Supreme God King

Chapter 2963: Old friends reunion

In the human world palace, the central emperor put his hands behind him, quietly looking forward.

There is the direction of Jiayu Supervisor.

In the dungeon like the abyss of Jiayu Supervisor, Xiao Lianxian, the powerful Seven Tribulations Humane God King, talked to Xia Houshun, who had been shackled and even had natural spar injected into all his joints.

Xiao Lianxian persuaded the Central Emperor.

The reason is the right way.

The right way does not mean the vicissitudes of the right way, but the right way.

The Righteous Path Alliance has never claimed to be a righteous path. Many powerful **** kings of the Righteous Path Alliance, including the missing moon old man and Xiao Slaughter, firmly believe that the so-called righteous path is to correct all evil demons in the world and eradicate all evils, not Self-righteous walking in the right way, turning a blind eye to both sides of the right way.

Although Xiao Lianxian once controlled the meaning of the seal, he was not a **** king who walked the way of heaven, but a true **** king of humanity. He firmly believed in humanity, that is, the right way, and that the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life, and it cannot be achieved overnight. It is necessary to do a lot of things to get rid of many evil demons that shouldn't exist, and to stick to the heart in order to maintain this righteous way.

Xiao Lianxian’s dedication to the righteous way is clearly recorded in the ancient documents of the Great Qin Empire. He was very active in the righteous way alliance, and he has never been merciful to the demon king. He directly killed, decisively, and even For the **** king who has practiced a little magic way, he must be mercilessly beheaded.

He is notorious for being extreme in the Righteous Path Alliance, and there were even rumors that he was at odds with the old man who lacked the moon. Therefore, although Xiao Luxian was a member of the Righteous Path Alliance, he has always been detached. I have said that this right way is not the other right way, and mocking the right way alliance is not really maintaining the right way.

Later, he brazenly stepped into the source of the heavens and became one of the few people recorded in the history books who had stepped into the source of the heavens. After returning, he grasped the meaning of the seal, and then sealed the magic three hundred and thirty. three.

Why he hates all evil demons in the world so crookedly is always a secret, unknown.

However, Xiao Lianxian's behavior and his legendary deeds really made many humane **** kings yearn for. In the former Great Qin Empire, the learned masters and scholars also highly regarded Xiao Lianxian.

All this made the Central Emperor understand that Xiao Lianxian was not in the same camp as Emperor Bo Wu, but it was not enough for the Central Emperor to make concessions.

It was Xiao Lianxian's other words that made the central emperor make a determination and also allowed Xiao Lianxian to see Xia Houshun.

Xiao Lianxian will step into the demon world here!

In the devil world, ancient demons, of course, occupy the position of leader, but there are many human demons, demons, heaven demons, and earth demons. Among them, the number of human demons is quite large, second only to earth demons.

Among these humans and demons, almost all of them are human **** kings who have fallen into the magic way. The human beings and demons among them come from various humanity families, and the former Great Qin Empire is regarded as rebellious.

Including these Hundred Saints who are now the best in the human world, there are many traitors and children who have stepped into the devil's way and become human demon in the very old age, and are now in the devil's world.

All avenues and forces are competing for luck with each other. For example, Buddhism attracts Buddhist followers, and the gods who walk on other avenues are included in Buddhism. This is to grab luck.

The Demon Dao's **** of humanity and luck has always existed, bewitching people into demons. This is a big drama that has been performed since the birth of Humanity and Demon Dao.

How deeply calculated is the Central Emperor? I immediately smelled something.

Just as the Heavenly Court in the future destroys the Heavenly Path and Heavenly Court, it will immediately occupy the righteousness and status. The human world originally occupied the humane orthodoxy, but after all, the Central Emperor was the rebellion to subvert the human world and became the true leader of humanity. In his body, but in terms of status, he still has a huge deficiency.

If you can kill Emperor Bowu, you can’t make up for this deficiency. The Great Central Emperor is not a demon emperor or an evil god. He is a humane emperor. Humanity must pay attention to status. Even if Emperor Bowu is killed, he will have a bad reputation. In terms of status, he still has many shortcomings.

In the history of humanity, none of the ministers rebelled against the Lord and killed the king.

This has always been the case.

Central Emperor is not only the leader of the human world now, after all, he was also the King of Literature in the Great Qin Empire.

It is also because of these problems that although the human world is becoming stronger day by day, it has stopped rising, and its growth rate has also slowed down. The Central Emperor has too many scruples, and in the humanity, there are also a lot of comments on his legitimacy.

However, if you can conquer the Demon Realm, bring back a large number of Human God Kings who have fallen into the Demon Way, behead the treacherous and evil people, and persuade the rest to return to humanity, this feat is simply too great!

With great achievements, the legitimacy of the central emperor was guaranteed.

Now, he is calculating these.

Although the Demon Realm is a great world, it is much weaker than the Heaven, Dragon Realm, and God Realm in the future. Like the Wild Realm, the Demon Realm does not have a Six-Tribulation God King, but the Devil Realm is weaker than the Wild Realm because of the wilderness. The world has the future heaven as its support, but the devil world does not.

Among the Devil Realm, there is only Mo Feng, a generation of Devil Emperor, who has completely awakened the blood of the old man Yuan Xu, but it is worth fearing. Although he is the God King of Five Tribulations, he is fully capable of killing people across the realm. The Daoist people of these avenues have crossed. The strength of the realm to kill the enemy.

But only Magic Maple is a bit tricky.

Now, Xiao Lianxian is about to step into the Demon Realm for the second time. As the Seven Tribulations God King, he is one of the most peak beings in the universe today. He can be compared with him. The entire universe cannot have a pair of hands. If the human world borrows This opportunity to step into the Demon Realm will truly lead to a complete victory. As a result, with the unity of the people, the unity of humanity, and the further development of luck, the central emperor can also take another step forward!

The central emperor's heart now is all about achieving the Seven Tribulations God King.

In this way, he truly became the pinnacle of sentient beings, and there was no need to fear Emperor Bo Wu.

At this time, the Central Emperor, although he didn't say anything, he had never tried to step out of the world.

Emperor Bo Wu disappeared, but he did not die.

As long as Emperor Bowu does not die for one day, the Central Emperor could not easily step out of the human world.

If the Seven Tribulations Divine King is achieved, the Central Emperor can truly flex his muscles and strengthen humanity once again. In this brand-new era of avenues, it will rise rapidly and replace all orders with humane orders!

He quietly looked at Jiayu Supervisor.

Also quietly listening to Xiao Lianxian and Xia Houshun's conversation.

Xia Houshun was quite loyal to Emperor Bo Wu. After being imprisoned, the central emperor tried to persuade Xia Houshun to surrender to himself.

But Xia Houshun always sneered and mocked.

Here, the central emperor could clearly hear the conversation between Xiao Lanxian and Xia Houshun, and he could hear that they were true friends when they were young, and they had a close relationship. When the two met, it was also a conversation and missed the past.

The central emperor could hear that Xia Houshun knew Xiao Lianxian very well, but there were some things that he obviously avoided discussing. About Xiao Lianxian formed some kind of grievances with the Demon Dao when he was young, and they were incompatible with each other. Of grievances.

"His Majesty."

A **** king wearing a black robe fell behind the central emperor, this is the new leader of the gods.

Was called to come.

The central emperor was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "If Xia Houshun is released, you can give Xiao Luxian a favor, and you can take this opportunity to fight with Xiao Luxian."

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