After searching for a while, the two powerful **** kings of Jingyu Palace stopped at the same time, and they saw it.

On the highest peak of Wansui Mountain, there is the core of the entire Zongmen. Above the peak, there is a "big tree".

That is a big tree made of dead bodies.

The corpses of a god-king were twisted and turned into a giant tree with the palace stone pillars of Longsui Mountain. The hands, feet and torso were all branches of the giant tree, under the dark sky, revealing a crimson light.

The expressions of Ramadan and Zhao Qilin are quite solemn.

Under the giant tree, sitting a handsome man.

It is the champion Hou.

He looked in one direction, with his right hand resting on the knee of his right leg. With him as the center, the area of ​​several thousand feet was filled with the breath of killing, violent and raging.

This kind of breath reminded both Zhao Qilin and Ramadan of a person.

Not long ago, he had just broken through the realm and achieved the solitary pride of the Five Tribulations God King.

But what solitary and proud exudes is a breath of silence, everything is silent, far not as violent as the champion.

Under this kind of murderous storm, the two Five Tribulations God Kings felt pressured, and even their spirits were difficult to calm down.

The champion Hou slowly turned his head, with a pair of blood-colored pupils, staring at the two Five Tribulations God Kings.

This look.

There was an explosion in the minds of Ramadan and Zhao Qilin!

Both of them withdrew a few steps back at the same time, confused, unable to stand, their whole bodies trembling!

The astonishing murderous intent, the murder in the dark or hidden, enveloped them. The murderous intent is invisible, but full of power, like a chain that binds them and makes them feel heavy and irresistible.

After all, Ramadan took a long time to travel through the world, and he soon calmed down and returned to his original state. Zhao Qilin was completely unable to resist. His knees were sore and he knelt directly in a pool of blood!

"Since I walked to kill myself, I have understood a word, all living beings in the world can kill, but I dominate." Champion Hou's voice is very sweet and full of magnetism. He stood up and walked towards Ramadan and Zhao Qilin at a very slow speed. .

"The more you kill, the heavier the killing, the stronger the killing, but it doesn't make sense to kill thousands of people, so I have drawn up a list of kills to kill all the strong in the world. In order to create the highest peak killing.

At the top of this kill list is Meng Fan.

Maybe Meng Fan didn't regard me as the enemy of fate. No, he definitely didn't regard me as the enemy of fate. Otherwise, how could he let me out of the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty?

The fateful enemy in his eyes should be the Central Emperor, just like the fateful enemy in the eyes of the Central Emperor is Meng Fan.

But Meng Fan is already my destined enemy in my heart.

How can I be regarded by Meng Fan as a real enemy, and walk in front of him step by step and behead him?

Meng Fan has made too many enemies, so someone will always tell me what to do.

God and Buddha Xumi came to see me and told me to first slaughter a power that has contact with the future heaven, and if it is not enough, then slaughter another.

In the future, Heavenly Court will definitely do something and send some people to stop me.

I will kill the people who stop me.

As I kill more and more, my killing will become stronger and stronger, and I will approach Meng Fan step by step.

Of course, this is the calculation of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, using my means to deal with the future heaven, but I don't care about any conspiracy or calculation, I only care, kill! "

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