Supreme God King

Chapter 2965: Big battle

Meng Fan listened quietly.

Listening to this old monk who has established Buddhism, established Buddhism, established Buddhism, and is rapidly rising. He did not have any interest disputes with any major world in the world today. He could have developed Buddhism silently, promoted Buddhism, and recruited believers. The old man, why would he participate in the Heavenly Dao Alliance, appear here, and what else have to say.


Enemy of the Avenue.

These eight words shocked Meng Fan.

Not long after the meaning of destiny was born, the long river of destiny did not flow into the world, and there is no destiny in this world.

No creature, a **** king, is blessed by fate, or pushed by fate, to reach a certain high position.

Heavenly Dao is not a living being, only simple thinking. In this simple thinking, Heavenly Dao will never turn any creature into a powerful **** king. In the will of Heavenly Dao, it can only obliterate the kings.

So today, all the powerful **** kings, the places where the Dao Taoism is, and the giants on the top of all beings, they can get to this position because of the four characters.


There are countless coincidences.

Just as Meng Fan has come to this day, it is full of coincidences.

In his past years, there have been countless times, he will completely fall.

Because when he was young, he has never fallen, fallen, and has been fragile.

He cried bitterly at Jiyuanguan, and cried bitterly in front of the kings, because he could not make a choice.

He was swallowed by the first son of Chaos because of his recklessness.

He will also step into the flames for a promise.

When he was young, he was sometimes stupid.

Very stupid.

But he still grew up.

Perhaps it was his obsession, something in his temperament, that made him come to this day.

It may also be his stupidity when he was young.

But when he has come to this day, he has not only become the place of the heavenly path, but also the only creator throughout the ages. His temperament is getting closer and closer to the heavenly path, becoming cold and decisive. He has not only become a giant at the pinnacle of all living beings, but also invisible, brewing a giant's domineering.

He is regarded by many gods as the most attractive overlord in the prehistoric universe today.

"You have come to this day." God Buddha Xumi still said lightly. "In the future heaven, the power of vows will be born in your hands, rise in your hands, and unite in your hands. The **** king there is full of faith and perseverance because of the first iron law, and will not obey the destiny and power. I can feel that the amazing luck brewing in the heaven in the future, among them countless heroes, will gallop the world in the years to come, and in the future the heaven will derive countless powerful **** kings, and these **** kings will You see them as their beacon.

In terms of cause and effect, the future heaven will far surpass the human world, the gods, and the dragon world. Only the Buddha world can be compared with the future heaven’s air luck. This is because we are good at deducing cause and effect in the Buddha world. harm. "

Meng Fan glanced down at the deserted land under his feet, then raised his head, looked at the **** Xumi, and said calmly: "But there can only be one sky in this world. You hope this sky is the sky of the Buddha's Tao."

"It's a reason, but it's not important." God Buddha Xumi answered ambiguously. "Since I established Buddhism and Taoism, I have lost interest in those boring secular struggles. In the future, the heaven will grow, the gods and the buddhas, the two great worlds, plus the infinite realm, the arcane civilization, and the two civilizations. , Encircling the future heaven, this matter is a bit interesting, but to me, it doesn't mean much, it just adds to the flames. I am not leading the Buddhism and Dao to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance in order to fight for the commanding heights of the future. I am just because of you."

Facing Meng Fan, the **** Xumi didn't speak the Buddhist language of vain.

Every sentence is crisp and neat.

"I have a kind of fear, a deep fear, that is the fear of heaven.

Why am I full of fear of Heaven? Because of the battle with the impermanence immortal king, I was bound to die, but I won, because the impermanence immortal king broke out of the control of the heavenly way and was angry with the heavenly way, and I, mastered the cause and effect, was the heavenly **** king, It was the way of heaven that made me survive, so in the future, the way of heaven will definitely claim my life.

I will definitely have a battle with the Dao of Heaven. I am also struggling. I will not eradicate the fear in my heart. When Dao claimed my life that day, I didn't even have the ability to resist.

Now, the Emperor of Heaven is sealed.

The Way of Heaven has declined.

But you, gradually began to replace the authority of heaven.

The old man Toutuofutu once said that the way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible.

I realized the meaning of this sentence very early.

The so-called immortality of heaven, and invincible cause and effect, is because of the three thousand great ways of heaven, the most powerful force is cause and effect!

Everything is hidden in cause and effect, and must be bound by cause and effect. Throughout the ages, only the impermanence fairy king has obtained cause and effect, cut off cause and effect, and jumped out of cause and effect, but as long as he is still alive, he will be contaminated with cause and effect again.

In my deductions again and again, you will surely replace the Dao of Heaven, and the God Realm cannot stop this from happening, because of the fear of the Dao of Heaven, because the power of cause and effect is the power of the Dao of Heaven. If you continue to grow, one day, You will completely control all the power of the Tao of Heaven. At that time, even if the meaning of cause and effect is in my hands, it will be under your control. The foundation of Buddhism and Tao is impermanence and permanence. This permanence is the meaning of cause and effect. The meaning of cause and effect has separated from me, and Buddhism and Taoism will collapse. This is the first reason why you and I are the enemies of the Dao.

The second reason is the emergence of destiny.

The meaning of destiny is the last force born among the true meanings of the three thousand avenues. It is the supreme power created by fusing the true meanings of the other three thousand avenues. Once the meaning of destiny is formed, no creature in the cosmos will be able to resist it. If you achieve the way of heaven, you will inevitably control the meaning of destiny.

Before the birth of the meaning of destiny, the way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible.

After the meaning of destiny is born, this sentence will be changed to, fate will not come out, cause and effect are invincible.

This is the second reason why you and I will become enemies of the Dao.

Because of all these reasons, I used cause and effect to weave silk threads to create the illusion of two emperors in your grand plan. At the same time, the foundation of the birth of the meaning of destiny is also the power of cause and effect, so I also use cause and effect to shape destiny The illusion of the meaning of the meaning has attracted you here.

From the moment you stepped into this field, you have been trapped in endless cause and effect.

You cannot escape, cannot escape.

Everything has become a fixed number. "

Sumi God Buddha put his hands together.

far away.

A handsome man walked over in a yellow and white robe.

Wanfa God Emperor.

Behind him are the grand old man, the war leader, the scientific leader, and three other Protoss leaders.


Meng Fan turned his head again.

A tall woman wearing silver armor, leading two thousand arcane kings, approached step by step.

The arcane empire guard knight commander, Akdor.

With a firm face, she moved forward step by step, raised a hand, and said in a deep voice: "Facing Meng Fan, the God King below the Four Tribulations, stop!"

Following her order, more than 80% of the two thousand **** kings behind her stopped and did not move forward.

Those who followed her to Meng Fan were all **** kings of the Four Tribulations and Five Tribulations!

The Buddha Realm, the God Realm, and the Arcane Empire, the peak powers of the three major forces, gather together!

Meng Fan suddenly felt a little heavy.

Very heavy.

He felt that every acupuncture point on his body was locked, and the origin and the pillars of martial arts were all locked.

He frowned and looked at the **** Xumi.

"Did you feel it?" God and Buddha Xumi still had a peaceful expression: "You were suppressed by the stone gate transformed by the meaning of fate in the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty. It was also at that moment that the soul shuttled into the river of fate, but you, as the creator, The long river of fate can't hold you back, you still escaped.

The meaning of cause and effect is the foundation of the meaning of destiny, and it is the placenta of the meaning of destiny. I use cause and effect to imitate destiny. Although the real power is much weaker than the meaning of destiny and cannot be compared, it can still create endless endless things. shackles. "

"Take great pains." Meng Fan said coldly.

"Of course it took great pains, hehehe..."

There was a cold laugh.

From the last direction, a **** king slowly walked out.

The appearance of this **** king is five points similar to Meng Fan, but the aura on his body is 90% similar to Meng Fan!

He walked all the way, spreading his left hand, and the three great avenues of true meaning, spinning in his hands, brewing!

This scene surprised Meng Fan.

In the cosmos, since ancient times, there has been only Meng Fan as the creator, who can simultaneously act as the true meaning of multiple great avenues, but at this moment, Meng Fan has seen another one!

Meng Fan felt a lot of familiar auras in the body of the Five Tribulations God King, very familiar.

At this time.

From behind this Five Tribulations God King, another figure appeared.

He looked exactly the same as the Five Tribulations God King, and even his every move, his soul flickering, was completely synchronized, as if he were the same person.

"Since the battle between you and me, I have called myself the Dharma King, Meng Fan, do you remember me?"

The detached Karmapa sneered.

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

"The Extraordinary Twin-The First Son of Chaos."

"Hahaha!" The detached King Yang laughed up to the sky: "You still remember me, you still remember me."

Meng Fan took a deep breath and looked around.

"Right." Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders. "It takes such a big battle to deal with me!"

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